=========================================================================== Advanced engine needed : Boom Source Port Required Primary purpose : Single play =========================================================================== Title : Rusty Drill Filename : rustydrill.wad Release date : 12/21/24 Author : Various, compiled by A2Rob Email Address : [redacted] =========================================================================== Description : Rusty Drill is a 32 map community megawad which began development back in 2023 to celebrate Scythe turning 20. This project was a continuation of the Scythe themed community project "Scythe: Re-sharpened" by EPICALL. Mappers were given then following rules and guidelines... - Target compatibility is Doom 2 in Boom format (Complevel 9) - Test your maps in an appropriate source-port (DSDA-Doom, PrBoom+, or Eternity) Don't use ZDOOM. - The goal of this project is to make nice, short, punchy maps. Emphasis on SHORT. - Maps should only take 3 - 5 minutes to beat, 7 - 8 minutes max. - Custom midis are encouraged, just be sure to credit the composer. - Maps should have difficulty settings and coop starts implemented. - Maps should be designed for pistol starts. - When submitting your map, use this template below... Map name Author Midi title and composer Source port used Difficulties Coop starts A short description of your map (this is optional) =========================================================================== Map Information : Map01 - Getting Drilled by ZeMystic Midi - I Aint Eatin' No Vegetables by ZeMystic Description - A small brown base built with like some rocks and shit. Pretty scythey. =========================================================================== Map02 - Punching Bag by DynamiteKaitorn AKA Heich Midi - Industrius - Jazz Jackrabbit (from VGMusic) Description - An old, green base used by the military a number of years ago, this base was the dumping grounds of all the nuclear waste from the many power plants around the nation. Allegedly, the military sought to try and turn the waste into weaponry... doesn't seem like they got far though. =========================================================================== Map03 - Surge Disposal by A2Rob Midi - 2093 A.D. by Bucket Description - Originally made for Scythe: Re-Sharpened =========================================================================== Map04 - Mattress Warehouse by Egg Boy Midi - Installation by Velvetic Description - Small open layout in a derelict structure, there are probably monsters. NOTE: Please load the map AFTER the resource, as it includes a composite I was given permission to use. =========================================================================== Map05 - Forgotten Slums by RastaManGames Midi - G-Man by MonChrMe Description - Earth is really messed up pretty bad and you have no safehouse anymore. This is forgotten slums. A very dark & grim place even before Hell's invasion. Now it became even more scarier & merciless. And you have to make your way through this damned ghetto no matter of what. Notes: I simply can't copy style of other mappers, but I tried to implement some "quirks" of Erik Alm, like mandatory lamps near some doors or these blocky "EXIT" signs along with oldschool red lightbulbs. And, of course, some spicy enemies w/o SSG, as that was in the most of the first episode of original "Scythe". I've tried to be not so asshole-ish, at the very least. After all, it can be passed very fast, if placement of enemies and encounters are well learned. =========================================================================== Map06 - Power Tools by MtPain27 Midi - The Steam Golem's Patrol by MtPain27 Description - I decided to use only textures that appear in Scythe MAP 06 (with a few minor exceptions), with the goal of creating a spiritual sequel to the original that follows a vaguely similar progression. I was also somewhat inspired by A2Rob's mapping for one particular encounter. There are no shotguns in this map unless you get lucky enough to nab one off a perched sergeant, so you better make use of your "power tools," weapons 5 and 6. Enjoy! =========================================================================== Map07 - Installation 667 by Moustachio Midi - The Hard Corps by KCLaz Description - An overworked nukage plant overrun by demons. It'll be a miracle if anything steps out of here alive, including you! =========================================================================== Map08 - Phoenix in Flight by myolden Midi - Uranium by AD_79 Description - A grimy wet tech base with a nice amount of monsters. I decided to (very) loosely incorporate some elements of Scythe map 08 as a fun little nod. Definitely not a "remake" by any means, just a loose reference here and there. These include... - Sudden chaingunner ambushes in close quarters - Mancubi on raised platforms that block your progression - A pair of SW2LION textures next to the rocket launcher =========================================================================== Map09 - Red Iron Oxide by EANB Midi - Fire Hive by Jimmy Description - Visually I went with a Scythe map09 homage, though the monster line-up deviates from it quite a bit. There's no SSG, but you're given enough rockets that you shouldn't miss it. Also in Scythe fashion, there are a few shortcuts you can take to skip parts of the map. =========================================================================== Map10 - User Manual Not Included by Doomy__Doom Midi - Shells by Jimmy Description - Looking for a shipment delivered to a certain UAC-owned warehouse, but looks like an industrial accident isn't going to make things easy. Not exactly my mapping style, I've pretty much only made arena-driven stuff to date. So I had to replay a lot of early Scythes and ballpark the combat feel by writing down elements that caught my attention and trying to weave that in. Let me know if the difficulty is off for the slot. I opted against doomcute and heavy detailing despite urban theme, early Scythe feels more "broad strokes" to me. =========================================================================== Map11 - 2007 A.D. by A2Rob Midi - Fortress 2 Blue - Stage00011.mid "Welcome To Skull's Hell" Description - N/A =========================================================================== Map12 - Yuck Factory by Andrea Rovenski Midi - garbage17 by Andrea Rovenski Description - A factory where old and new industry clash and mysterious ooze rules the way. =========================================================================== Map13 - Tripled Manic State by myolden Midi - Under The Progress from Parasite Eve Description - I wanted to start the player in an L-shaped trench as a reference to Scythe map 13, but the map very quickly becomes it's own thing after that. Just a minor visual reference. =========================================================================== Map14 - Biolab Incident Inspector by Big Ol' Billy Midi - Zoid Thou Art by Big Ol' Billy Description - They tried fencing off the ol' UAC Biolab, but something is still leaking... In the spirit of the Scythes' speedmappy origins, I tried not to overthink this. I mainly wanted to find some midpoint between my current sensibilities and Alm's classic style, and include a cyberdemon ala Scythe 2 MAP14. =========================================================================== Map15 - Hydroponics Lab by anarkzie Midi - Technoparchment by Viscra Maelstrom Description - N/A =========================================================================== Map16 - New Swindon by finnks13 Midi - Car Dealership from Gran Turismo (sequenced by Viscerality) Description - It's a city in the future, so that means everything's made of shiny metal, including the roads, benches, grass, fences, blue bricks & spiders! =========================================================================== Map17 - Orbital-X09 by DFF Midi - Dread Factory by MFG38 Description - A map that morphed from a combo communication station and orbital platform to just an orbital platform. The map is a laser array that takes inspirations from scythe 2 (map 13 specifically) and X (map 07 and 08). Detailing and aesthetic more scythe x, and layouts/gameplay a bit more Scythe 2. I think if i had a clearer idea of a simpler map concept from the start I could have made something a bit more faithful to Scythe in terms of gameplay design and smaller detailing, but hopefully for a inspiration piece its close enough. =========================================================================== Map18 - Waste Management by taviow Midi - DEMIN.MID by ZZZV Description - N/A =========================================================================== Map19 - Blue Alert by cannonball Midi - Stardust by Tristan Clark Description - This is probably a little rough around the edges and I will certainly improve the visuals in places but felt like getting the concept and theme tested would be a good idea before giving this a proper polish. The map does have a few tricky traps within it but nothing most cannot handle. The blue key progression might need a little more signposting because it is a little unusual in a thematic sense. Time wise I had a finish time of 6 minutes whilst playing fairly quickly but wasted a minute or so finding a monster I had missed so this should be able to be justified in terms of length. Also some fights can probably be forced to play out far quicker than I achieved.  =========================================================================== Map20 - StarStruct Inc. Center by mammothForger Midi - Castle Center from Castlevania 64 (sequenced by Dooey Jo) Description - You are tasked to travel to Limbo, but before doing that you need to go to StarStruct Inc.'s center. The place looks somewhat familiar.. =========================================================================== Map21 - Homecoming? by Hebonky Midi - Omnitopia by Jeremy Soule from Secret of Evermore Description - After returning from the future you arrive on the outskirts of the last demon infested outpost back on Earth... right? (I wanted to do something interesting to reveal the void episode, so it recalls E1- early E2's difficulty, and then rugpulls you at the last second.) =========================================================================== Map22 - LaMort by EPICALL Midi - Post Mortem by EPICALL Description - Good luck, is all I'm saying. You get one health recovery item throughout the entire map, so make sure you use it well. =========================================================================== Map23 - Angrier by tsocheff Midi - Gravelord's Lullaby by AD_79 Description - N/A =========================================================================== Map24 - Damnatio by Monsieur E Midi - depths.mid by Ribbiks Description - A grueling subterranean battleground, inspired by scythe2 map26 and map29. Conserve your ammo, berserk as often as you can, and watch your health. Will take about 4 to 5 minutes to complete. =========================================================================== Map25 - The Harbinger by Hebonky Midi - NightmareScape by Ribbiks Description - N/A =========================================================================== Map26 - The Apes of Wrath by myolden Midi - Lost in Scripture by AD_79 Description - Visually based on Scythe map 27 with a few architectural references for good measure. A2Rob gave me the go ahead to fill this slot since nobody has a claim on it and it's been sitting empty for a while. =========================================================================== Map27 - Central Processing by taviow Midi - Int Tents by Lee Jackson Description - N/A =========================================================================== Map28 - Turf Minor by 4shockblast Midi - Cave Background from OSRS Description - N/A =========================================================================== Map29 - Icewrought Citadel by stochastic Midi - We Are All Waiting by Psychedelic Eyeball Description - An icy stronghold frozen in time. Inspired heavily by the longer maps in the final 2 episodes of Scythe 2. Imagine Afterlife II, but somebody left it in the freezer. Architecture is not true Alm style throughout, but I'd say the inspiration from the Scythe hell maps is noticeable enough. Combat is punchy and tough, but (somewhat) forgiving due to adequate supplies. Enjoy! =========================================================================== Map30 - The Edge Of Death's Scythe by NiGHTS108 Midi - Of Serpents Nailed to Fate by Cammy Description - More of a blood sweat and tears labour than I expected to be honest! This map turned out somehow huger than I could possibly imagine and to my surprise I actually think it came out fairly as I hoped it would. I'm aware this was a speedmapping project and this map did have a lengthy amount of time poured into it, but eh, what are you really supposed to do with a MAP30 in a Scythe tribute right? It was really an honour to deliver the last, most anticipated map of this project, pushing through all the procrastinations and hours tweaking just one or two rooms until I felt like they were perfect. Enjoy! =========================================================================== Map31 - Savage Garden by Heretic926 Midi - Vinefort by James Paddock Description - Inspired by fifth episode of Scythe 2, this is a slaughter-lite level. I tried to make this map 10-15 minutes long at max, since the goal of this project is to make nice, short, punchy maps. Can't tell how well I imitated Erik Alm's style, especially in terms of combat, but I hope I did good enough. At least it would fit as a super-hard super-secret map (I would recommend to change the slot from 31 to 32 since this map is intended to be the hardest in whole megawad). =========================================================================== Map32 - Watching The Abyss by Jacek Bourne Midi - Blood Red Shadows by Aubrey Hodges Description - Some experimental platforming. Quite difficult. Depending on the difficulty, the later parts of the map become optional. Enjoy! =========================================================================== Main Menu Theme - Construction Zone by Korp Intermission - Nailed it by Korp Story Text - Safety First by Korp =========================================================================== Playtesting: A2Rob stochastic taviow Additional Credits: Base Resource Wad - 32in24-15_tex_v2 TITLEPIC, INTERPIC, MD_DOOM, BOSSBACK, CREDITS - Ludi Status Bar - Ludi ENDOOM - Peccatum Mihzamiz * What is included * New levels : 32 Sounds : No Music : Yes Graphics : Yes Dehacked/BEX Patch : Yes Demos : No Other : No Other files required : None * Play Information * Game : Doom 2 Map # : Map01 - Map32 Single Player : Designed for Cooperative 2-4 Player : Player starts only Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No Other game styles : None Difficulty Settings : Yes * Construction * Base : New from scratch Build Time : About 1 and a half years give or take Editor(s) used : Multiple Known Bugs : :) May Not Run With : Any non Boom source-ports Tested With : DSDA-Doom, Nugget Doom * Copyright / Permissions * This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ You are free to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format; and remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially. If you do so, you must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. * Where to get the file that this text file describes * The Usual: ftp://archives.gamers.org/pub/idgames/ and mirrors