[2/2008]===================================================================== Title : Base of two deaths Author : negke Website : http://negke.quaddicted.com Description : Very small base-themed deathmatch map for 2-3 players. As it turned out, the layout/construction does not really work with a regular deathmatch weapon set, so the map ended up being another DM1 (= no RL, LG, RA). Thanks : efdat ============================================================================= Map Information: Game : Quake Single player : No Cooperative : No Deathmatch : Yes Difficulty settings : No Textures : Base.wad and a few Hipnotic/SOA textures Known bugs : None ============================================================================= Construction: Editor : Quest construction time : A couple of days back in 2004 or so. Then another few days of cleaning up the mess of the reverse- engineered BSP (for the map source was lost in a HDD crash sometime in-between). Brushes : ~1500 Entities : ~300 ============================================================================= Copyright/Permissions This map is released under the terms of GNU General Public License v2 or later. The textures can be extracted from the BSP. You may distribute this level in any electronic format as long as you include this file unaltered in the original archive, and keep it free of charge. =============================================================================