con:0/0/640/256/ »» Sargon SoundTracker-Ripper V1.8 «« Type Command : st-00:modules/mod. st-00:songs/ DIR: $0: DirName: Bytes Free. For all SoundTrackers ! Final Version !? Written by Shir Khan of SARGON Song Name : ++++++++++++++++++++ Ripper Location: $000000-$000000 Song Location : $000000 Module Length : $000000 Song Length : $00 Highest Pattern : $00 MaxInstr : $FF Nr. Instrumentname Length Volume Repeat RepLen Press Mouse Button to stop Music ! P-Play N-Start Search S-Cont Search SM-Save Module H-Help X-Exit 1. ++++++++++++++++++++++ $0000 $0000 $0000 $0000 Instructions: ============= You can enter the following commands: [Parameters] are not nesessary. (Default parameters) are used. 1. Play Sounds: p - play the song you see (be careful with corrupt songs !) pi - play instrument #x on keyboard (like SoundTr.). l0 / l1 - Filter on / off (only AMIGA 500) 2. Search for a Song: n - begin at $000000 or $c00000 to search for a song and stop when found one or when mouse button pressed. s - continue searching at 'Song Location'. s- - continue searching downwards. sa - Set 'Song Location' to sp - when found a song without instruments you can search for the old playroutine and copy the instruments behind the song. Use only when you heard the Song before you started to rip it !! Please Press »RETURN« ! 3. Copy Memory: cm[addr] - Copy Module to ($40000) cs[addr] - Copy Song to ($40000) ci - Copy eventual instruments in front of the song to its end. 4. Disk Operations: ss[filename] - save song (as 'st-00:songs/songname') sm[filename] - save module (as 'st-00:modules/mod.songname') si[,filename] - save instrument #x (as 'instrname') lm - load module to $40000. di[dir] - show the (current) directory cd - change current directory to . kf - delete file from disk Please Press »RETURN« ! sw - Swap Instrument names (for songs with $1f instruments). x - Exit Ripper Some hints : - When found a song at $60000-$7f000 without instruments use this: cs or cs38000 then sp because when copying 15 Instruments to $70000 you will come out of chip-mem and crash. - Don't play songs of which you see that they are corrupt ! - The ripper ignores instrument and song names but searches for possible instrument and pattern combinations. So it finds nearly every tune but sometimes also much useless stuff. Don't get angry ! - When you set the 'Song Location' to $c00000-$c80000 with sa you can search in Fast-Mem too. Please Press »RETURN« !