April Cooperation DanceWithDanger For Her Get It !! Good Old Times Happily Hopefully Nightfall RazorsBlood StrangeChip Hi there ! This is Cyborg typing some wordz on da keyz.......first some creditz for this production...Code was done by Wizard and Procyon...Music was done by Cyborg,Butthead,Danger D. and Phase...Titlepic was painted by Beavis and the font was done by Viper ! OK,now you know who did this stuff here...what about some instructions ? Instructions...? Ehrmmm...You can choose a tune by pressing the left mousebutton on it...not easy,eh ? Enough of that ! OK,here we go with some other stuff...what about some greetings of Neoplasia ? Neoplasia sends the greets in A-Z order to the following groups : Absolute, Abstract, Abyss, Alchemy, Aphrasia, Avantgarde, Black Fishy,Black Jack, Bronx,Cadaver, Defect, Defiance,Demagogic, Depth, Diffusion,Dual Crew and Shining, Enemy, Eremation,Eskimos, FCI,Fanatic, Fate, Fear,Freezers, Funzine,Genetic,Gothic,Illusion, Infect,Interactive,Iris,Isch Crew,Jewels, Kronical,Latex,Legacy,Lego,Mad Elks, Mador,Mystic, Nuance,Outlaws, Pearl, Platin, Retire,Riot,Saint Group,Sanity, Savage,Scoopex,Shrimps Design,Speedy,Static Bytes,Strangers,Unlimited,Zenon. Are that enough or what ?? If you were not greeted and think you had to be greeted dont hesitate to complain yourself about that shit...and there are somemore greetings : Special greetings are going 2 Butthead/Neoplasia who is in America right now......just one more thing from me : Neoplasia welcomes their latest member. Its da cool Techno-Muscician -- ICEBEAT -- from Finland. Welcome to our crew !! Maybe you are interested in seeing tha latest Neoplasia-memberlist ? Here we go...NEOPLASIA are...in Germany : Anti (Swapper),Beavis (Graphician),Butthead (Musician),Cryonik (Designer,Editor),Cyborg (Organiser (WHQ),Musician),Danger D. (Graphician),Doc Holyday (Graphician), Ghostpainter (Graphician),Janosh (Coder),Major Bandit (Swapper,Musician),Nefaria (Graphician),Phase (Swapper),Procyon (Coder),Sir Jinx (Swapper),Viper (Graphician),Wizard (Coder)...in Greece are Alien (Coder),Dark Angel (Graphician),Ex (Organiser (GrHQ),Musician),Neptunus (Musician,Organiser Greece)...in Poland are Chmiel (Swapper),Nemesis (Graphician),Pet (Organiser (PHQ),Swapper),Ramirez (Swapper)...in Finland there is Icebeat (Organiser (FHQ),Musician)...thats all....25 members in 4 countries,and NO ONE MORE !!! OK,that wuz enough from me (CyBoRg)... personal messies are cumin up some bytes later.....givin da keyz right now on to Wizard... Here iz Wizard typing on da keys ... First some greetings to all members of neoplasia and all my friends. Now some special greets to Asphyx (Dark UNit) Why do you code on diz lame machine ?? Come back to the only real Computer - AMIGA !!! Cyborg`s scroller following......There are some personal messies from me going 2 ..........Vadium/Avantgarde : Hey guy,wann machen wir die Rülpsmeisterschaft ? Am Telli wars ja schon ganz cool (Irrenhaus)...Modem rult (Shit) !! Ich sach nur ViRtUaL EnErGy !!!....another add 2 yar messy : wie ich gestern erfahren hab biste jetzt von oben Luft auspusten auf unten Luft auspusten umgestiegen (grins) ??....hauste mich jetzt tot ?? ......to Slurry/Black Fishy..: Hi Slurry,I have sent ya our latest production as you asked for,but wait for our much bigger AGA production which will probably be released in November......to Sir Jinx/Neoplasia : Hi Jinxy.....thanx for always sending so keeeeeeeeeeewl stuff !!! Not only the disks...hehehehehe ! Geht die Maus ? ........to Butthead/Neoplasia : Hi du Sack,wirste vielleicht nie lesen hier...wer weiß,wer weiß..........to Danger D./Neoplasia : Mogänn mogänn...na,alles klalo ? Willste nich auch mal mit swappen anfangen ?? Paint some more logoz again and get yarself an 12er !!!..........well,that were all my personal messies.......I would like to thank all the following people for always being so cool and for their friendship : Butthead,Cryonik,Danger D.,Ex,Janosh,Phase,Sir Jinx,Slurry...and special thanxx are going to one person...to the person with whom I telephone most (smile).....--- VaDiUm Of AvAnTgArDe ---.....ok,greetings to all my contacts...that wuz all from me....Danger D`s wordz are following....Diz iz Danger D. on da keyz tellin' U s.th. about his tune ... U may think that I like it very much, but if U do I've gotta tell U that U're absolutely wrong !!! Da tune waz done in about 10 minutes ( everytime da stoopid guy writes da same thing, but it's da truth !!! ). I never needed any longer to create a new tune , diz means that after 10 - 20 minutes of makin' a new tune my heart started beatin' so fast that everytime I got a terrible KICK ( Saigon Kick ) and rebooted my machine. So, I never needed more than 20 min. to create a new tune. But what do I tell Ya, even if I had spent more time for my tunes they wouldn't be better. So let's continue with greetings now : Surely all NEOPLASIA - members should feel greeted now ! Although he might not read it big greets go out 2 U ( Butthead ) in America and all people who know me and surely all the people readin' diz at da moment ...