=========================================================================== Title : Penumbra Filename : penumbra.wad Update to : penumbra.zip Primary purpose : Single Game : Hexen =========================================================================== Author : Matthias (AKA enkeli33) Web site : https://liquiddoom.net/ Email Address : enkeli33@gmail.com =========================================================================== * About * =========================================================================== I started working on this megawad in the middle of 2019. I made the very first room at the very beginning. However I got a computer virus called Maze Ransomware that encrypted half of my data and the .wad file with the room was among them. I had only one screenshot from the room and nothing else. Couple months later, at the end of the 2019, I simply made the room again out of my memory and based on the screenshot. And because of my Maze Ransomware experience I thought I had better back-up the .wad file after almost every single change I made. Eventually I made the whole megawad. The sixth map should be one huge map, however due to vanilla Hexen limits, the node builder suddenly can't handle it anymore and as a result, you could noclip in the map without noclip. So I separated the map into the three smaller maps. I decided to call it Penumbra. Lots of people were salty about my previous names for my .wads like "Fucking Hexen" and "It's Real and It Kills AKA Everything Sucks!", so this time I used Penumbra. Too bad there is already a computer game called Penumbra, but it's actually a physical term. If an object casts a shadow, the shadow usually consists of three parts. Umbra, antumbra and penumbra. Umbra is where the shadow is darkest, while atumbra is the brigtest. Penumbra is in the middle. So anyway, here it is, my new megawad for Hexen. They're rather tiny little projects and can be beaten within an hour. Note: This is version 1.2, as I fixed brightness on a bridge in map 4. Thanks! =========================================================================== * Maps * =========================================================================== Map 1 - The Obsidian Tower Map 2 - The Abandoned City Map 3 - Wanderlust Map 4 - The Buried Temple Map 5 - The Void Map 6 - The Chaos Realm Part 1 Map 7 - The Chaos Realm Part 2 Map 8 - The Chaos Realm Part 3 =========================================================================== * Engines, ports and everything * =========================================================================== Zdoom (Gzdoom, Qzdoom, Lzdoom, Skulltag, Zandronum, etc.) - all these should be totally okay! Doomsday - Sorry, but some scripts don't work and map 5 is totally broken. Also also the flying in map 6, 7, 8 is pure suffering to control. Classical-like (Vanilla, Chocolate, Crispy) - the megawad is in vanilla format, so tehnically speaking it should work, but I doubt if it actually does due to the visplane limits and such. Overall I was playing it in the Gzdoom when I was working on it. =========================================================================== * Music * =========================================================================== For map 1 - The Obsidian Tower, map 2 - The Abandoned City, map 3 - Wanderlust, map 4 - The Buried Temple I simply used my favorite music from Hexen II. For map 5 - The Void, map 6 - The Chaos Realm Part 1 I kept original music tracks from Hexen without any change, because I think they actually fits well the maps. However map 7 - The Chaos Realm Part 2, map 8 - The Chaos Realm Part 3 contains Hexen II music again. The music track on the title screen is actually made by me. I played random things on my ukulele and recorded it. Then I converted it in .midi and this is the result. =========================================================================== * Many thanks to * =========================================================================== ID software for creating the Doom Engine and Raven Software for creating the game. ETTiNGRiNDER (https://ettingrinder.youfailit.net/) for the texture pack I used in the megawad. Sandro Dragoj (https://www.sandrodragoj.com/) for allowing me to use his paiting for the title screen. The map of the world was created by me in the app called Incarnate (https://inkarnate.com/)! Thanks them as well! Cyberreality for creating the phpbb message board on https://liquiddoom.net/ that I use for chatting with betatesters and sharing things. The creators of Doom Builder 2, Gzdoom Builder and Slade 3. Of course thanks to all players for playing and for all feedback I have received and feedback I will yet receive. =========================================================================== * About me * =========================================================================== Here are other pwads I made or I was part of the team that made it: Idoom mapping contest #1: Quake World (Map 03) https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/g-i/idmqwcon Zones of Fear (Maps 01,02, 04, 07, 10, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29) https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/zof Fucking Hexen https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/hexen/d-f/fh Energy Flux https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/d-f/flux Czechbox (Maps 02, 07, 10, 12, 18, 21, 23, 24, 26, 28, 32) https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/czechbox I'ts Real And It kills (AKA Everything Sucks) https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/heretic/Ports/iraik =========================================================================== New levels : 8 Sounds : No Music : Yes, see above Graphics : Yes Dehacked Patch : Yes, some data edited inside wad Demos : No Other : No Other files required : HEXEN.WAD =========================================================================== * Play Information * =========================================================================== Game : Hexen Map # : 8 maps Single Player : Designed for Cooperative 2-4 Player : No Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No Other game styles : No Difficulty Settings : Yes Port : See above =========================================================================== * Construction * =========================================================================== Base : New from scratch Playtesters : none yet Known Bugs : none yet Build Time : A half of year Editor(s) used : Doom Builder 2, Gzdoom Builder, Gimp, MS Paint, Pixlr, Slade 3, Tested With : See above May Not Run With... : See above =========================================================================== * Copyright / Permissions * =========================================================================== I don't belive in copyright. IMO you can't own information.