Archive Maintainer      : Hi
Update to               : New
Advanced engine needed  : Boom
Primary purpose         : Single play
Title                   : Nile-Istic
Filename                : nileistic
Release date            : 28 February 2025
Author                  : ArchRevival
Email Address           : [redacted]
Other Files By Author   : lakeside.wad

Description             : Nile-istic is a Boom-compatible eight-level wad I
                          made for Doom II, with a prominent Egyptian theme.
                          The levels progressively become larger, and the
                          themes go from caves and ruins, to a massive garden
                          city and an underground foundry. This wad also
                          contains Doomcute!
                                  An ancient oasis city is hidden somewhere
                          in Egypt, and it has been described as absolute
                          paradise. Immaculately clean water is said to flow
                          through every corner, and is complimented by the
                          city's glistening architecture and lush landscapes.
                          The city is believed to contain enormous pyramids
                          full of priceless goodies! You must scour the
                          desert in hopes of finding this alleged city. Don't
                          forget to bring some sunscreen, and maybe a canteen
                          or two!
                          MAP01 - Descension
                                  You have found the cave that is on your old
                          torn-up map. After jumping into the cave, your
                          journey begins!
                          MAP02 - Scarab Nest
                                  The ground has cracked beneath your feet,
                          and you have fallen into a cave full of scarab
                          beetles! Find a way out!
                          MAP03 - Bandit Camp
                                  The scarab-infested cave was terrifying,
                          but you have escaped with just a few bites. Perhaps
                          you should have brought some bug spray too! You
                          emerge from the cave to find a small camp full of
                          bandits, who appear to be looking for the same
                          thing as you. You should see if they have found
                          anything interesting...
                          MAP04 - Ancient Ruins
                                  You have found a wall hidden inside the dig
                          site, which has led you to some secret ruins hidden
                          underground. You likely are the first person to
                          have entered this place in centuries. You are
                          feeling very dehydrated, and your canteen is empty!
                          At least you are out of the sunlight!
                          MAP05 - Sunken Temple
                                  After exiting the old ruins, you notice
                          some water springs scattered around. Finally, some
                          water! You were on the verge of passing out! You
                          dip your whole face into the water spring and wash
                          all the sweat, dirt and blood off your face. You
                          exit the cave, and realize that wherever you are
                          isn't on your map. It doesn't seem like anybody has
                          been here in a very long time. There's plenty of
                          trees and foliage, suggesting this place is
                          MAP06 - Oasis City
                                  You hop on a small boat, and row it outside
                          of the cave. Your eyes are blinded by the
                          reflection of the sun coming off the water. There
                          is nothing but endless sea in the distance. This
                          has to be it. After rowing for 2 hours, you
                          eventually see something glowing on the horizon.
                          You continue to row as hard as you can in its
                          direction. Eventually, you realize it is the hidden
                          oasis city you heard all about! You dock your
                          canoe, rest your arms for a bit, then begin to
                          explore the city. You notice that there is
                          something special about the water in this city. It
                          is very shiny and sparkling, and feels like heaven
                          when you drink it. You better hurry up before your
                          sunscreen wares off!
                          STORY SCREEN:
                                  You let your eyes rest after being dazzled
                          by the shimmering brightness of the city. After
                          taking a drink from your canteen, you feel your
                          nerves cool down all over your body, as the purity
                          of the city water rejuvenates you. There is a room
                          up ahead. As you enter the next room, you are met
                          with gold. So much gold, you can't even see the
                          floor! Joy fills you, knowing that you will be rich
                          forever, right?
                          MAP07 - Clandestine Foundry
                                  The floor of the treasure room has
                          collapsed, but thankfully you filled your sack with
                          the treasure just in time. A path has opened below.
                          You discover an ancient foundry, which is likely
                          where the city water is purified. The high
                          temperature of the foundry is unbearable, even
                          worse than outside! Not to mention, the heavy sack
                          of treasure you have to carry until you can find a
                          way out of here.
                          MAP08 - Immortal Coil
                                  You are beyond exhausted after navigating
                          the steaming hot foundry. A dark hallway is up
                          ahead. As you continue your journey, you start to
                          feel strange. Almost as if someone or something
                          powerful is watching you. You have one final
                          challenge up ahead...

Additional Credits to   : Title: 
                          The title was based off a YouTube comment, on a
                          playthrough video for my wad "Lakeside". The
                          commenter, "Calibrax33" said this: "Missed
                          opportunity not calling this Nilelistic, map looks
                          worth checking out". You can find the comment on
                          this video:
                          Title Screen: MIDI of "The Forgotten Tomb" form Old
                          School RuneScape by Grace Docksey
                          Intermission Screen Music: MIDI of "Arabian 2" from
                          RuneScape by Ian Taylor
                          Story Screen: MIDI of "The Pharaoh" from Old School
                          RuneScape by Julian Surma
                          MAP01: MIDI of "Forgotten" from RuneScape by Ian
                          MAP02: MIDI of "The Genie" from RuneScape by Ian
                          MAP03: MIDI of "Egypt" from RuneScape by Ian
                          MAP04: "Desecrated Village" by James "Jimmy"
                          MAP05: MIDI of "Eruyt Village" from Final Fantasy
                          XII by Hitoshi Sakimoto
                          MAP06: MIDI of "Prospering Fortune" from Old School
                          RuneScape by Grace Docksey and Oliver Nixon
                          MAP07: MIDI of "Mor Ul Rek" from Old School
                          RuneScape by Adam Bond
                          Map08: "Guardhouse" by James "Jimmy" Paddock
                          Textures & Sound Effects:
                          Textures, sprites and sound effects are from OTEX,
                          various DBP projects, Sunder, and texture packs
                          from Realm667.
* What is included *

New levels              : 8 (+ 1 Outro Level)
Sounds                  : Yes
Music                   : Yes
Graphics                : Yes
Dehacked/BEX Patch      : Yes
Demos                   : No
Other                   : No
Other files required    : None

* Play Information *

Game                    : Doom 2
Map #                   : 8 (+ 1 Outro Level)
Single Player           : Designed for
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : No
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : No
Other game styles       : None
Difficulty Settings     : Yes

* Construction *

Base                    : New from scratch
Build Time              : Map 01-06 :: 4 October 2024 - 23 December 2024 |
                          Map 07-08 :: 10 February 2025 - 28 February 2025
Editor(s) used          : Ultimate Doom Builder / SLADE / WhackEd4
Known Bugs              : None
May Not Run With        : Vanilla Ports
Tested With             : DSDA-Doom v0.27 / GZDoom v4.12.0

* Copyright / Permissions *

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License. To view a copy of this license, visit

You are free to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format;
and remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even
commercially. If you do so, you must give appropriate credit, provide a link
to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any
reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you
or your use.

* Where to get the file that this text file describes *

The Usual: ftp://archives.gamers.org/pub/idgames/ and mirrors