Merc: Fatal Reality Operating Instructions To use this total conversion, hold down Shift and select MERC14.CON and MERC14.GRP. Then choose Open from the File menu. This will launch Duke Nukem 3D as the total conversion. The files MDEMO1.DMO, MDEMO2.DMO, and MDEMO3.DMO are all game recordings. You may view them by choosing Play Recording in the Options menu in Duke Nukem 3D. DO NOT RENAME ANY OF THESE FILES OR MOVE ANY OF THESE FILES FROM ONE PLACE TO ANOTHER. IN OTHER WORDS: KEEP THEM THE WAY THEY ARE, WHERE THEY ARE. FAILURE TO DO SO COULD RESULT IN THE TOTAL CONVERSION NOT RUNNING, AND POSSIBLY A CRASH. Enjoy! J. Driver NOTE: This total conversion is NOT SUPPORTED by me. All email sent to me regarding problems with this conversion will be deleted.