How to make UNDERWATER ====================== - This is easy, but the example is buggy :) - People have been reporting that when they make underwater sectors and stuff and try to go underwater against a wall, it squishes them. STEP 1: Ok this is simple. make a sector. make another sector connected to it so there should be 2 sectors and connected by a red line. Somewhere else in the board, make a sector the same exact size as the sector that is going to be the water. STEP 2: in 2d mode, point to the sector (of the 2 connected sectors) that you want to be the surface of the water, and hit "T" and enter lotag value as: "1" there should be a gray tag: (0,1). now point to the sector way out of the way which is going to be the underwater part and do the same, except make it lotag value: "2" so there is a gray tag (0,2). STEP 3: insert a sprite into the surface of the water sector, and change it in 3d mode to the blue (S) by hitting "V" in 3d mode. Make sure it says SECTOREFFECTOR in the lower-right when you select the blue (S) sprite. in 3d mode, point to that blue s and hold ' and hit "H", and enter hitag value to "170", and hold ' and hit "T" and enter lotag "7" for UNDERWATER. STEP 4: Repeat step 3 exactly, but in the sector that is going to be UNDERWATER (the one thats out of the way of everything :) ) STEP 5: place the water texture on the surface of the water, and on the celing in the underwater sector. STEP 6: DIVE IN! :) =========================== Written by Loach - @#duke3d ===========================