Issue #1 Music 4 Sart Intro Nr 4 Shrimps Intro 2 Shrimps Three Somewhere over SHD No Name Shamrock Lyrics Intro Nr 22 Intro Nr 27 space 4 txt ___/\ ___________/\_/\ _____/|____ \_ \/ _/ _____/ \/ __ | _/ / \| __/ \/ \ \/ | \ ::::/ \ / \ ' \ \ \ | \:::: ::::\ _|\/|_ /_____ /__|\____/______/:::: .:[CC]\/::::::\/:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. Module Info Zarkov experiences Frantic Faces Advert Crunched Chips Advert Cultures Crap Credits Greetings Usage >>Exit The Info-Screen<< R Moin Moin Kinders.... Shrimps Design presents you the first issue of CRUNCHED CHIPS... The Chiptune Mag which will be released every 14 days. You can support it by sending your tunes and texts to the address given in the C.C.-ADVERT. Or send an E-MAIL to : SART@DUG.SH.SUB.DE some personal hello`s from SART.Shd Raw Style/lego (thanx for all the friendly helps!!!) Ben.e/Shd (our new AKTIV gFX-man, who has creates all the nice gfx in the last products) Sire/lego Mr.Pet/sanity Decca/lego Crash/polka brothers Zarkov/frantic (whats about some aktivity?) shamrock/shd (na du alte nackentappete heheh wann kommst du endlich nach hamburg) Logo 7/supplex (rave on) Culture/shd (swap.swap.swap. on) Alpha ONE/birdhouse proj. (new carina power hehehe..train on) Fulcrum/indipendent (whats about some beers?? wir gehen mal wieder richtig einen zobeln!!) Hi-Jack/Online (Devil-Meeting next time?!?!) Dr.C/Online Chaos/Sanity Roy Black Cellat/Supplex Leo/UTG and all the freaks i have forgotten.... Now I must stop that crap, because I am in a hurry and I must release this Issue #1 today.. Don`t forget to send us all the stuff to support the next Issue !!!! c ya Sart/shd. .______/\ ___________/\___ | \_ \/ _/\_ ___/ \ | |/ \ \ / __/ | \ ::| / \ \/ |/ | \:: .::|___\___|\____/ |\________/::. ::::::::::::[CC]/_____|::::::::::::: Soundsystem: Protracker Packed with: Tracker Packer v3.1 Songname : Music 4 Sart Duration : 32 sek. Author : Shamrock/Shrimps Design Size of Songdata : 4156 Size of Module : 28408 Number of Samples: 5 Patterns : 3 .______/\ ___________/\___ | \_ \/ _/\_ ___/ \ | |/ \ \ / __/ | \ ::| / \ \/ |/ | \:: .::|___\___|\____/ |\________/::. ::::::::::::[CC]/_____|::::::::::::: Soundsystem: Protracker Packed with: Tracker Packer v3.1 Songname : Intro Nr 04 Duration : 30 sek. Author : Shamrock/Shrimps Design Size of Songdata : 3132 Size of Module : 10202 Number of Samples: 5 Patterns : 2 .______/\ ___________/\___ | \_ \/ _/\_ ___/ \ | |/ \ \ / __/ | \ ::| / \ \/ |/ | \:: .::|___\___|\____/ |\________/::. ::::::::::::[CC]/_____|::::::::::::: Soundsystem: Protracker Packed with: Tracker Packer v3.1 Songname : ShrimpsIntro_2 Duration : 51 sek. Author : Shamrock/Shrimps Design Size of Songdata : 6204 Size of Module : 8368 Number of Samples: 6 Patterns : 5 .______/\ ___________/\___ | \_ \/ _/\_ ___/ \ | |/ \ \ / __/ | \ ::| / \ \/ |/ | \:: .::|___\___|\____/ |\________/::. ::::::::::::[CC]/_____|::::::::::::: Soundsystem: Protracker Packed with: Tracker Packer v3.1 Songname : Shrimps Three Duration : 46 sek. Author : Shamrock/Shrimps Design Size of Songdata : 6204 Size of Module : 8368 Number of Samples: 6 Patterns : 5 .______/\ ___________/\___ | \_ \/ _/\_ ___/ \ | |/ \ \ / __/ | \ ::| / \ \/ |/ | \:: .::|___\___|\____/ |\________/::. ::::::::::::[CC]/_____|::::::::::::: Soundsystem: Protracker Packed with: Tracker Packer v3.1 Songname : Somewhere over Shd Duration : 1 min. 09 sek. Author : Shamrock/Shrimps Design Size of Songdata : 5180 Size of Module : 7602 Number of Samples: 6 Patterns : 4 .______/\ ___________/\___ | \_ \/ _/\_ ___/ \ | |/ \ \ / __/ | \ ::| / \ \/ |/ | \:: .::|___\___|\____/ |\________/::. ::::::::::::[CC]/_____|::::::::::::: Soundsystem: Protracker Packed with: Tracker Packer v3.1 Songname : No Name Duration : 56 sek. Author : MGL/Damage Size of Songdata : 10300 Size of Module : 12666 Number of Samples: 6 Patterns : 9 .______/\ ___________/\___ | \_ \/ _/\_ ___/ \ | |/ \ \ / __/ | \ ::| / \ \/ |/ | \:: .::|___\___|\____/ |\________/::. ::::::::::::[CC]/_____|::::::::::::: Soundsystem: Protracker Packed with: Tracker Packer v3.1 Songname : Shamrock Lyrics Duration : 38 sek. Author : Shamrock/Shrimps Design Size of Songdata : 6204 Size of Module : 12438 Number of Samples: 6 Patterns : 5 .______/\ ___________/\___ | \_ \/ _/\_ ___/ \ | |/ \ \ / __/ | \ ::| / \ \/ |/ | \:: .::|___\___|\____/ |\________/::. ::::::::::::[CC]/_____|::::::::::::: Soundsystem: Protracker Packed with: Tracker Packer v3.1 Songname : Intro_Nr_22 Duration : 25 sek. Author : Shamrock/Shrimps Design Size of Songdata : 4156 Size of Module : 23380 Number of Samples: 8 Patterns : 3 .______/\ ___________/\___ | \_ \/ _/\_ ___/ \ | |/ \ \ / __/ | \ ::| / \ \/ |/ | \:: .::|___\___|\____/ |\________/::. ::::::::::::[CC]/_____|::::::::::::: Soundsystem: Protracker Packed with: Tracker Packer v3.1 Songname : Intro_Nr_27 Duration : 23 sek. Author : Deadbeat/Zenon Size of Songdata : 4156 Size of Module : 11932 Number of Samples: 13 Patterns : 3 Hey Farmers! (Olaf lebt) I (Zarkov/FRANTIC) would like to tell you some facts about the people behind Shrimps Design and about their (a)social surrounding. They all have a special love towards dangerous liquids in common. Especially Sart, who never would refuse a cold beer, is very endangered of becoming Ethanol-addicted. Thus he is every weekend heavily intoxicated by this wonderful stuff. As a proof I will show you an ANSI he recently created: *** *** *** *** Ich liebe das * * * H H * * * Halts Maul, Maennchen mit * * | | * * du schwuler dem hohen * * H-C-C-O-H * * Mistbock! Haaransatz * * | | * * * H H * I still do not know the special meaning of this piece of art. Perhaps you do!? If so please contact me for comprehensive interpretations. Next on my black list is .....(drumroll)........Fulcrum! This guy is my favourite (hey, I wrote guy, not gay!). He lives in a room (Kaemmerchen) full of rubbish. Perhaps he is oknophile? Between vast piles of disks/cds/beer cans/ porno magazines or whatsoever he sleeps/lives/consumes Ethanol(parallel to SART) etc. Obviously he hides something amid his trash mountains. Perhaps his true identity. Who knows.... (may also write me (I mean about this matter!)). He recently got in contact with rather strange kids (<-- usually I do not like these American expressions but in this case the word fits perfectly). JAJAWEITE RIMTEXT(DUHABESTERHASCHETDERBONUSPUNKTEZWIER!NUNHOLSIEDIRHUHUHUHU) <- insider joke. Ui! I am running out of space. Continuation in the next issue of this MACHWERK. Greetings to: Lorenz, Padre Nuestro, T-Bone, Nova, F.L., Poison, Kid Base, The Bensons, Geraldo, Darkman, (Chrischtion! Mon petit conard!Je vais te casser la geulle!Uhuhuhu. Chrischtion mon ami le poisson!) End of transmission. /\ _______ / .\ __ _ __ __________ _________________| |___________/ \\___/\\/____________ /________ \ _______/ | | ______ \____/ \/ | / /______ / /\_______ \ | _ / _/ | || | /___/ _______/\ /____________\ |_____|____\ \ |_____|| | |____________\ |_____| \______\ : |_____|------ | : FOR 100% LEGAL ELITE SWAP OR `FRANTIC FACES` PACK SUPPORT CONTACT: CUltURE - SHRIMPS!DESIGN HEIDKOPPEL 1 22145 HAMBURG GERMANY /\ / .\ __________________________________/ \\_____________________ __ _\_____ \_ ______/________ /\____/ _______________ \_ / / ______/\ _______/\| | \_____ \_ / / ______________/___________\___________\ |__________/____/_____/ | :-lO! | : .___ ._____. _____/\ _ ___/\____| \___| :_____/\____. _ __ ______ _ ___/\ / __ //_____ \\ | \\ \ | __ //__ |____ ___ _ ___ \\ // \/ \ _/___ \ \ |: \/ \ \ __)____ / \ \__________/_| \_____/ :\____|_________/_| \\_____ /_______/ == =============|________\|_____|yop =============|______\====\/========= == TO GET IN TOUCH WITH CRUNCHED CHIPS BUY A BAG OF CRUNCH CHIPS FROM BAHLSEN OR SIMPLY SEND YOUR CHIPTUNES,NEWS & TEXTS TO: CRUNCHED CHIPS mag. HEIDKOPPEL 1 22145 HAMBURG GERMANY OR WRITE A E-MAIL TO:SART@DUG.SUB.DE _____/\____. _ __ ___._______/\______/\ / __ //__ |_________)____ \\ __ //__ // \/ \ \ |: _____/__ \/ \ \__________/_| \\__|____| _ __ ___ ____/ == ==============|_______\====================== == HI FREAX... %#/@\=!C&U: THIS IS CULTURE OF SHRIMPS AND KRABBEN & CO WHO IS SOOO PROUD TO WRITE SOME LINES FOR THE VERY NEW CHIPI COLLECTION DONE BY SART! OKAY TODAY IS THE 11TH OF MARCH AND I AM STILL HOME ALONE - CAUZ MY PARENTS ARE ON A HOLIDAY TRIP - THATS WHY I AM ON A PARTY TRIP ALL THE TIME.. OHH GUYS DONT READ THIS CRAP TO CAREFULLY OR YOU WILL GO MAD - LIKE I AM!? CAUZ NEARLY EVERYBODY HERE WANTS TO BE ACTIVE WITH IMPROVEMENTS BY TALKIN ABOUT THE SHITTY GENERATIONS FROM THE SO CALLED AGA INST. CT23 A34 BUT ONLY WHEN THE OXYGENICAL PATIO IS ON A 876% CAUTION = $999,33 AN UGLY PERSON WANTS TO BE ACTIVE ON THE STATED MACHINE (PFLUMP) ITS QUIT IMPORTANT TO MENTION THE 4TH PHASE OF TESTED SHIT ON 100% C= I THINK THATS ALL YOU HAVE TO KNOW FOR TODAY - KEEP IT IN MIND - THANKS FOR YOUR INTEREST AND COMMENTS (IF THERE WILL BE ANY) A C H - TRY TO WRITE MORE SENSIBLE AND THOUGHTFULL WRITTEN LETTERS THAN THIS ONE (NOT TO HARD EH) AND SEND THEM TO THE ADDRESS STATED SOMEWHERE IN THIS CHIP-COLLECTION! - PEACE - LOVE - AND X-TC ~! X-YA CUltURE-SHD! CREDITS: Coding : Sart/Shrimps Design Artwork : Ben.e/Shrimps Design Music : Shamrock/Shrimps Design MGL/Damage Deadbeat/Zenon Authors : Zarkov/Frantic Culture/Shrimps Design Sart/Shrimps Design Replayer: Crazy Crack/Complex Energy- Support : Bahlsen & Karlsquell _____/\______________/\______/\______/\______/\ ____ ______/\______/\ / ___\_____ \ ____/ ____/__ __/ \_ \/ _// _____/ ____/ / |___|_ / / __/ \| __/ \ / | | |/ \ \/ |____\____ \ :/ | _/ \ \ ' \ ' \/ |:| / \ \ | _/ ' \: .:\_____ |___|\ \____ /_____ /_____|:|___\___|\____/____ |________/:. :[CC]::|___|:::::\___/:::\/::::::\/::::::::::::::::::::::::::|___|::::::::::: Absolute, Abyss, Alcatraz, Alchemy, Alpha Flight, Andromeda, Applause Arise, Avantgarde, ArtCore, Akira, Aldi, Aspect Balance, Bonzai, Bronx, Birdhouse Project, Brilliance Crystal, Castle of Illusion, Crisis Design Damones, Darkness, Dual Crew-Shining, Desire, Depth, Dreamdealers, Detect Effect, Energy, Eremation, Eskimos, Essence, Equinox Fairlight, Fifth Generation, Fotl, Frantic, Freezers,Gothic, GCS, GP Inc. Infect, Inflow, Intense, Interactive, Iris, Illusion Legacy, LSD, Lego, Mad Elks, Manitou, Mystic, Nova, Neutron, Neoplasia Obscene, Online Box, Orion, Oblivion , Oxyron Paradox, Polka Brothers, Progress, Prodigy, Pulse RamJam, Razor 1911, Rebels, Recall, Resolution Sanity, Saturne, Savage, Scoopex, Spaceballs, Stellar Sunflex Inc., Scoopex, Sceptic, Shining 8 Taurus, TRSI, Technology, The Edge, TFD Union, Unlimited, Vanish, Vision, X-Act, X-Treme Some informations about the handling of Crunched Chips In the LHA archive is a HD-INSTALL. With this script you are able to install CC on your HD. In the Textscreen you can press the right mousebutton to get back in the textmenu. When you want to read some informations about the tunes simply read the module-info. And with the escape key you can leave Crunched Chips. I hope you enjoy this chip mag from SHD.