**** This map designed for the TeamFortress v2.9 quakeC mod **** Text file created 22:35 19/08/99 =======================Map Information========================== Title: Millenium Bases Filename: mbases.zip Author: Wils Email: edge@earthquakers.org ICQ: 4758249 IRC: #fortress.uk.eq on irc.uk.quakenet.eu.org Description: TeamFortress v2.9 Quake Map Maps by the same author: - Outpost (dodgy DM map. never released) - Aztec1 - 2night1 - 2small1 - 2night2 - Chaos98 (Skills for Kills 2 map) - Toxin1 (never released) - Aztec2 - Azarena1* - Blarena* - Lasarena* - EQDuel1 - BlCit1 - NeoAlc1 (work in progress) * Maps for a TF Soldier Arena mod which hasn't been released yet as far as I know, and probably never will be :) =======================Play Information========================= This map does not work properly without the TeamFortress QuakeC patch, which can be downloaded from http://www.planetquake.com/teamfortress or from ftp.cdrom.com Single Player: No Cooperative: No Deathmatch: No TeamFortress: Yes Difficulty Settings: No New Sounds: Yes New Graphics: Yes New Models: Yes New Music: No Demos Replaced: None Level vised for GL: No ========================Construction============================ Base: Fresh start using Q2 textures Layout taken from Bases.bsp Editor(s) and Utilities used: Worldcraft, EntEd, rVIS, Arghlite, BSP2Wad, wQBSP, Q2toWad Known Bugs: The Capture point 'markers' occasionally refuse to show themselves when you capture the enemy flag. Doesn't affect scoring or anything though :) Construction Time: 1 Week Build Time: 264 seconds Build Computer: Celeron 300a o/c to 374mhz, 64Mb Vis Level 4: 421 seconds Light: 947 seconds ========================Installation============================ This archive contains 9 files. backpack.wav basbkey.bsp basrkey.bsp cap.wav deact.wav flagtk.wav mbases.txt mbases.bsp react.wav You can extract all of them at once to your fortress directory and it should place them in subdirs accordingly. ==========================Gameplay============================== This is a TeamFortress CTF style map based on *cough* Bases.bsp. Since there are so many 2forts clones (and even the occasional well6 clone), I thought I'd attempt to update the one map that actually NEEDS updating :) Map features (compared with the original Bases): - Wider, less cramped corridors - No gren2 resupply packs to reduce spam - Sniper towers are properly lit now ;) - No protruding edges in the middle of walls - Resupply packs give red armour for Soldiers and HWGuys - All ramps wider and shallower for smoother movement - Higher ramproom and keyroom ceilings - Less sky outside to reduce lag in GL - Lower water entrance overhead walkway (its now possible to rocket jump from the water entrance floor to the walkway) - Buggy wind tunnel from entrance floor to ramproom replaced with a (working) lift - Glowing key models (The original uses b_s_key.mdl and b_g_key.mdl which means unless you have flag emulation, the keys are hard to see when dropped) - Detpackable cap point feature 'improved' (see gameplay below) - Keyroom rearranged to make a bit more room for fighting instead of the usual cramped panicky spamming :) I decided not to change the basic layout too drastically, because I still believe it works well for teams of 6-8 a side, which as far as I'm concerned is the ideal size for tf games - any more and 99% of maps become crowded fragfests, with no room for the more subtle tactics which make tf so challenging and dagnammit, fun, to play :) Thats not to say the map is no good for the usual 9-12 a side matches that it gets used for in the UKTFL, WPTFL, IGL etc - it's still better than the original Bases thanks to the wider corridors and bigger ramps and flag rooms, etc. Think of it as evolution rather than revolution or sommat :) Scoring works as follows: - 10 team points and 10 team frags per enemy key capture - 5 frags for every team member (but no points) every time the enemy computer is damaged - -10 (yes, as in 'minus ten') frags for trying to capture the enemy key when your computer is damaged. Pay attention next time :P To capture the enemy key, take it from the enemy keyroom to your own and place it in the computer there. Upon doing this, all medics on your team receive 100 medikits while all engineers receive 100 cells. To damage the enemy computer, place a detpack just in front of it on the platform. A demoman doing this gets a full resupply of ammo and health, as well as 4 gren1s. To repair your computer in order to continue capping, get an engineer to stand on the cap point and they'll reactivate it. =========================Misc. Info============================= Thanks to the artist formerly known as [EQ]Babs for helping test the various fucked up ents. He'll probably have finished his first map by the time you end up reading this, and its looking rather good at the moment. Thanks also to a certain Tibetan hooved mammal for providing me with much amusement due to his inability to actually finish any of his f'in maps :) Finally, thanks to The University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology for providing me with my internet connection for the last 2+ years (muahahah). Tata. =========================Legal Stuff============================ (c)copyright 1999 by Wils (Matt Wilson) NO MODIFICATIONS ARE TO BE MADE TO THIS MAP OR ENTITIES WITHOUT MY PERMISSION. YOU MAY NOT USE THIS MAP FOR COMMERICAL PROJECTS WITHOUT MY PERMISSION. THIS MAP SHALL BE AVAILABLE FREE TO THE PUBLIC AND CAN BE TRANSFERED TO OTHERS ONLY IF THE ABOVE MENTIONED NINE (9) FILES ARE INCLUDED IN THE ZIP. YOU MAY NOT ADD OTHER FILES TO THE ZIP. IF YOU WISH TO USE PORTIONS OF THIS MAP FOR YOUR OWN FREE MAP PROJECT YOU MUST ASK. email: edge@earthquakers.org irc: irc.uk.quakenet.eu.org:6667, #fortress.uk.eq ================================================================ End of text file.