MAPSTRAVAGANZA Submission Text File Name of Entry (e.g. Castle of Dukeness) Name of ZIP file (e.g. CASTLE.ZIP) Type of Entry: [ ] Quake Map [ ] Quake Mod [ ] Duke Single Player Map [X ] Duke Multiplayer Map Name of Author: Eric Ressler TEN Screenname (if any): E-roc Email Address: Address: 200 Cornell Ave. Pittsburgh, Pa. Zip Code: 15229 Phone Number: (412) 734-1194 Description of Submission: Small 2-4 player Deathmatch only level. Features a bridge, teleporter, doors, swimming, one specially placed health atom, ect. The action on this level is very intense, so stay sharp. Tip: try and hog the Jetpack if you can. Who ever has it, has a diffinate advantage. Ohh, almost forgot.... The teleporter is hidden. Clue: shading on ceiling. Roc til ya drop! 8) I agree to abide by the terms of the Mapstravaganza contest, as set out on