This document contains useful information regarding installing and playing MERC:Fatal Reality. Please read over this document carfully before you begin playing the add-on. * New features for version 1.4 * Nothing. I just fixed a big problem we were having with the .grp file, and made an self extracting (.exe) file rather than a zip file, for distribution. Otherwise it's the same as version 1.3. * New features for version 1.3 * Theres not much new in version 1.3. I just fixed some level texture bugs, and some other bugs which popped up in version 1.2. But there is a cool DukeMatch launcher included in this version. Just run (mercdm.bat), and it will load the setup program using the MERC config files. Then go kill your friends in a MERC DukeMatch! *************************************************************************** HOW TO PLAY MERC:Fatal Reality!: ----------------------------------------------------- - Make sure you have a standard registered copy of Duke Nukem Atomic/Plutonium edition (or the add-on won't work). - Place merc14.exe in your Duke Atomic Edition directory and run the program. All of the files need to play MERC will be extracted. - Then run merc.bat to begin playing MERC:Fatal Reality. - That's it! HOW TO UNINSTALL MERC:Fatal Reality!: ----------------------------------------------------------- - Delete the files merc14.con, merc14.grp, merc.bat, mercdm.bat, merc14.txt, mdemo1.dmo, mdemo2.dmo, and mdemo3.dmo. *************************************************************************** * Play Information * Episode and Level # : The add-on replaces episodes one and two. Single Player : Yeah. What it was made for. DukeMatch : Sure! Just run mercdm.bat, to setup it up. Difficulty Settings : Yep! New Art : Yep, all new enemies and weapons. Along with some new sprites and textures. New Music : Yeah, mostly stuff I found off the internet, see the credits section. New Sound Effects : Yeah. New Programming : Yeah. All of the new weapons, and enemies were reprogrammed. As well as some of the new sprites. System Requirements : There are a couple small system requirements before you will be able to run MERC smoothly. We require you to have the video mode set to VESA 640x400 or above so you will be able to read the messages contained within MERC without difficulty. To do this run the Duke3d setup program and look under video. And we suggest that you run MERC on a Pentium 100mhz or above for the best performance. But if you can run Duke, you can run MERC. Maybe not very smoothly though, depending on the speed of you computer. You also will need 12 megabytes of free hard disk space to install MERC. *************************************************************************** * MERC STORY * *************************************************************************** You are part of the CIA's U.S. Protection Agency. Your the guy who saves the U.S. government from those hostile terroist groups. The CIA section your assigned to, MERC "Major Endagerment Restraining Crew", is always ready for a good fight. Last week you shut down bussiness at the local militia training camp, which housed several anti-government leaders. But this week you just feel like relaxing, and maybe making a trip to the beach. This morning you wake up to the sound of a door shuting. You quickly get up and load your gun, but whoever it was is already gone. "What's this?", you ask yourself as you stare at your TV stand. "It looks like one of those CIA message disks." Great they just had to ruin your vacation, didn't they. "Well I guess I better see what this is all about.", you mumble as you get up and slip the disk into your computer. *************************************************************************** * ABOUT THE NEW STUFF!! * *************************************************************************** MERC:Fatal Reality replaces most of the old aliens from Duke with compleately new human enemies. You may be asking youself "Why did they get rid of the aliens?" Well the answer is simple, I just got sick of them! I thought it was time that a Total Conversion changed the enemies instead of just weapons and textures. So read on to find out a little more info about the new enemies and weapons in MERC. * THE NEW ENEMIES * You will encounter four new enemies while playing MERC. The first is the Robot Guy. He is not too strong and carries the shotgun. But he can be dangerous if you get too close to him. The second new enemy is the Army Guy. He is probably the most difficult. He carries the rpg and is deadly at close and far range. Your best be with this guy, is to stay as far back as you can get from him, and get out of the way quickly if he decides to shoot an rpg at you. And if you meet him in a tight space, well, good luck! The third ne enemy is the Suit Guy. This is the only brand new enemy in MERC. Meaning we didn't obtain his graphics from somewhere else. He carries the sub machine gun, and is quite hard. Don't get too close to him if possible. The fourth new enemy is a tank that carries the Army Guy. It is the same tank from the Plutonium add-on, but this time the Army Guy is driving it. There is also an new boss who you will fight at the end of episode two, but I am going to keep him a secret. But I can tell you one thing. He is pretty hard! But then again, did you expect him to be easy? * THE NEW WEAPONS * There are a total of four new weapons in MERC. They are as follows. *The Sub Machine Gun: (weapon # 2 on keyboard) It packs a little more damage than the original pistol, but still lacks a lot of firepower. *The Minigun: (weapon # 4 on keyboard) The minigun is a good all around weapon. It dosn't take off extreme amounts of damage, but it hold more ammo than the original ripper weapon. *The Electricity Gun: (weapon # 7 on keyboard) This is really cool weapon. It shoots bursts of electricity at an enemy, and is quite powerful. *The Radiation Gun: (press 7 twice on keyboard) This weapon disenegrades enemies with a blast of pure radiation. *The Flame Thrower: (weapon # 0 on keyboard) Just what you might think it is. The flame thrower shoots balls of fire toward an enemy, setting him on fire when he dies. *************************************************************************** * CREDITS * *************************************************************************** *************************************************************************** * Level Credits * *************************************************************************** * Episode One (Fatal Reality) * "Level name" :Level Designer "Apartment levels" : Ryan Conner "Suburban Slaughter" : Bill Gallop "Compound of Death" : The Phantom "Drug Bust" : Chris Abdo "The ROCK" : Shadowpaw * Episode Two (Into the City) * "Level name" :Level Designer "Apartment levels" : Ryan Conner "In the Gutter" : Matt Yohe "Matinee Maul" : Harrison Norby "Big Guns" : Al (Venom) "Boss Level" : Bill Gallop *************************************************************************** * Art Credits * *************************************************************************** * New Enemy Art * Robot guy : From 3dRealm's lameduke beta release with minor changes by Ryan Conner. Army Guy : From 3dRealm's lameduke beta release. Guy in Suit : First frame made by Burton Parker, the rest by Ryan Conner. Tank : Minor changes by Ryan Conner. *************************************************************************** * New Weapon Art * Sub Machine Gun : Graphics for the sub machine gun were obtained from Ian Jones's add-on. Minigun : Modifications by Ryan Conner. Electricity Gun : Ryan Conner Radiation Gun : Ryan Conner Flame Thower : Graphics obtained from Bugiee's Maraton 2 game. Minor modifications by Ryan Conner. *************************************************************************** * Music Credits * *************************************************************************** All of the new midi files were obtained from the internet. If any are copyrighted and are not supposed to be used as they are now, please let me know about it. *************************************************************************** * Sound Credits * *************************************************************************** Most of the new sounds were taken from various 3d games. Modifications were made by Ryan Conner. *************************************************************************** *************************************************************************** * Con File Programming Credits * *************************************************************************** Most of the new programming was done by Ryan Conner, with some help from Head Honcho. *************************************************************************** *************************************************************************** PLEASE NOTE: This add-on is FREEWARE, it is not to be sold or boughten. It is for entertainment purposes only and not to be distributed for sale. This is for use with Duke Nukem 3D Atomic Edition or Plutonium Pak. 3DRealms/Apogee and GTinteractive Software own all the rights to Duke Nukem 3D. But this add-on is not made or supported by them. So don't call them up if it doesn't work. DISCLIAMER: TCM takes no responsibility if this add-on screws up your computer in any way. But if you follow the install instructions at the top of this document, the add-on should work fine. This add-on, or any of the new stuff contained in it, may not be altered or copied in any way, with out written permission by me (Ryan Conner) ( Also, you may only distribute this add-on if you have permission from me (Ryan Conner) ( Unless you just want to give it to your friend or something, that fine. And if there is something contained in this add-on that is copyrighted and is being used without the author's permission or something like that, please contact me and we will work it out. MERC Fatal Reality is Copyright (c) 1997. TCM.