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This is a listing of servers that have been made available for TRIBES Clan use.  Tribes may request to use a server for various clan events.  Most admins support league matches and scheduled matches.  Some might even allow requests for scrimmages or practices.  Check to see what types of games are allowed on the server BEFORE you make your request.  DO NOT request a server for an event that the admin does not support.  The admins loaning the server set forth their own rules and all tribes/clans are expected to follow these rules.  Those tribes that give admins a hard time will not be allowed to borrow servers in the future.

Some servers run modifications such as Anti-TK or out of bounds damage.  If you want these mods turned off, please ask the admin.  If the admin can not or will not turn them off then do not argue with the admin.  Simply find another server if the server settings do not suit you.  As a rule, the tribe/clan leaders should both agree to the server settings before the event.  If the server is accepted by both leaders, members of the tribe/clan should be admonished if they feel the need to complain about server settings, ping, lag, mods, or whatever.

Many admins will referee the match if asked.  In this situation, ONLY the tribe/clan leaders should use the main (T)ALK channel.  The referee will be an observer and will start the match, kick disruptive players, assign players to their team when joining late, and help to insure an even match.  The clan leaders must cooperate with the referee to help keep players in line and avoid letting disruptive players ruin a match.  The referee will usually get the leader's permission before kicking a player, however in extreme cases kicking without warning is necessary.

Special thanks to the Server Admins that loan these servers and devote their time to support the TRIBES community!
League Matches= LEAGUE MATCHES    Regular Matches = REGULAR MATCHES
Scrimmages = SCRIMMAGES    Practices = PRACTICES

TASTE FOR BLOOD Admin: JeKill League MatchesRegular Matches ICQ: 8005302, Email:
RULES and STATS: This server is pretty loose on rules.  Simple respect should be shown to all using the server.  It is STRONGLY suggested that only Tribe Leaders use the main talk channel.  The game may be refereed by JeKill if requested (or if clans are having trouble organizing).  Truly disruptive players may be kicked/banned.
Northern Virginia, USA T1 Connection 20-24 players
300 Mhz, Pentium 2 No Mods, some nonstandard maps available. Public server that must be set for private by Admin.
AVAILABLE: Evening and weekends after 7pm EST / 4pm PST, except Tuesdays, many Fridays, and during Clan -bTk- events.

Admin: Elmer Fudd League Matches ICQ: 21403923, Email:,
RULES and STATS: General rules of respect apply.  Full terms of use posted at Elmer Fudd's Wigroom
Wisconsin, USA Dual T1 Connection Up to 32 players
350 Mhz, Pentium 2 IX Admin, Nonstandard maps available. Private server, Admin will give password before match.
AVAILABLE: Most days except during Clan WIG events.  Schedule available on this page: Elmer Fudd's Wigroom.  Three days notice required before match date.                                 

Order of the Talon Admin: Lord-X League Matches ICQ: 6539229, Email:
RULES and STATS: No dishonorable players...TK's will be banned.
Maryland, USA OC-3 from University of Maryland Up to 32 players
450Mhz w/ 128Mb RAM No mod's are running (like Renegades)...just mod management for anti-TK and vote control. Servers are public and must be made private by the admin.
AVAILABLE: Up 24 / 7, but need a few days notice (1 week preferred)

Milhouse's T1 Server Admin: Milhouse League MatchesRegular Matches ICQ: 16672081, Email:
RULES and STATS: TK'ing is not allowed.
New York City, USA T1 connection Up to 32 players
300Mhz Pentium 2 AdminCon running for rules management.  Renegades mod can be made available. Servers are public and must be made private by the admin.
AVAILABLE: 24 hrs/day on weekends/holidays, 5pm-9am Eastern weekdays.

Shmeck des Blutes Admin: Chip League MatchesRegular Matches ICQ: 9338376, Email:
RULES and STATS: The only rule I have is that I can observe even during matches.  I will allow one person to be super-admin if I am not available to be there during the match.  The person is my choice but clans can recommend their person.
Norfolk, VA; USA OC3 Connection Up to 32 players
300 to 450Mhz Modmgmt with auto-admin only.  I can add anymap or mod as log as both clans agree on it and it can be supplied to me. Server is public and must be made private by the admin.
AVAILABLE: 24/7, My clan's practices and matches take priority for the machine used by clans.

Apocalypse-Death Admin: *AI*Vision League MatchesRegular MatchesScrimages ICQ: 16831650 (usually invisible), Email:
RULES and STATS: THERE ARE NO RULES!!!  Chaos reigns on this server, you may be kicked for TK'ing, or not....entirely up to the admin's discretion.  At times, the Admin may enter the Tribes Editor and randomly move the position of a base, delete weapons or bases, turn your base upside down, pick up your player and throw him 1000 meters away, or throw a large building directly into your path.  This may sound like it sucks, but trust adds a whole new level of wierdness to the game.  Serious players may not wish to join, but for a bit of comic relief, you can't beat Apocalypse-Death!!!
Memphis, TN; USA Cable Modem Up to 24 players
300 Mhz Pentium 2 Currently running Renegades (newest, always updated). Server is public and must be made private by the admin.
AVAILABLE: Random, usually Noon to Midnight CST, but hours can and will vary)

z2 Apocalypse Server Admin: z2.Dark Guardian League MatchesRegular MatchesScrimages ICQ: 19690400, Email:
RULES and STATS: No-TKing, no spamming, no disorderly conduct, be punctual.  A z2 member with admin will officiate for every event.
San Francisco, CA; USA T1 Connection Up to 28 players
400mhz, Pentium 2 CTF only (with additional nonstandard maps), no mods.  Modmgt only deals with server menu options so only server admins that put in the SAD password will have admin access and menu access. Server is public and must be made private by the admin.
AVAILABLE: Every day after 7pm EST, except Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays for z2 engagements.

{SP} Snipers Paradise Admin: {SP} Sniper League MatchesRegular MatchesScrimages ICQ: 32286184, Email:
RULES and STATS: No-TKing, no disorderly conduct, be punctual.  An {SP} member with admin will officiate for every event.  Out of bounds is allowed.
Arizona; USA 56k (upgrading soon) Up to 20 players
100mhz, Pentium CTF mostly but deathmatch for practices sometimes.  Running the Renegades v1.3 mod. Server is public but soon to be private.
AVAILABLE: Varies due to work schedule.

Deathcon 99 Admin: {SP} Sniper League MatchesRegular MatchesScrimages ICQ: 29487663, Email:
RULES and STATS: Disruptive users may be kicked.  Server webpage at
Toronto; Canada Cable Modem (60k upload, 350k download) 16 Players
Celeron 333 Mods are sometimes used. Server is public and must be made private by the admin.
AVAILABLE: Always, except Friday's 1:00am-7:00am EST, Mondays, 1:00am-7:00am, Mondays from 8:00pm EST on, and during all other [SD] events.

4:20ville Renegades Base Admin: Sockyerface]420[, Crassius]420[
Killergreen]420[, LO_IQ]420[
League MatchesRegular MatchesScrimages ICQ: 5735875, Email:
RULES and STATS: All TK'ers will be kicked and banned.
Los Angeles, CA; USA ADSL connection 768k both ways 25 players
400mhz, Pentium 2 Renegades mod running. Server is public and must be made private by the admin.                                                        
AVAILABLE: 24 / 7 except for Wed 7-10pm, Sat 1-8pm, and Sun 7-10pm.

Map Central Ultra-Renegades2 Admin: Xatrix League MatchesRegular MatchesScrimagesPractices ICQ: 38472467, Email:
RULES and STATS: No flooding, respect other players, and please do not damage your own players or cause trouble.
Vancouver, B.C.; Canada 14 megabit connection (cable) 32 players
Dual 333 Celeron Ultra-Renegades mod running. Server is public and must be made private by the admin.  IP=                                     
AVAILABLE: 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

OGL Tribes Server (MN-z2) Admin: z2.Karib League MatchesRegular MatchesScrimages ICQ: 19690400, Email:,
RULES and STATS: No-TKing, no spamming, no disorderly conduct, be punctual. A z2 member with admin will officiate for every event.
Minneapolis, MN; USA T-1 dedicated Up to 32 players
450mhz Any standard map available.  Server is public and must be made private by the admin.  Admincon is used for vote control.
AVAILABLE: Available 24/7.

Clan MOB Tribe Server Admin: DuctTape League MatchesRegular MatchesScrimages ICQ: 117915, Email:
RULES and STATS: The usual rules are no T/Kers.  I reserve the right to kick for nicknames that I deem offensive.
Santa Clara, CA; USA T3 Connection Up to 32 players
450mhz Any standard map available.  Server is public and must be made private by the admin.  No mods.  IP =
AVAILABLE: My Clan does not have a firm time for exclusion yet.  Server will be up nearly 24/7.

Proving Grounds {TiT} Admin: Fragmaster League MatchesRegular MatchesScrimagesPractices ICQ: 1891924, Email:
RULES and STATS: Disruptive users may be kicked.
Orlando,FL; USA T3 Connection 16-24 players
Dual 233Mhz P2 No Mods, Base Only. Server is public and must be made private by the admin.                                                            
AVAILABLE: Server available 24/7.
(several servers)
Admin: Charles League MatchesRegular MatchesScrimagesPractices ICQ: 532910, Email:
RULES and STATS: Disruptive users may be kicked.
Tampa, FL; USA Multiple T3 Connection Up to 32 players
Dual P2-450 Servers with Renegades and Insomniax are available.  Mods can be disabled.  Base server is available. Several servers are available.
AVAILABLE: Server available 24/7.

Fields of Honor Admin: ADA_DarkAvenger League MatchesRegular MatchesScrimagesPractices ICQ: 28958912, Email:
RULES and STATS: If someone team kills and does not stop when asked they will be kicked.  The rest of the rules are pretty mild.  The one thing the seerver does NOT tolorate are really annoying people, that come in and ruin the game for everyone.  Such people will be banned.  Scheduling can be done at this site:
Southern CA; USA Cable 2 megs/sec 20-25 players
P2-450 Mhz Rotating Mods:  Renegades, Insomniax, Ultra-Renegades, Bitchen, *Special*.  Mods can be requested at least a day in advance.  This server is home of over 300 missions.  Some downloaded, some made right here. Public server (unless requested private a day in advance)
AVAILABLE: Available 24/7

SG Server-Welcome Admin: James League MatchesRegular MatchesScrimagesPractices ICQ: 14366306, Email:
RULES and STATS: Not many rules.  Team damage is on by default, can be turned off by request.  Players who disrupt the game continusly by any means can and will be kicked/banned with the leaders approval, or if they are truly disruptive, kicked/banned without notice.
Toronto, Ontario; CA Cable (14 megabit) Up to 32 players
P3-500 Mhz Rotates with Renegades 2.0, Insomniax, Bitchin and SG Base.  Certain mods can be requested 2 days in advance.. Public...can be made private if Admin is told 2 days in advance.
AVAILABLE: 24/7 evenings and weekends, anytime after 12:00pm EST on weekends.

T1 Evoluder Admin: Evoluder League MatchesRegular MatchesScrimagesPractices Email:
RULES and STATS: Pretty loose on rules, just here to have fun and provide a reasonably lag free server.  Disruptive players will be kicked/banned.
Statesboro, GA; USA T1 Connection 14-20 Players
Pentium, 200 Mhz Right now running Renegades, any mods/maps can be added.  24 hour notice needed if mods must be turned off/loaded.  Please include time zone when submitting requests to use the server. Public...can be made private if Admin is told 2 days in advance.
AVAILABLE: Weekends (24 hours) and Mon-Fri 4pm - 8am (sometimes later)

TTN#1 Admin: Bolton League MatchesRegular MatchesScrimagesPractices ICQ: 4211847, Email:
RULES and STATS: I'll host any event if warning is given.
Omaha, NE; USA Cable Modem Connection 10-16 Players
300mhz Running renegades 2.0, willing to change, just give notice Public...can be made private upon request.
AVAILABLE: Available 24 hours.

To submit your server to the list, contact JeKill at:
ICQ: 8005302,  Email:

  users since 3/14/1999