$02 ... sEdUlOuS is proud to present the first edition of $01R a V e L a N d $02made 4 the hardcore lover !!! $03Greetz to all my friends ! $09Hmmm what shall I type now.... $01 Let's play with speed now now $09 now now now $03 now $02 now $04 $01 enough !!! NORMAL SPEED PLEASE $02 THANXXXX ! Well I'm happy that this peace of shit is finaly finished. $09 I KNOW THE GRAPHICS ARE LAME BUT THE MUSIC IS OK!!! N O R M A L S P E E E E D $02 Sjoef ok ok now some intresting text... I'm going to tell you something about eNtItY !! Prepare yourself. EnTiTy is a strange dude with awfull long hair and a pair of glasses (Shit hij heeft nu lenzen!! was ik vergeten) He likes vodka and every friday he is drunk if he comes back from school!! $01 That's pretty cool I think... Verder is die lelijk, dom, sloom, STOP I can't go any further now. EnTiTy Is CoOl ! So DoN'T fuck with him. He will kill ya !!! $03 $01This mod. is made in one day and it's nice i think ! The code of this musicdemo is done by --> EnTiTy <--- thanx dude... $02release date: 11 February 1995 ! First I wanted to release it sooner but we had a water problem here in Holland so i couldn't !! It's not my fault... (I think) Hmmm some messages...$03 Hi T.B.C./TRANCE+R.N.O. $02do you like my first Raveland release ?? The graphics aren't great but i'm not a graphican and this whole demo is made 4 the music !!! message to Mark Faskey: Heeeee ik wil heeeeel snel die disks terug anders wordt ik dus echt wel boos. Remember that! Don't fuck with a musican!!! Maar voor de rest ben je wel ok. Je moet wel vaker in bommel komen !!! (om mijn disks af te gooien. Message to Beavis & Butt-head: Cool huh huh Yeah cool dude HUH HUH huh he beavis you're pretty cool sometimes huh huh enough of this shit ! Ik weet dus echt geen zak om in die scroller te zetten... maar je moet toch iets lezen onder deze leuke muziek. Hmmmm laat EnTiTy maar iets typen. Komt die aan... ps: de scroll is lekker langzaam zodat die langer lijkt! hi hi nu mijn vriend EnTiTy ---> $09Right on this very moment ENTITY forms a new group; SMIRNOFF with ENTITY as its only member... Smirnoff vodka kicks ass!! I LIKE IT! ikke wil nog unne borrel ff wagte! SLOK, AAAHHHHH! nice! diz stupido stuff is made 4 zEdUlOuZ and it riellie zuigt it should hef been bugvree but it izzent it sux yeah right eeeehhhh, goedbaai dan maar weer, (lekkere schokker in de scroll bij het naar de volgende pagina gaan huh?)$01 reestaart nu sukker-->> DoN't WoRrY... bE hApPy