This is a DHT6 exam file. Its place is in the dht-exams directory. The DOOM Honorific Titles Created by Frank Stajano on 1994 05 01 George Bell hereby conquers the title of Doom 2 Yagyu Exam file name : Title conquered : Doom 2 Yagyu Author : George I. Bell (GIB) Completion date : 1997 09 07 Game and version used : Doom II v. 1.9 Authentication dance : RFR-LLF-LLR Assigned levels : 05 25 23 Free interpretation : Map 29 Yagyu System used : P166, 16MB RAM, SB 32, Diamond Stlth 64 Video Card Controls used : Mouse+Keyboard Mouse : Left button - fire Right button - forward Keyboard : Z - strafe left X - backward C - strafe right Ctrl - speed mode (always) This is the easiest advanced title, in my opinion. You have to keep that in mind when you consider the base. While the hard levels in the D2I and D2T bases are now really nasty those in the D2Y base are quite doable. Even 29 Yagyu style is a walk in the park compared to any of the Incubus or Tyson hard levels. MAP05: This is easier if you go slower! But I am always in a hurry, 5:17. MAP25: This and my FREE are probably the best recordings of the lot. I wanted to change things from the "standard route" so I cleared out the wing with the Megasphere first. This makes for more running around but the total time is still quite speedy, 3:52. MAP23: I actually had a tough time with this one, I am always tempted to rush it and this always seems a mistake. I often have trouble making the hop down into the niche with the megasphere, although usually you can finish even when you miss. Watch for the near-suicide move at the end, 9:57. FREE: To become a "Yagyu Lord", you must do map 29 in under 10 minutes with no Cyber wimp out at the end. This map has seen some great recordings, starting with Anthe Kren's DHT5 D2GM exam. Yonatan Donner and Peo Sjoblom also have great recordings, Peo's best is just over 8 minutes! My recording is a bit sloppy in places which gets me low on health; I was lucky to make it. The start is quite nasty. I used to go straight for the plasma gun, only making it to the berserk pack one time in 10 (if that). But then I realized you could make the start a bit easier by stopping for some health before going for the plasma gun. There is an easy way to kill the Cyberdemon at the end, but I wanted to go out facing him like a real marine. The end scene isn't really that hard - starting from a saved game. In reality when I get there I usually freak out and eat a rocket, 9:36. Thanks Frank Stajano, DHT visionary and mechanic! To: Yonatan Donner, Peo Sjoblom and Kai-Uwe Humpbert, for some great lmp collections (and unusual names). Andreas "Anthe" Kren for his encouragement and warmth, plus numerous fantastic NightMare lmps. Patrick Martin and Daniel Lindgren for showing us what was possible (everything I thought impossible ;-). Author Visit my DOOM web page at Info: and my home page at