(This .txt file is meant for the idgames version of the WAD.) Msg to archive maintainer: Please remove email address so people dont spam it. Update to: [Empty] Advanced engine needed?: No, i assume any port can run this WAD. Primary Purpose: Single play =================================== Title: Key Search Filename: thekeysearchV2.WAD Release Date: 5/3/25 (5/3/25 if you live elsewhere.) Author: lookatthatcargo E-mail address: [redacted] Other files by author: None Description: Go through some halls and find the exit. Additional Credits to: id Software for creating Doom =================================== What is included New Levels: 1 (New) Sounds: No (New) Music: No (New) Graphics: No Dehacked/BEX Patch: No Demos: Yes Other: No Other files required: No ==================================== Play Information Game: Doom 2 Map #: MAP01 Single Player: Designed For Cooperative 2-4 Player: No Deathmatch 2-4 Player: No Other Game Styles: None Difficulty Settings: No/None ==================================== Construction Base: None Build Time: Around 1 or 2 days. Editors Used: UDB (Ultimate Doom Builder) Known Bugs: None May Not run with: N/A (Boom Compatible) Tested with: Chocolate doom, DSDA-Doom,GZDoom ==================================== Copyright You may not upload this wad elsewhere or make modified versions of it.