8th November 1997 ================================================================ Title : Pawtucket (pronounced P'tucket) Palladium Filename : ptucket.bsp Version : 1.00 Author : Andy Alberg (Greblaja) Email Address : greblaja@ids.net Description : Map designed to be used with Rocket Arena. Additional Credits to : id Software, for Quake The Rocket Arena Team (http://www.planetquake.com/servers/arena/) Ludlow at RIGamer (http://indy.ids.net/quake) for hosting the beta testing All those who helped play test (thanks) ================================================================ Play Information Single Player : No Cooperative : No Deathmatch : No Capture The Flag : No Rocket Arena : You Betcha! Difficulty Settings : N/A New Sounds : No New Graphics : No New Music : No Demos Replaced : None ================================================================ Construction Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Worldcraft: (commercial) version 1.5 Known Bugs : None Build Time : Approximately 7 hours Texture Wad used : combination of id and Threewave textures Uses 11 textures in the map Compile machine : PPro 200, 64megs Ram. QBSP Time : 15.0 secs (using qbsp) Light Time : 20.0 secs (using arghlite) VIS (-level 4) Time : 81.0 secs (using rvis -level 4) Brushes : 197 Entities : 47 ================================================================ Other Info Map Making history : This is my second Rocket Arena map. I have started a ton of maps, and am currently making some sets for an upcomming Phantasm movie. Worst known R_SPEEDS : 771 :o That sucks, but there is not much that I can do, given the desired design. Alot of the map is in the 500s-600s, which is pretty bad in its own right. About the name : It is named for a local area (my hometown, actually) here in Rhode Island, which is also an Indian word probably in the tongue of the Naragansetts. Pawtucket is home of the AAA Red Sox, the first mill in the new world (Slater Mill), and the most hideous s-curves you will ever see on an interstate anywhere in the country. As far as I know, there is no current Pawtucket Palladium: it just sounded good to me. Lessons Learned : I've been wrestling with octagonal shapes for a while now and I think I've finally gotten it under control. The trick is to make sure every single vertex sits on on the grid. This means that you cannot make a "true" hexagon, as an integer number of units in one dimmension leads you too a decimal number of units in another. My advice: use the old 13-12-5 triangle as a guide. It is close enough. I used it at some "radius" distance, but then chose to extend from there using 2-to-1 unit lines (slopes of 2 or 0.5), which isn't even the 12-5 that I just suggested, let alone not being true to octagonal types of lines, but is good enough for short spans. I extended these lines too far towards the middle, which resulted in the very non-octagonal shape of the roof opening. I decided, though, that I liked the way it had turned out anyway, and kept it as is. God bless vertex manipulation. :-) Additional Credits : I just wanted to tip my hat again to the RA team, as well as the authors of the first sets of maps. As it happened with CTF, I'm sure that the all of the next generation of RA maps will be inspired by one or more of the original RA maps. I was inspired by the set as a whole - trying to make a good stadium type of arena, as most in the original set are, as opposed to more of a mini-dm-level type, of which there are a few. Web page(s) : http://www3.edgenet.net/~aalberg/quake.html ================================================================ Copyright / Permissions Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels, provided that credit is given to me for the original map. Mail me for a copy of the .map. :-) This BSP may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it in any way without my permission.