FAQ: replacement of a.g.q by rec.games.computer.quake.*

Last edited on: $Date: 1996/04/18 23:09:13 $
Revision: $Revision: 1.12 $

1) What is this FAQ?

This is a list of answers to some questions that have been posted several times in the Quake newsgroups about the purpose of these groups. This is not a FAQ about the game itself. If you want some info about Quake, you should read the Quake Mini-FAQ which is posted weekly in rec.games.computer.quake.announce.

Many people have posted questions about the move from alt.games.quake to rec.games.computer.quake.{announce, editing, misc}. Although the answers to these questions have been posted several times, they had never been summarised and they were often misunderstood. This FAQ will hopefully provide these answers in a clear and consise way and will help you to get a better understanding of the situation.

I will accept any additions or corrections to the answers provided in this FAQ. Comments from those who support or are opposed to the move to the new groups are equally welcome. They will be added to this FAQ as long as they provide accurate and helpful answers. Send your suggestions to me at kapi@gamers.org.

Several Quake players and news administrators have provided answers and suggestions for this FAQ. Most of the answers have been written by Raphaël Quinet, so blame him if you think that some of them are wrong. :-) If you contribute to this FAQ, you can choose to have your name added to this hall of flame.

2) Why did the Quake groups move to rec.games.computer.quake.*?

3) Why was it necessary to replace a.g.q by r.g.c.q.misc instead of simply adding the new groups and keeping the old one?

4) Who decided what, and when?

5) I didn't know all that. How was I supposed to know?

If you never saw an article discussing the move to the r.g.c.q.* groups or announcing the replacement of a.g.q by r.g.c.q.misc, you probably didn't read a.g.q between August 1995 and March 1996. Or maybe you subscribed to the Quake groups after the release of the test version of Quake and you are wondering what is happening to the newsgroups (maybe you were lost in the noise that followed the release). During the RFD and CFV period last year, a lot of articles were posted in a.g.q about the creation of the new groups.

During January and February of this year, several threads of discussion were cross-posted in a.g.q and r.g.c.q.misc, proposing and then announcing the replacement of the old group by r.g.c.q.misc. If these articles have expired on your server, you can use , Alta-Vista or Excite and do a search on the following subjects: ``PROPOSALS: alt.games.upcoming-3d, removal of alt.games.quake'', ``NOTICE: removal of alt.games.quake'', ``Please move to rec.games.computer.quake.misc or alt.games.upcoming-3d''. The move to the new groups was also announced several times in the Quake Mini-FAQ and in the ``alt.games.quake FAQ'', in order to make sure that all readers were aware of this.

Between the 1st of February and the 11th of March, a total of 274 articles about the move to r.g.c.q.* were posted in various groups and 218 of them were posted or cross-posted in alt.games.quake (not counting the periodical postings of the FAQs).

6) Why do I still see alt.games.quake at my site?

7) Can I do something about this? How can I help?

8) What other related groups exist?

... and remember: Quake is a game. Just a game ...