asmone2.0 asmone1.3 crunchmania dld exripper extrawarper iampacker searcher unarj xcopypro xconfig c/execute c/read-docs ... never grow old, never die ... yo! dudes! tenebres is back again with this new april release: dreampack one hope you'll enjoy it! credits: gfx by the magic avoriaz great sfx by lux interior lazy coding by the duke slow swap (sorry guys!) and packaging by lestat personal message from the duke to bird/syntex: hey man! who are you trying to blast ??? remenber: benfica rules!!!! best regards to: arctic/utopia ben/absolute cetrix/voice crm/absolute dragon doc brown dogshit/trance duffy/midway eckhead/voice fashion design/pleasure freddy/nova gazzer/digital krush/trance les heretiques lorimar/trance mc green/absolute morgoth/cadaver perlon/extacy prodigy/trance syntex terminator/trance vodka/digital xerex/voice yoyo zorro/mad sorcerers and all our new contacts....... sleep all day, party all night