welcome to utterance
ut·ter·ance : et-e-ren(t)s\ n 1: something uttered; esp: an oral or written statement: a stated or published expression
2 : vocal expression : speech 3: power, style or manner of speaking
News & Updates
Saturday, June 10, 2000
Another male voice added! I think I'm going to actually try to PLAY a littly UT today rather than just make voices for it! Here's what I got for you, another male voice added to the collection. What are you waiting for , go get it, it's pretty cool!
Thursday, June 8, 2000
Voice Archive Restructured! I'm starting to develop a fairly large collection of voices, so I decided to divide up the Voice Archive into three sections: Non-Human Voices, Male Voices and Female Voices.
Two new voices... I don't have a lot to report today, but I uploaded two new voices, Decepticons and Dr. Smith.
The "auditions" for Strike Force voice actors are rolling in. We can only choose about 10 of you. You will be notified if you have been selected by email. It's not too late to get involved! Send us your voice sample before the deadline of June 17!
Wednesday, June 7, 2000
One more voice for you and more on the way! I just uploaded the new Mortal Combat Voice Pack, it's pretty good, go check it out! I have several very cool voices on the way in a day or so! Y'all come back now hear?
Monday, June 5, 2000
I have updated today with (2) male voices and (1) female voice. The first is Happy Gilmore and the others are Ditzy Girl and Posh Chap (100% voice-acted) and they are available in the voices section.
Voice Actors Needed! Are you a voice actor? Do you want to be immortalized in one of the best mods for UT? I need voice actors to create clean wav files for the voices for Strike Force. To apply, send me a sample of your voice or a voice you have already voice-acted. At this point I am looking for adult males (female models are coming soon for SF, and we will soon need women) especially with British or European accents (when speaking English).
Sunday, June 4, 2000
New Jim Carey voice! Come grab the new Jim Carey voice in the Voice Archive and check out the review of it on our Reviews page.
News... The beta version of Strike Force 1.12 should be out soon. I did the voices for this Total Conversion and I'm eager to see how they fit in. I will be creating about 5 more voices, this time for the Terrorists. They will be released with the next version of SF. If you want to get details go to the Strike Force - The Ultimate TC for UT ! website.
Speaking of Voices, you have to check out the MP3 for the song TOURNAMENT by Stasis Chamber. You can get it at MP3.com - Stasis Chamber. This is a song that was written specifically about Unreal Tournament. It's a very cool song to Frag by!
Thursday, June 1, 2000
3 New Voices! I just updated the VOICES page with three new male voices: Homer Simpson, Mr. T, and Fred Sanford. You can get them right Here.
Tutorials and Unreal Editor 2. Just a note to say that the tutorials found on this site will not work with UED 2. Either use UED 1 or go to Play This and use their Voice Creation software. It's very easy to use!
Tuesday, May 30, 2000
More confusion! There seems to be a lot of confusion about using voices in internet multiplayer. Remember that voices (sometimes called "voice skins") are just like maps or model skins. The server (that is the computer hosting the game) has to be running the voice for you to use it and for others to hear it. You know how if you log onto a server where you don't have the map? Your computer will first download the map then you can enter the game. The same goes true for servers running voices. Anyone who doesn't have the voices will be forced to download them first. But, not many servers are running these voices. I think I will need to begin a new section called "Servers" that gives the location of certain voices being used. Anyone who wants to start a server using any of these voices, please contact me.
I have already been getting requests for voices to be made; a lot of them. It helps if I could be provided with the locations, or even the actual wav files of the character. I will do my best to create new voices as requested, but on the average, it takes a couple of days to make a voice (recording or downloading the wavs, editing the sounds, and creating the voice pack). My goal is to have at least one new voice created per week, but I would appreciate more submissions. I want to create one of the largest data-bases for UT voices on the net. I'm on my way, but it will take some time. Any help would be appreciated.
Sunday, May 28, 2000
Happy Memorial Day! Our site is officially launched over here at Planet Unreal. All of the voice files are uploaded and ready for your downloading pleasure. Basically, Utterance is web site devoted solely to voices for Unreal Tournament. We have a highlighted voice each week, and all posted voices can be downloaded from the Voice Archive. In addition, I accept voices for posting as well as reviews. If you would like a voice made specifically for you, then head over to the Request a Voice section. Right now I have over 20 voices, some are characters that you know, others are 100% original voice-acted voices. If you want to help out and be either a reviewer or a voice author contact me. Let the taunting begin!
Friday, May 26, 2000
If you are reading this then you must have found me at my new home at Planet Unreal! It's great to be here and I'm looking forward to being a part of the Gamespy Network of sites. It is going to take some time for me to upload all of the voices to my new FTP site. Until then, UTCenter has graciously allowed me to have some time before they delete my site from their server. If you want to get ahold of the voices, go to my Temporary Mirror Site.
Thursday, May 25, 2000
I have some interesting news today. I am going to be moving over to Planet Unreal. I want to thank the guys over at UTCenter for their help in getting me started, especially Eric Rojas. My new URL will shortly be http://www.planetunreal.com/utterance. You can try to click the URL, but my site may not yet be transferred.
Tuesday, May 23, 2000
Evil Ed has done it again! This guy is one of the best voice authors out there and he has just completed his newest voice called Hell's Soldier. You can pick it up right Here.
Saturday, May 20, 2000
"Come get some!" This week I am drawing
attention to the new Voice of the Week. It is Duke Nukem 2.0 and I really think this voice is a
must-have. You can get it from the Voice of the Week page Here.
Since I am working on other projects right now, I haven't had time to post any submission or make new voices. I am currently working on death sounds and weapons sounds for Strike Force as well as the Tremor mod for UT (which allows you to use Quake 3 weapons in UT).
Friday, May 12, 2000
"Throw down your
weapons and prepare to be judged!" Well, seeing as how I
didn't get to go to E3 this weekend, I thought I would finish the
Judge Dredd voice. Ok, Ok, this voice
is definately not my best but I think it works. I voice acted it
100% so it doesn't contain any of the wav files from the movie.
They almost always had music playing in the background. You can
grab the voice right Here.
Also. I'm looking for help! I need people to write reviews and to help make and post voices. If you are interested, let me know!
Wednesday, May 10, 2000
Sorry about the lack of new files. I've been working on the Strike Force voices. They (5) are now complete and will be released with the re-release of Strike Force hopefully sometime this week. I'm going to get back to work on some of my other projects. First will be Judge Dredd and then I will be posting some of the voices I have had submitted to me.
Friday, May 5, 2000
Here is a new Voice of the Week for you! Go check it out!
Thursday, May 4, 2000
The first of the Strike Force voices is done and the rest (5 in all) should be done by next week. I'm not going to release the voice package, however, because they will be released as part of Strike Force when it is re-released next week... neener neener! :) I'm looking for more voice actors willing to help out with the project. By the final release of SF, I would like to have a different voice for every character. Right now that's 16! By the way, I'm calling them "Strike Force Voices" because they will be released first for this mod. These voices will be very similar if not the same as Infiltration which I HOPEFULLY will be working on after I finish the SF project. I won't get much of a rest after that because then I'm doing the voices for SWAT: Special Weapons And Tactics also, at least voice acting some of them for their sound engineer. Cool!
Unfortunately this project has caused me to push back the release of the Judge Dredd voice as well as a possilbe re-do of the Rumiko voice. Check back within the week for more details. Other voices that I have started making have also been delayed.
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