This is a DHT exam file. Its place is in the dht-exams directory. The DOOM Honorific Titles Created by Frank Stajano on 1994 05 01 Andy Badorek hereby conquers the title of Doom 2 Incubus 6. Exam file name : D2I6AB.ZIP Title conquered : D2I6 Author : Andy Badorek Completion date : 1997 11 30 Game and version used : Doom2 v. 1.9 Log entry : 19971116 1418 Authentication Dance : LLL-RFL-FLL Userid : AB : CHAL : D2I6 AB 16 05 14 (00) System used : P133, 32MB, ELSA 2MB VRAM, Logitech Mouse Controls used : Mouse: Left=Forward Right=Strafe Keyboard only for CTRL, SHIFT and weapons Free interpretation : Map23 - 1:44 including dance It took one week to decide which map to do as free. I was looking for a level which is fun to play, a bit of a show off, and not too much work: Map23! This map is from the hard set but a relatively easy one. It takes as many tries as other hard maps but lmp time is short and after 30 min I had this result. Firing the BFG and teleporting into a room full of barrels is not a clever thing to do. This time I got away with it. Comments : Map16 - 1:43 dance and die I played this map like I would play in velox or pacifist mode, except for some pistol shots. I didn't pick up the shotgun thinking I wouldn't need it. Map05 - 2:16 including dance I haven't seen any other lmps of this map so I had to figure out for myself how to do it. I tried for a while with different strategies (including getting various secrets) but I realized that the only way to do this map is to do it fast. Loads of humans, sargeants and chaingunners mean a permanent decrease in health. It's a race against time because time means losing health. Map14 - 5:11 including dance This was quite a piece of work. I thought that I'd never succeed on this one until I saw a lmp by Rich Sham (the only Map14 lmp so far in the DHT6) showing how to proceed through this level. I felt quite comfortable when I had 88% health after the blue key, 188% with the soul sphere, with nowhere else to go but the exit. But I was out of rockets, low on plasma, and the spider came back VERY soon (he can't have been dead at all), speeding up things more than I liked and in the end I was lucky to survive at all. Author Info : 28, software developer been playing Doom since Jan '94 (mostly PWADs) PWAD author since Jan '95 latest levels: ZAP07, 28, 30 regular Deathmatch since '95 not much interested in other computer games all DHT6 titles except D2T6