Pathogenic 4 ------------- Well, its basically a 3 to 4 player dukematch level.. Its very interactive because you can shut off half of the level with a flick of a switch(can be reopened also)...very few health so expect lots of includes a big exterior area, a dark cave, and a good sniper tower.... Hope you enjoy.... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [FILENAME] [AUTHOR]:-Ä-ciix [E-MAIL]: [SINGLE PLAYER?]:no [DUKEMATCH?]:yes [CO-OP PLAY?]:no [DIFFICULTY SETTINGS]: [BASE]: New level from scratch [EDITOR USED]: Build [VERSION]: 1.3 [known bugs]:NONE * Copyright / Permissions * You MAY distribute these maps, provided you include all files, with no modifications. You may distribute these files in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include these files intact. I am also not below accepting a free copy of the CD!! thanx. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-===-==-