Title:Weetweet Pig From Guinea! VER.1.00 Deathmatch: yes Co-op: no Author:"Bomberman" Map Name:weetweet.map E-mail me at:badmrfrostyinc@hotmail.com Story:A guinea pig was walking in the forest when he stumbled upon some giant carrots and he ate some of them later he noticed he was growing quickly he grew over ten feet tall and 5 feet wide! He went back to the forest and saw a sign that said CAUITION:Nuclear testing site!!!! So now this giant guinea pig is roaming the streets of Your city terrorizing until duke comes along;-> !!!! PLAY INFO !!!! Single Play:yes Co-op:no DukeMatch:2-8 players Difficulty:I Think Not New Sound,Graphics,or Music: NO WAYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!! !!!! Construct !!!! Base:None Editors:Build.....What Else? Bugs:None... email if any !!!! Special Thanks !!!! My Dad For letting me use his PC.(not to mention hard drive) My Friend Nate For Testing. 3drealms for a really good game;-) !!!! Copyright !!!! This Level Is Not Made By Or Supported By 3drealms. Please distribute freely E-Mail me comments good or bad Look for the sequel soon. Weetweet:the return!