=========================================================================== Advanced engine needed : GZDoom Primary purpose : Single play =========================================================================== Title : PUSS XIX: Dead Mappers Tell No Tales Filename : PUSS19_DMTNT Release date : 01/11/2025 Author : Various, Led by Peccatum Mihzamiz and Death Bear Email Address : [redacted] Other Files By Author : Check out the PUSS Series! Description : Dead Mappers Tell No Tales is the nineteenth installment of the Pineapple Under the Sea Speedmapping series, started by BluePineapple72 in 2020. PUSS XIX ran during August of 2022, and required the mappers to create pirate themed adventure maps with an 11-hour build timer using the Pirate Doom resources by Dach. Freelook required. Additional Credits to : Dach for Pirate Doom, Skies from Mek's. Logo by BluePineapple72 ENDOOM by Peccatum Mihzamiz =========================================================================== Map and Track List: TITLEMAP: X Marks the Spot by Death Bear "Ship Battle Music 1" from Sid Meier's Pirates MAP01: 69 Paces by Death Bear "Musica Machina" from Final Fantasy V MAP02: "Doom Island" by CBM "Monkey Island Intro Theme" by LucasArts MAP03: "Rum or Death" by Jakub Majewski Soundtrack from the game Alone in the Dark 2 MAP04: "The Prisoner" by myolden "Pirate Man's Stage" from Rockman & Forte MAP05: Slayer's Watch by Death Bear "Pirates of the Carburetor" from Crash Tag Team Racing MAP06: "Pinky Chicken" by Van Daemon "Corridors of Power" by Ian Taylor from Runescape MAP07: "Way Hay, Well Done, Crew (Credits)" by Death Bear "The Mollusc Menace" by Ian Taylor from Runescape =========================================================================== * What is included * New levels : 7 Sounds : Yes Music : Yes Graphics : Yes Dehacked/BEX Patch : Yes Demos : No Other : No Other files required : None * Play Information * Game : Doom 2 Map # : MAP01-MAP07 Single Player : Designed for Cooperative 2-4 Player : Player starts only Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No Other game styles : None Difficulty Settings : All Except MAP06 * Construction * Base : New from scratch Build Time : 11 Hours during August 2022. Editor(s) used : Ultimate Doom Builder, Slade 3, Gimp, Clip Studio Paint Known Bugs : None aware of. May Not Run With : Most ports besides GZDOOM Tested With : GZDOOM * Copyright / Permissions * This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ You are free to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format. If you do so, you must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. You may not use the material for commercial purposes. If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you may not distribute the modified material. * Where to get the file that this text file describes * The Usual: ftp://archives.gamers.org/pub/idgames/ and mirrors