JiNX of _____/\_ __ ________ _______ ___ __ ___ _____/\_____ |::::/ \/ \/ _____))/ = \/ || \/ \___/ __ \::::| |:::/ \ \ ____)_/ (_ || \ \ \ || \:::| |::/ | \ \ \ = \ || \ \ \ __ \::| |::\ _|\______/ _______/ _________/ _______/ ______/ _||____/::| `---\/---------\/-------\/---------\/-------\/------\/-bAgGpuSs-` presents JiNX PaX #11 F 1 - FuTuRa / AlIvE F 2 - NuAnCe / FoR yOuR pLeAsUrE F 3 - PlAtIn / GeNeRaTiOn 13 F 4 - PrAnCe / WaNkTrO (A500 only) To make a unhappy man slightly more happy than he actually is, you could write to this address: 96 Cranford Drive Hayes Middlesex UB3 4LB Greetings to all contacts, you know who you are !