WELCOME TO THE SECOND EXAMPLEDISK OF GAMEMUSIC BY SOUND WIZARDS. THIS TIME WE FOLLOWED THE WORDS QUALITY INSTEAD OF QUANTITIY AND DECIDED TO COMPOSE ONLY A FEW BUT GOOD PIECES OF MUSIC. WELL AT LAST IT IS ON YOU TO DECIDE IF THEY ARE GOOD OR NOT. A FEW WORDS ABOUT THE SONGS ON THIS DISK........ THE TITLETRACK AND THE HIGHSCORE MUSIC CAN BE USED IN NEARLY EVERY GAME WE THINK. BUT THERE IS A VERY IMPORTANT DETAIL. THE SONG HAS TO FIT ABSOLUTELY TO THE GRAPHICS TO ARCHIEVE A PERFECT ATMOSPHERE AND HARMONY. THE FIRST SONG COULD PROBABLY ALSO BE TAKEN FOR A HIGHSCORE PART BUT THAT DEPENDS TO THE GAME. A FEW STATEMENTS BY AXEL ARE COMING UP........... I HOPE YOU ARE NOT TOO SHOCKED BY THE LENGTH OF THE SHOOT EM UP TITLE SONG BUT WITH THIS SONG I WANT TO SHOW YOU WHAT I WOULD DO IF YOU GAVE ME A 100K FOR A TITLE OR A LEVELMUSIC OR WHATEVER. BUT IF YOU WANT TO LISTEN TO A SO CALLED....CODERS DREAM...YOU WILL HAVE TO LISTEN TO THE 35K SHORT JUMP AND RUN LEVELMUSIC. THIS SONG IS ONLY USING THREE OF FOUR CHANNELS SO THAT YOU CAN PUT THE SOUND EFFECTS INTO THAT EMPTY CHANNEL. I THINK EVERYTHING ELSE ABOUT THE MUSIC HAS ALREADY BEEN SAID. PROBABLY ONE LAST ADVICE...... LISTEN VERY CAREFULLY TO THE SONGS BECAUSE THERE IS A LOT OF TECHNICAL WORK BEHIND THE TUNES LIKE EDITING ECHOES FOR EXAMPLE. AT THE END SOUND WIZARDS WOULD LIKE TO THANK THE FOLLOWING COMPANIES FOR THEIR VERY FAST REPLY....... STARBYTE ... OCEAN ... DOMARK ... PSYGNOSIS ... THALION ... ELECTRONIC ARTS ... GREMLIN GRAPHICS ... TITUS ... AND MINDSCAPE INTERNATIONAL ... ... ... ... WE HOPE THAT YOU ARE ONCE MORE DELIGHTED BY OUR MUSIC AND THAT YOU ARE GOING TO REPLY AS FAST AS THE LAST TIME.... GOOD BYE... SOUND WIZARDS ........SCROLL RESTARTS......... The SOUND WIARDS team hereby would like to thank two guys who helped us a lot with this bootmenu. The code was done by Orlando Budelacci and the cute logo and design was done by Andre Schelker. Thank you very much for doing such a boring work! Before the instructions show up, Axel would like to send out a few greetings to people who deserve being mentioned for their work: Martin de Agger (Enjoy!), Matthew Simmonds (LEANDER music was beautiful!), Chris Huelsbeck, Charles Deenen, Greg (ODYSSEY for ever!), Frederic Motte (Any new sounds?), Alexander Bartels (I am looking forward to seeing your new graphics!), Jesper Kyd & Mikael Balle (Good luck for your new projects!), Sakari Hannula (Give me more of your weird music!) Volker Tripp (Hope you enjoy this music!), Martin Wall & Robert Ling (Congratulations! Your AGONY soundtrack seemed to me very great as you showed it to me in Denmark.), Nuke (Hey, I love your extremely smooth style of making music! Give me more!), Dan (Everything O.K. in Core Design? Hope so!), DENS Design (Hi Bjorn and Andrew!), Oistein Eide (Hey, good atmosphere in your ROBOCOP 3 soundtrack!)............. Prepare for the instructions how to handle this bootmenu! Here they are: Use mouse, cursor keys, joystick to select and left mouse button, joy-button, return or f-key to load the desired song. Scroll restarts... F1 Titletrack for any game (53K) F2 Highscore for any game (81K) F3 Levelmusic jump and run (35K) F4 Titletrack shoot'em-up (100K)   -= All music is composed by Alexander Strohm of SOUND WIZARDS =-