SCROLLTEXTS INTRODUCTION CREDITS GREETINGS IN MEMORIAM GYU'S MESSAGES BBS INFO ABOUT NORTHNET CONTACT ADRESSES PD INFO PLAYING: =================== Muffbusters presents ..... S I D M A N I A volume 1 , entitled Legacy of the Ancients Exactly 431 minutes of entertainment in one disk ! More than 7 hours of music, that's more than 6 long play CD's ! Not the same quality of course, but it's very good for some nostalgy ! Please press right mouse button for the scroller menu S I D M A N I A is dedicated to the memory of REJO of Muffbusters . The Credits for S I D M A N I A volume 1 are the following Main code by Mucsi Additional code by Jar and Blaise Grafix and design by Krapulax and Jeva Scrolltexts by Gyu Very Special thanx to Per Hakan Sundell and Ron Birk for the original C64 replay routine ! In S I D M A N I A the upgraded version of this routine is used. And thx for the composers of the songs too ! Our greetings are flying to our most important friends in no order Grey and Magic of Dark Star, Error of The Special Brothers, Ronny and Jolly of Addonic Germany, Dexter of Addonic Sweden, Ice Mc of Damian, Liberator of Movement, Lord Stone of Acume, Elessar of Centura, Array of Scorpio, Adder of Crime Devils, Zinkfloid Coon O and Jason of Energy, Absurd Nexus6 Bear Frank Einstein Michel Angelo of 23 Celsius Crew, Guru Magazin, Ern0 of Absolute!, Shy Guy Masell Chris of Flatliners, Brazil and Stilla of Republic, Boomby and McMaster and to our friends from the marvellous NorthNet The Lonely Rider, WatchMan, Andy, M.A., Bigfoot and Plejad To our friends from the hungarian modem scene Togo, Antforce To our contacts Duke of Tempest, Chuckie of Silicon Ltd., Diskman of Trance, Dark of Noxious, Red Knight of The Electric Knights, Stranger of Effect, KickMan of Centura, Bloody of Bronx Our hellos are flying to the following Hungarian groups Amnesty, Impulse, Absolute!, 23CC, Graffitti, Zoolook and to others I forgot... Somebody left us. Somebody, who was very important to us. Somebody, who was a real friend. Somebody, who was member of one of the funniest teams on scene. Now this team is in silence. As somebody left us.... Now he travels on a long long way to eternity... Here we want to send our last greetings to him . He was REJO of Muffbusters, who died in a car accident.But... If it is a computer heaven somewhere, he is surely watching us from there. He is sitting on a cloud with some hardware in hand, and thinking how to improve those hardwares to a better one. The world is empty without him, and we are alone now. His family, the whole Muffbusters team and Fatal Illusion team will remember him always. So long REJO, so long We will meet you surely in computer heaven ! Hi all ! Here is Gyu typing some personal messages To Array of Scorpio Hi Patrick ! Sorry for the delay this time, but I was waiting for this production. I will call you sooon for a cool chat... To Adder of Crime Devils Antti ! Try to reach me on NorthNet ! You can find the number of NorthNet Whq somewhere in the scrolltext. I will wait for your coool letters ! To Error of The Special Brothers Hiya Jens ! Your mousse au chocolat is the best in the whole Amiga scene ! Please give me some another good suggestions to cook ! Yep, and call us soon for a coool chat ! To Grey of Dark Star Hello Tobias ! Long time to not read your cool and long letters. What do you think on a good and big pizza a la Garfield style ! To Bloody of Bronx Poor of you at the army now ! I hope, that you will enjoy our production on those dark days! To Elessar of Centura Whats news on your planned trip to the green Island. I hope, you was able to use my suggestions! I am crossing my fingers to your success ! To Duke of Tempest Yohoo Darko ! I hope, that it was worth to wait for this cool MuffBusters production. Hope to hear your opinion soon . Dexys Funtro is goood ! To Ronny of Addonic Fatal Illusion is the best BBS around ! Please keep up your good work, and prepare yourself for our upcoming calls ! To M.A. I like the idea of PBN, please make a good and interesting game to us ! I hope, that NorthNet will be the best Net around ! To Plejad Hiya Tuomas, try to organize Muffbusters SF. I am waiting for your graphics to look at ! To Ice Mc of Damian Congratulations for your upcoming marriage ! Best greetings to Manuela too. Please give her my best kisses ! Cooperation rulez ! To Lord Stone of Acume Hello My Lord ! Do you like this stuff ? Hope to read your coool letters soon ! To Liberator of Movement Hiya Ronald ! Again in the Disco with Miranda ?Try to convince her to see The Beauty and the Beast ! Your BBS is great ! To All Friendship Rulez !!! Our new BBS will be called The AGA Inn. The number is 36 72 17226 V32.bis open from 00.00 to 24.00 It is NorthNet Hungarian Hq for Amiga wares and for a cool and friendly chat The new board will open soooooon ! We are searching for supporters for our new BBS. Please contact us as soon as possible ! Our another board is in cooperation with Damian. It's called Unlimited Success, the number is 43 767227743 please support our cooperation ! NorthNet is a new international Net for crazy people who likes to chat about any interesting subjects. About politics, music, cultures, countries, problems, cooking, projects etc... And you can contact us via NorthNet too. Just call NorthNet Whq at 3580518870 or call NorthNet Hungary at 36 72 17226 and leave a message to George Dragon. Please join our forces at NorthNet calling the Whq for more info. If you want to contact us for any legal reasons write to 7617 Pecs, P.O.Box 58 Hungary or call our bbs The AGA Inn 36 72 17226 or call 36 72 17226 by voice, and ask for George! If you want to join, send samples of your work to the address mentioned before, or upload it to The AGA Inn ! THX in advance ! This information goes to all PD distributor companies You are not allowed to sell or distribute SIDMANIA before a special agreement with the producers consists. If you are interested in this product please search for our contact address in the Scrolltext menu, and contact us as soon as possible ! 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