MedDLe2p ReadMe.txt 6/4/97 Rotate Now works!!! I've only had 5 people e-mail me, and only 1 of them said anything about the rotate not working...what's up? Here's an idea: If you are using MedDLe, then e-mail me...I _need_ to know when things are wrong, or right, or anything... Here is a quick run down to get you going with this preview. The CTRL key can be used at anytime in the 2D Views to cause your mouse motions to do the Move/Zoom thing...(Move is right/Zoom is left (I Love that variable zoom!)) In this app both the Left and Right mouse buttons need to be used often...In the 3D View you can select by using the Shift key with your clicks. *** Use the right click menus...there are extra options there.*** *** Do NOT try to print...You've been warned! *** *** Save is now functional *** *** Please send me feedback, I've had only 5 people mail me, which isn't enough to update effectively *** *** The collision detection is bad, just a version mixxing bug (a big one) *** *** More to come *** 3D View: Left alone is rotate... Right alone is Move eye... If you press & hold the left mouse then press and hold the right mouse you can move the light source. Right then left (holding both in that order) is eye In/Out. Selections: Crtl+D: Clones all selected triangles. DEL: Delete all selected triangles, or cancel Tri Add Mode. Ctrl+F: Flip normal of all selected triangles. Right Drag a single vertex onto another to merge them. In the 3D View, a red X shows all selected triangles...a blue X will show you which triangles are facing "away" from the current view positon (use No Rendering and Wireframe to get the full effect. Modes: V: vertex mode, select one vertex at a time T: triangle mode... G: groups is just like objects...used to have an object mode as well. Hide: -hit 'h' to hide selected -hit Shift-'h' to unhide selected Rotation: -Hit that tool button with the little R. Anything selected will be rotated around the blue axis. -double click in a view to make a rotation axis perpendicular to to that view. -right mouse btn down and draw up/down rotates -hold shift down to fine tune the rotation -left click/drag on each end of blue axis to move it. holding shift while doing this moves whole axis instead of one point. Scale: -left btn down and drag scales object in all directions. -right btn down and draw scales object in only draw direction. -use SHIFT for extra sensitivity Open File: -can drag from filemanager (even mutilple). Frames: up/down arrow cycles all frames Skins: left/right arrow cycles all skins Pants/Shirts: PgDN/PgUP cycles the respective colors. I'm sure that there's more...I'm just having a bad day. :) Experiment & Enjoy! Let me know what you think...This is _just a preview_. Not even an Alpha. NPherno