**** This map designed for the TeamFortress v2.9 quakeC mod **** Text file created 20:11 26/10/99 This is a revision of Accel2k, updated to fix the first spawn point when you enter the level (the player kept falling into the slime) as well as a couple other small updates too insignificant to mention. - Voo If you never downloaded the original Accel2k.zip (shame on you), here's the readme from it, with a few updates: -----------------------original readme-------------------------- **** This map designed for the TeamFortress v2.9 quakeC mod **** ! Server Admins - please turn on Grappling Hook for this map =======================Map Information========================== Title: Accelerator 2000 Filename: Accel2k.zip (Now Accel2kr.zip) Author: [EQ] Voodoo Email: voodoo@earthquakers.org ICQ: 2539612 IRC: #fortress.uk.eq on irc.uk.quakenet.eu.org WWW : http://www.earthquakers.org <> Home of Clan EarthQuakers Description: TeamFortress v2.9 Quake Map Additional Credits to: Gjermund Jensvoll for the original accel.bsp, TFS for TeamFortress, ID Software for Quake and all of Clan EarthQuakers for being such nice peeps. =======================Play Information========================= This map does not work properly without the TeamFortress QuakeC patch, which can be downloaded from http://www.planetquake.com/teamfortress or from ftp.cdrom.com. Single Player : No Cooperative : No Deathmatch : No TeamFortress : Yes Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : Yes New Graphics : No New Models : No New Music : No Demos Replaced : None Level vised for GL : Yes ========================Construction============================ Base: Fresh start Layout taken from Accel.bsp Editor(s) and Utilities used: Worldcraft, EntEd, VIS, Arghlite, BSP2Wad, QBSP Known Bugs: None Construction Time: 7 hours Build Time: 12 seconds Build Computer: Pentium I 166mhz, 48Mb Vis Level 4: 92 seconds Light: 96 seconds ========================Installation============================ This archive contains 7 files. -accel2k.txt: You are reading it now. -accel2k.bsp: The map file. Place it with you other TeamFortress maps. -tf_flag.mdl: This goes in your fortress/progs directory. -qpi.mdl: This goes in your fortress/progs directory. -backpack.wav: This goes in your fortress/sound/misc directory. -cap.wav: This goes in your fortress/sound/misc directory. -flaget.wav: This goes in your fortress/sound/misc directory. ==========================Gameplay============================== This is a four team TeamFortress CTF map. Each team must defend their flag and base against enemys, and similarly must attempt to gain entry to enemy bases and steal enemy flags. Each base consists of one very small two-leveled fort, situated above a pool of bubbling slime. If the server you are playing on has the Grappling Hook enabled, you will be able to "Grapple" your way over to the other base as well! There are also other ways to get between bases. Be creative. In the center of the map on a small platform is a megacharge. This will give you 20 seconds of invulnerability, quad and invisibility. In each base on the lower level is one backpack, which dispenses ammo, armour and health. Each team must retrieve enemy flags from either of the enemy bases to score. Each team has their own flag to defend, and hence three flags to capture. Your flag is kept on a coloured pedestal on the upper deck of your base. Defend this! *Don't* let any players from other teams even get near it! There is another white pedestal on your upper deck. This pedestal is your "capture point", so called because you "capture" enemy flags here (d'oh!). This is how your team scores points - a player from your team must infiltrate either of the enemy bases, grab their flag, and somehow get home in one piece, then cap the flag at the cap point. Point System: +2 frags and +2 team score for each capture of an enemy flag. =========================Legal Stuff============================ (c)copyright 1999 by Voodoo (Nicholas Chase Grey) NO MODIFICATIONS ARE TO BE MADE TO THIS MAP OR ENTITIES WITHOUT MY PERMISSION. YOU MAY NOT USE THIS MAP FOR COMMERICAL PROJECTS WITHOUT MY PERMISSION. THIS MAP SHALL BE AVAILABLE FREE TO THE PUBLIC AND CAN BE TRANSFERED TO OTHERS ONLY IF THE ABOVE MENTIONED SEVEN (7) FILES ARE INCLUDED IN THE ZIP. YOU MAY NOT ADD OTHER FILES TO THE ZIP. IF YOU WISH TO USE PORTIONS OF THIS MAP FOR YOUR OWN FREE MAP PROJECT YOU MUST ASK. email: voodoo@earthquakers.org irc: irc.uk.quakenet.eu.org:6667, #fortress.uk.eq ================================================================ --------------------end of original readme---------------------- End of text file.