this software is brought to you by Dtwins C buy your software for only dfl. 1.00 per disk !!!!D call holland: (0)10 - 4347580..... A the groovy intro was produced & designed by BwpjA, the music is an old sll tune. DtwDinDs Etwins Btwins Ftwins Gtwins Htwins A this intro is much better than the one made by roger (virus)... H this is an example of another type of wave... its neat ! Bcall holland (0)10 - 4347580..... G don't try this at home folks...... A do you want original software ???? well, i do, but is isn't affordable for a normal human being. Cwhen you have money problems but want software, call HtwinsC. it's the best solution. A a message to all GlosersA out there from wpj: if i see this intro used by other people than twins, i'll personally hunt you down and transfer names & addresses to Bf.a.s.t. A(the federation against software theft)... now to show you some effects of this scroller... B *********************************************************************************************************************E no messages from our sponsor.....................................................G////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////F********************************************************************************H////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////