CAVE MANIA Imported to you By LIBERTY!!!! REMEMBER LIBERTY RULES!!!!! Pink PANTHER SUXXXXXXXXXXXXX LAMER! LAMER! LAMER! RIGHT BOYZZ we back After keeping low for few months cos of the bust!!!!. FOR SOME NEWS NOW!!!! WE ARE BACK STRONGER THEN EVER!!! SOME CHANGES TO THE GROUP firstly a NEW BBS BERMUDA TRIANGLE sysop "WARLOCK" only 100 USERS will be allowed (elite users only) ALSO we would like to introduce our new members GraphicsMan MASS and NEW CODER INFILTRATOR hope to SEE some cool stuff from you dudes!! well done..... THE CURRENT MEMBER LIST AS FOLLOWS THE DUDE (coder) QUASAR (coder) DYNAMIK (coder,music,graphics) INFILTRATOR (coder) TINGLER (coder) WARLOCK (sysop) RIPMAX (sysop) MURF (trader) MASS (graphics) --------- Soon ! Liberty will be opening another new bbs!! Well that is after RIPMAX gets the rest of his gear back from the FEDS. NOW WE KNOW who dobbed us in!!! YES WE KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!!! AND WHERE YOU LIVE WE DON'T FORGIVE NOR FORGET we will only wait till the time is right and you will get what is coming to you!!! DEATH to the LAMER..... ALSO you PINK FAT POOFTER For telling feds about our Copy PARTY LAME LAME MOVE!!! REMEMBER PARALEX SUXXXXXX TOTAL UNORIGINAL LAMERS!!! Why dont you Learn to code and stop using those same OLD BORING bootblocks!! you stupid old FART!!! Ps: do you still want to buy some more INTROS of uss??? Well We got TRS demo maker 2 for you!!! Now if you want a Source code for this WONDERFUL DEMO WITH FULL EXPLANATIONS OF ALL THE ROUTINES Send us $20 and it is yours!!! Greetings to ALL our friends!! special greets to -- DIRTY HARRY -- Thanks for the music MAN You are getting better!!+ -- MAVERICK -- keep up the good work!! NICE TWINS PITY THEY BOTH LOOK LIKE YOU!!!! hahahahaha --==* JIM *==-- SORRY TO KEEP YOUR STUFF FOR THAT LONG WE HAVE LOST YOUR DISKS SOMEWHERE!!! shit! keep up the good work! CODING 100% 68000 Assembler --++** THE DUDE **++-- GRAPHICS MASS, and THE DUDE TEXT WARLOCK and THE DUDE MUSIC FROM SOME OLD GAME!! ..... the end.... yes quit now bye.. OK FROM THE START!!! some people!!! bye... PARALEX SUXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX LAMERS!!