$VER: StartupCodeSys.PAL.exe 2.00 (09.23.93) Aggression Bad Format conrad Cozanostra Economy 12 Gaily Little Joke Micro tune 1 micro Tune 2 seeker Shit chip 1 shit Chip 2 Stamper syntune Unknown Exit From Demo Oki... Mystic is proud to present -Mysterious Chips II- featuring amazing modules by our mega musician XTD! This musicdisk was released at the -Polish Autumn Party 93- by -Mad Elks of Mystic- The credits go like this: -CODING- by The Gemini Geode -LOGO- by Deathlord -PICTURE- by CIA -FONT- by Axe Call to get in touch with us on one of our boards or contact one of our swappers. Greetings go out to: - Mad Elks of Mystic - Classic - Paradox - TRSI - Delight - Global Overdose - Anthrox - The Silents - Lemon - Melon Design - Andromeda - Union - Faith - Equinox - Phate - Sanity - Essence - TFA - Tarkus Team - Crystal - Kefrens - Skid Row - Accession - Fairlight - Infect - Scoopex - Jetset - Complex - Spaceballs - Nuance - and all the others. Well, sorry for this short scrolltext but the music by -XTD- is the main thing and not my stupid txt hehehehe. Oki dudes, have phun now! Bye from Axe of Mystic. HA! I bet you thought that was it didnt you!? Well you would be wrong! This is The Gemini Geode of Mystic on the keys now... Well, I just thought I would say that Im not at all proud of this little screen. You see, I am programming this on an A1200 but it is supposed to work on all Amigas. So whats the big deal you ask? Ok well the big deal is that I have no way of knowing how much effects will fit into the raster time limit of an A500 or A2000. So the solution is to send Axe updates every time I think I have it working right and its lame to have to program this way! BUT not for long! Soon I will be working on my AGA demo. I already have some of the effects finished. (such as true-color 24 bit plasma and such) Oh, did I mention that I am American? Now youve heard it all! An American programmer, I can believe it! Ok, Ive wasted enough of your time. Why dont you check out all these nice XTD chip modules! The scroll will now wrap...