August 9, 1997 ================================================================ Title : Drastic Whiplash Filename : draswhip.bsp Author : Mark Wheeler Email Address : Homepage: : Description : Quake Rally "racing" type map. Original completed : months before QR was released. Too small for : competition, but kind of fun to run around. Software kudos : Thred 0.9, Quake Map 2.7, MidDip 1.55, Newwad13 : Paint Shop Pro 4.12, PhotoShop 4.0 ================================================================ * Construction * Base : New level from scratch 300 brushes, 120 entities Build time : 1 month qbsp : 6 minutes light -extra : 25 minutes vis -level 4 : 20 minutes? Installation and play : Unzip to \quake\id1\maps or your Quake Rally maps directory * Copyright / Permissions * You MAY distribute this .bsp, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact and get my permission. Thred is written and owned by Jonathan Mavor ( The Thred webpage can be found at and is maintained by Jim Lowell ( * Where to get this bsp * FTP