S4sargon is proud to present you another part for this great megademo !!! J1original idea by btc and also improved by btc J0A J2o.k. this new group consists of some ex-alpha flight members !!! so remember : sargon S0 J0is the best A!!! fR1irst Nhellos to all the other sargon membersH2..N...real greetings are flying later...A contact us...J0A J3 write to : sargon S0 (don*t write this line) plk073908c S0 S25060 berg.gladbach2 (you got it ???) J0 S4 A J2and now i will tell you something about this part ... coding ... btc muzak ... bb logo by mike of sargon ... i started programming this intro at the 8.8.1988 !!! this is my excuse for this lame part this is a long time ago,but i had to fix this again and again first i released a prerelease at the alpha flight copy party in bruessel ... some months later i finished it ... and some moths later i begun to turn the logo ... and now we have february what a shame why this big delay ??? the reason for this is because i have to satisfy some girls and some teachers that was a shit work (only satisfieing the teachers !!!) and now i*m to lazy too make more blitter commands (e.g. for the scrolly ....) i send fuckings to the following persons : porada (from the whole school(i have her in 3 subjects)) lindlau (english ....) roxy (lamer...) and to lee in goslar ... (sodan was 3 weeks old !!!) we send special greetings to : phalanx - alpha flight (hi frankie (nice job you did with prophets ag)) - deathstar - vortex 42 - world of wonders - red sector and to it !!! these are only the best of the best the real greetings coming later i should finish this little part and do the next one o.k. btc sends best greetings to his friends .... bye watch out for megademo 2 A