These files update the LR&WB episodes with multiplayer and coop games. The Drone 2.5 art was updated (it was very ugly). How to apply this patch ? ------------------------- YOU NEED 55 Mb FREE ON YOUR HARDDRIVE DISK TO APPLY THIS PATCH. The final file will be about 22 megs big. - Unzip these files to a new directory (ie .\lrwb\) - In this new directory, copy the programs 'kextract.exe' and 'kgroup.exe' (from the build directory on your Duke CD). - move your 'lr&wb.grp' file to the new directory. - launch 'lrpatch.bat'. - move the new 'lr&wb.grp' file to your Duke directory. - erase the new directory. DO NOT APPLY THE PATCH IN A DIRECTORY THAT IS NOT EMPTY AT THE FIRST STEP. George-W. BERNARD