**** This map designed for the TeamFortress v2.6 quakeC mod **** June 25, 2000 ======================= Map Information ======================== Title : Angel of Death Filename : angel.bsp Author : [AoD] Mechtech Email : paulee@monmouth.com http://aod.unstable.org/ Description : TeamFortress v2.6 Quake Map ======================= Play Information ======================== This map does not work properly without the TeamFortress QuakeC patch, which can be downloaded from http://www.planetquake.com/teamfortress or from ftp.cdrom.com. Single Player : No Cooperative : No Deathmatch : No TeamFortress : Yes Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : Yes New Graphics : Yes New Models : No New Music : No Demos Replaced : None Special : Limit 1 Sniper per team no RandomPC ======================= Construction ======================== Base : From scratch. Editor(s) and Utilities used : WorldCraft,Wally http://www.telefragged.com/wally/ Known Bugs : None known. Construction Time : 6 Months on and off Build Computer : C466, 128 megs RAM Vis Level 4 : ? secs Light : ? secs ======================= Installation ======================== This archive contains 3 files. -readme.txt You are reading it now. -angel.bsp The map file. Place it with you other TeamFortress maps. -aod3.wav Flag capture sound file. Place in fortress/sound directory. ======================= Game Play ======================== This map is designed to be a fast paced, action filled TeamFortress map. On this map there are 2 teams: blue and red. The object of each team is to capture the other team's flag as many times as possible. The flag is captured by bringing the other team's flag to the capture room in your base. The layout of each team's base is identical, expect each base has its' team colour. ======================= Misc Information ======================== Thanks go out to TFS for making TeamFortress, id software for Quake! Thanks to Clan AoD, SuperD and BA Baracus for getting me started with TF editing. Thanks to [AoD]TheMagician for the capture sound file. (c)copyright 2000 by Paul R MAKE MODIFICATIONS YOU LIKE TO MY MAP JUST SEND ME A COPY OF YOUR WORK. IF ANYONE WANTS THE SOURCE FILES JUST EMAIL ME. YOU MAY USE THIS MAP FOR COMMERICAL PROJECTS WITHOUT MY PERMISSION MAKE A BUCK IF YOU CAN.