/\___ /\ __ /\___ /\___ /\ /\___ /\___ /\___ /\___ / ___\/ | \/ \/__ \| \/ \/ _ \/ \/ __ \ /\___ \___ \ | \ \ \ \ |---\ \__| \ _/--\ \_____ /____ /__|_ /____ /_ /____ /__|_ / |_ /____ / \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ ___________ _ presents __ _________ /° _____/ ____/°\____ /° \ \_____ °\ \ (__ \ ___ ____/___ \__ \ ____) \ \__ \ Y / \ /° \ / \ / __/ ____) \ : / \ / \ / \ / (_____ \________/ . \___/ \_____/ \_____/ \___________/ .oO coding : Marauder Oo. .oO music : HNK Oo. ************************************* Welcome to a new SYNDICATE production, called : 5 to 12 ************************************* Hold these textpages with the left mouse- button Perhaps some of you don't know what makes a clock ticking ... Let me tell you. There are these little people in every clock, that do a hard work all the time. I see ! You don't trust me, so let's have a look into a clock and try to find one of them ... You're not convinced ? Doesn't matter ... ************************************* This demo was released at THE PARTY 1993 held in Denmark by Silents Lemon. Spaceballs 27.12. - 29.12.93 Yep, I know, that are not very much bobs ... Hope, you enjoyed it anyway. And now we're taking a trip into the world of electromagnetic waves I've tried that with more colors, but I wasn't able to manage it. 8( I will work on it ... Hmm, how could I fill this textpage ??? Originally there should appear some nice pics for every part, but we have some problems with our gfx-members ... The problem is, we got no (!) gfx-members. 8( But I know someone who traces some nics pics. Sorry, no AGA, but wait for my next demo ... And now a big HELLO to all people at the party ! The next part is some 4 Plane zooming ... The logo is one of the last pic's drawn by : * Count Zero/PGS * for SYNDiCATE After that I'm proud to present a new version of my 'Bed of Nails' routine ... ********************************* ** ==== ====== ==== ** ** == == == == == == ** ** === == == == ** ** === == == == ** ** === == == == ** ** == == == == == == ** ** ==== ====== ==== ** ** ** ********************************* I hope you like Akira, cause in the next part you will meet Miako ! Damned, I had better never included these textparts, cause there is so much space left and I don't know what to say ... :-) Look out for our soon coming Chip-Tune-Disk called : Chip-O-Drome And now prepare for a little Dot World ... I'm sorry, but sometimes there are too many dots for my slow routine, so you get a short 2-Frame passage ... 8( I've coded this on a 030 and had not much time left to test it on a 000. And another reason is, that I'm just lame ... Okidoki, and again it's time for a picture in this demo (dentro/intro ??). And again it's not pixeled, but raytraced. At this place a very big ->) THANX (<- to Thomas who made these pics on a plain A500 ... 8) Ok, that's all for now. You have reached the last part of this demo ... I hope you enjoyed it a little bit and perhaps we see us in one of my next productions ... Try to get the musicdisc *** Unlimited Noises *** This is the end Press right mousebutton to pause ! And now the credits for this demo ... ---------------- coding ---------------- MARAUDER ---------------- music ----------------- HNK ----------------- gfx ------------------ COUNT ZERO/PGS NELLE THOMAS MARAUDER ------------- loaderroutine ------------ DOC ---------------------------------------- Yep, that was the main thing, I want to mention ... 8) Now starts the greetinx and message and usual stuff part ... (BTW, you can press both ratbuttons to make a reset ... But please, wait a little bit with that ...) ---------------------------------------- Now some words from the man with the broken Shift-Key ... ---------------------------------------- hello riff-raff, this is big-rat on the keys. with this new release we show you that we are not dead. this is our comeback and we hope that this time it is the real comeback. but some of our coders are in the army for one year and so we need new demo-coders, cause we want to stay alive after this release. so if you want to spend your time with democoding for us and to be in a now (hopefully!) uprising group, than write to the following address: big-rat Kai Hoepner Niedstrasse 16 12159 Berlin Germany or call the following boards and write a pm to me (big-rat): basis [whq] : +49 [0]30 2516782 notre dame [ghq] : #1 +49 [0]40 247835 #2 +49 [0]40 247866 #3 +49 [0]40 2800074 we are also interested in you, if you are a good graphician or musican. then you also have to get in contact with us. and now it's time for my greetings : mystic - latex - majic 12 - melon dezign - silents - spaceballs - trsi - progress - abyss byteandi/mystic - count zero/progress - ice/latex - cedrix/latex - axe/mystic - wildstyle/progress - fornax/mystic - spy/mystic - ramses/rmd - executor/dcs - argon/mystic - siegel/mystic - desert toxic/abyss and now at this moment i want to honour the one and only man : * al bundy * - without this man there would be no fun on earth. so stay tuned and let the bundys never die. ok, now it's enough of my broken english ..... i will give the keys to someone of the other guys so that they can say what they want to say to everybody in the world out there.... ---------------------------------------- Now some words from HNK : Lo...Da dieser scroller ja schon mal da ist, moechte ich an dieser Stelle auch ein paar Gruesse loswerden: Ein dicken SMAK an Killertomate (Komm doch mal wieder vorbei !) Marco Polo (Hau in die Tasten :-) ) TCM+4 (Ich wuensche dir alle Tools der Welt:-) Rollo (Ist die Demo schon fertig ?) JXK (Wann holst du dir endlich nen Moni ?) Specter (Kopieren geht ueber Studieren :-)) Falcon (Wirds nochmal ne Demo geben ??) Drache (Alles gute zu deinem A1200 !!!) Diesel (Wo schwirrst du bloss rum ?) Taker (Misch sie alle auf :-)) Aids positiv (Haste schon neue Samples ?) Und alle von Syndicate. Auf in ein neues Abenteuer Gruss H.N.K ---------------------------------------- Yo, greetinx rulz ! And so URAN 235 sends his personals to : FIDO - DIESEL - RONNY - GREAT GURU LUKE - THE SUMMER - SAINT JOSCH RED-COIN - SMITH - COUNT ZERO - B&B ---------------------------------------- Ok, now it's time for me (Marauder) to send some moin moin's to : Hunter, Bloodrock, Roi Danton, BeatniK, Hellrazor, DJ Ossi and all the others from SYNDICATE ... Also hello's to : Saint Josch, Red-Coin, PIE, Booker, Fido STG, MaWe, Nelle, Thomas, The Amiga Team Fast Jack, The Alien, Casio Commodore, Bonsai, Lengi, Stummel, Eric, Diesel, Gier, Didi, Makkuth, Magic, Marzokko, Count Zero/PGS, Maverick, Toxic/Abyss and all the dudes I have forgotten ... Ciaoi, Marauder ---------------------------------------- 10 ---------------------------------------- 9 ---------------------------------------- 8 ---------------------------------------- 7 ---------------------------------------- 6 ---------------------------------------- 5 ---------------------------------------- 4 ---------------------------------------- 3 ---------------------------------------- 2 ---------------------------------------- 1 ---------------------------------------- 0 ---------------------------------------- Scroller restarts. :-)