**** This map designed for the TeamFortress v2.5 or above quakeC mod **** 10/13/98 ======================= Map Information ======================== Title : The Square: Dual Arenas Filename : dualsq1.zip Author : Matt (Pennywise[FOLD]) Alexander Email : thecatischester@hotmail.com Description : TeamFortress v2.81 or greater Quake Map ======================= Play Information ======================== This map does not work properly without the TeamFortress QuakeC patch, which can be downloaded from http://www.planetquake.com/teamfortress or from ftp.cdrom.com. Single Player : No Cooperative : No Deathmatch : No TeamFortress : Yes Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : No New Models : No New Music : No Demos Replaced : None Level 4 vised : But of course ======================= Construction ======================== Base : Square1 (created by me) Editor(s) and Utilities used : WorldCraft, EntEd Known Bugs : None known. Construction Time : 7 days (including play testing) Build Time : 1 minute. (approx) Build Computer : P200-MMX, 64 megs RAM ======================= Installation ======================== This archive contains 2 files. -dualsq1.txt You are reading it now. -dualsq1.bsp The map file. Place it with you other TeamFortress maps. ======================= Game Play ======================== This is a TeamFortress map designed for up to 3 players on 4 different teams. There are no flags on this map, and therefore no way to gain frags other than killing your puny opponents. There are 4 teams to this map. The blue team fights up to 3 on 3 with the red team. Likewise, the yellow team fights with green team in a parallel arena up to 3 on 3. NOTE: The arenas can be linked if 1 team in each arena votes on it by pressing the button in their respawn. Also note the arenas have a different lighting situation; one arena being the origial "dark" arena found in square1, while the other being lighter (but not to the extreme of sq1). The Objective is to kill the opponent more than the opponent kills you. POINT SYSTEM: Normal frag scoring: Blue Team - 1 frag everytime you kill somebody Red Team - 1 frag everytime you kill somebody Yellow Team - 1 frag everytime you kill somebody Green Team - 1 frag everytime you kill somebody ======================= Misc Information ======================== Thanks go out to TFS for making TeamFortress, id software for Quake, Strato[CE] for the sample readme.txt, Blood of the Fold for all of their support in my mapmaking abilities, sHoCkWavE[FOLD] for doing the fun name ascii stuff, and Birdcrap[FOLD] for coming up with the original brilliant idea of Square1 and for being the main play tester. The main reason this map was made is so more than one duel can take place on a single server, and also to please the people that prefer sq1's brightness to the original square1. Please note that sq1 was NOT made by me, but my name is on it as though it were my creation. Supporting sq1 is supporting people that hack maps--sq1 is just a light hacked version of square1 (made without my consent mind you). More of my maps can be found at: http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Lair/8210/ (don't expect it to be updated though =P) (c)copyright 1998 by Matt Alexander NO MODIFICATIONS ARE TO BE MADE TO THIS MAP OR ENTITES WITHOUT MY PERMISSION. YOU MAY NOT USE THIS MAP FOR COMMERICAL PROJECTS WITHOUT MY PERMISSION. THIS MAP SHALL BE AVAILABLE FREE TO THE PUBLIC AND CAN BE TRANSFERED TO OTHERS ONLY IF THE ABOVE MENTIONED TWO (2) FILES ARE INCLUDED IN THE ZIP. YOU MAY NOT ADD OTHER FILES TO THE ZIP. IF YOU WISH TO USE PORTIONS OF THIS MAP FOR YOUR OWN FREE MAP PROJECT YOU MUST ASK. email: pennywise@planetfortress.com ICQ: 1133605