August 2, 1997 ================================================================ Title : Azurette Filename : azurette.bsp Author : Noel Weer Email Address : Description : The Azurette is a fabled stronghold of Quake's minions. A cold and silent bastion of infernal power. Do you have what it takes to overcome its defenses? Additional Credits to : The Quake Workshop Mailing List, because this level is build from what I have learned through this group, Paul Taylor of for his fine beta opines that probably saved this level from complete mediocrity, and Jim Callahan for the custom blue textures, motivation, inspiration, and witty repartee. Check out the Quake Workshop: ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : Yes Cooperative : Yes (believe it or not) Deathmatch : Yes (15 DM starts) Difficulty Settings : Yes New Sounds : No New Graphics : Yes New Music : No Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : qED 1.0 Known Bugs : nothing per se, just personal nitpicks Build Time : roughly 2 weeks Texture Wad used : bigblue.wad, with some extra Number of Textures : 32 Compile machine : DX 133mHz, 32meg RAM QBSP Time : 844 seconds Arghlite Time : 2574 seconds (-extra -light 25) RVIS Time : 3878 seconds (-level 4) Brushes : 1065 Entities : 422 Models : ? (missed that #, sorry) * Other Info * Well, this isn't quite what I hoped for from this effort, it began as a collection of saved idea scraps, grew from some nice textures made and supplied to me, became a pure SPQ idea that was to allow multiple play options for the player, and then I began thinking about how strong a DM level this would make it, and then realized that I had turned it into a DM, and tried to bring it back, and ended up scrapping the plan when I did that, and made it a more traditional SPQ. RL is forcing me to let this baby go, even tho I think it needs some tweaking. The monster layout is definitely not right, yet.... Ammo is tight, especially on HARD. I am not a person who plays on hard usually, but I do ok when I do. I failed repeatedly to finish this level at this setting. To whit: if you feel like it, email me and ask to send me a demo of the level completed on hard. * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. This BSP may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it in any way without my permission.