**** This map designed for the TeamFortress v2.9 quakeC mod **** Text file created 22:35 07/07/99 !!!! Server Admins - see the Gameplay section below pls :) =======================Map Information========================== Title: WaterCore Filename: wcore1.zip Author: Wils Email: edge@earthquakers.org ICQ: 4758249 IRC: #fortress.uk.eq on irc.uk.quakenet.eu.org Description: TeamFortress v2.9 Quake Map Maps by the same author: - Aztec1 - 2night1 - 2small1 - 2night2 - Toxin1 (never released) - Aztec2 - Azarena1* - Blarena* - Lasarena* - EQDuel1 - Azarena2 (work in progress) * Maps for a TF Soldier Arena mod which hasn't been released yet as far as I know :) =======================Play Information========================= This map does not work properly without the TeamFortress QuakeC patch, which can be downloaded from http://www.planetquake.com/teamfortress or from ftp.cdrom.com Single Player: No Cooperative: No Deathmatch: No TeamFortress: Yes Difficulty Settings: No New Sounds: Sort of New Graphics: Kinda New Models: Yes New Music: No Demos Replaced: None Level vised for GL: Possibly ========================Construction============================ Base: Toxin1 textures set Editor(s) and Utilities used: Worldcraft, EntEd, rVIS, Arghlite, BSP2Wad, wQBSP Known Bugs: None known Construction Time: 4 Weeks on and off Build Time: 130 seconds* Build Computer: Celeron 300a o/c to 374mhz, 64Mb Vis Level 4: 271 seconds* Light: 452 seconds* * These will be a little out as I was running winamp in realtime mode with the acidpunk plugin at the same time as compiling :) ========================Installation============================ This archive contains 8 files. - Wcore1.txt You're reading it now. - Wcore1.bsp The map file. Put it in fortress/maps - duck2.mdl This goes in your fortress/progs directory. - backpack.wav Put this in fortress/sound/edge - cap.wav " " " " - comms.wav " " " " - duck.wav " " " " - flagtk.wav " " " " You can extract all of them at once to your fortress directory and it should place them in subdirs accordingly. ==========================Gameplay============================== This is a TeamFortress CTF style map. There are two teams to this map, Blue and, rather predictably, Red :) Map features: - Grapple hooks - Duck! - Moving water :) - A working computer in each team's base - Ambient sounds - Anti respawn camping measures - Anti flag hiding measures Scoring works as follows: - 2 frags per enemy flag pickup - 2 frags per enemy flag capture - 10 team points and 10 team frags per enemy flag capture To capture the enemy flag, your own flag must be on its stand in your flagroom. Take the enemy flag from their flagroom, bring it back to your own flagroom, and touch it to your own flag for 10 points for your team. Due to the design and size of the map, certain classes have been made illegal, or restricted: - No Scouts are allowed in this map - Snipers and Engineers are limited to 2 per team The computer ------------ Each base has a computer, located just outside the main respawn. These represent the base controls, and an enemy team's computer can be used one of two ways: - By a spy, to allow teammates access to the flagroom ventilation duct - By an engineer, in order to override the normal flag return rules and return their team's flag for a capture. !!!! Server Admins note !!!! Please, please for fooks sake, run your servers with at least one of following config lines: serverinfo grapple on serverinfo g on localinfo grapple on localinfo g on Theres no real reason any more to run with grapple disabled, since the older tf maps which didn't disable it properly aren't in regular use any more (I've not seen 2fort4 in a server rotation for ages, for example), and the latest TF code doesn't enable grapple by default. By running your server with grapple enabled, you allow maps that require it to be played correctly, as well as enhancing the gameplay on maps designed with it in mind, but which may not necessarily _require_ it. WaterCore NEEDS grapple enabled, or it becomes unbalanced for certain classes re: powerups, routes through the map, etc. I'd rather people didn't play it at all than played it without grapple, because it's not how the map was designed. (Plus I don't want 100 emails from people asking why certain parts of the map are inaccessible to engineers/snipers/hwguys etc :) ) =========================Misc. Info============================= Thanks to ]SG[-CiderPunk for the top duck model, & [EQ]Babs for providing at least half of the music I listened to while working on this map, plus countless testing & suggestions, none of which I included when I think about it... well maybe one. :) Thanks also to [EQ]Locki, for pointing out the lift 'bug' :) and to [EQ]RainbowSix aka Rush, for providing an entire enemy team for me to test my ents against, while Lox ran around looking for misaligned textures and dodgy lights. I'd also like to take this opportunity to cuss Ali bad for being the most unreliable person I've ever known. /me cusses Ali bad. Thankyou. =========================Legal Stuff============================ (c)copyright 1999 by Wils (Matt Wilson) NO MODIFICATIONS ARE TO BE MADE TO THIS MAP OR ENTITIES WITHOUT MY PERMISSION. YOU MAY NOT USE THIS MAP FOR COMMERICAL PROJECTS WITHOUT MY PERMISSION. THIS MAP SHALL BE AVAILABLE FREE TO THE PUBLIC AND CAN BE TRANSFERED TO OTHERS ONLY IF THE ABOVE MENTIONED EIGHT (8) FILES ARE INCLUDED IN THE ZIP. YOU MAY NOT ADD OTHER FILES TO THE ZIP. IF YOU WISH TO USE PORTIONS OF THIS MAP FOR YOUR OWN FREE MAP PROJECT YOU MUST ASK. If YOU WISH TO USE THE DUCK MODEL FOR YOUR OWN FREE MAP PROJECT, STOP READING THIS AND GO AND ASK IT :) SORRY I WAS BORED. email: edge@earthquakers.org irc: irc.uk.quakenet.eu.org:6667, #fortress.uk.eq ================================================================ End of text file.