SHADOW WARRIOR UZIS!! BY Patrick M. A patch that gives the uzi from Shadow Warrior. (Plus a few extras!) To install just unzip all files to duke directory. (Please make a backup copy of your .cons) This patch took me about 2 hours to make. Extras include-cd_craker(to make it so you don't have to put in the duke cd),new sounds (for the uzi,enemy freeze kicking sound,and new sounds for the shotgun! I added some cool cons to it (nuclear pipebombs,extra gore). Included:user.con,game.con,,,cd_crack.exe finhim.voc,gibs01.voc,shotgnck.voc,shot7.voc,uzi1rk.voc,uzifire.voc, and this txt file. Enjoy! If you fine any errors I havent found please e-mail me at: