RAW:0/0/640/200/Amiga Monitor V3.1 !ONLY FOR INTERNAL USE IN THV! --- Amiga Monitor --- --- coded by Brada of THV --- ( based on Timo Rossi monitor ) released on 25.12.1989. If you find any bugs please tell me !!! Here is my address: BUKOVAC 50, 41000 ZAGREB (YUGOSLAVIA) !!! $< hexa $< deca $< bina CHIP FAST PUBL MULU MULS DIVU DIVS AND OR EOR ASL ASR LSL LSR ROL ROR NEG NOT (pc) USP line- rasrhilscccsneeqvcvsplmigeltgtleas ls rox ro move add sub and or abcd sbcd mul div exg eor cmp btst bchg bclr bset chk lea ext clr neg not tst nbcd swap pea link unlk reset nop stop rte trap rts trapv rtr jsr jmp tas illegal -> ??? *** Break *** NewCLI "CON:0/12/640/100/NewCLI" Old: $ New: $ No Breakpoints set List of Breakpoints Unload old segment first First segment at $ Allocated from $ bytes read from $ to $ Allocation failed Not allocated that No memory allocated Allocated memory: startloc endloc length No segment loaded Segment list: location length Out of memory DOS error Trackdisk error (dir) Blocks free. *** Returned *** *** Breakpoint *** graphics.library Task Error !!! Task list: exec.library = Hunt list: un sg chr: ' Show history: signed Bus error Address error Illegal instruction Zero divide CHK instruction trap TRAPV instruction trap Privilege violation Trace Line-A emulator trap Line-F emulator trap TRAP instruction #