Read-Time:Issue No.#00000100:00:00 HELLO!! AND WELCOME TO "BESCHUIT MET MUISJES" WHICH IS A 1FILE KEYBOARD-CONTROLLED MAGAZINE FROM LEGEND!! OKAY, ENJOY THIS MAG, AND SPREAD IT AROUND!! Credits & Help Editorial Good Ole Cooking Ask Mr.Ruth Skate Tips Busts Port Betaald 20 Moppen Techno Acronyms Sick Lyrics! Modem Troubles T.P.B. Interview Phone Fraud Quartex Interview Polaris Interview Zaracon Interview Hardware News Game Reviews Software List Soccer Charts Dutch-Scene CDTV News Charts World Lists Zing Mee! Keek Op De Week Benelux Report Essex Girl Jokes "BESCHUIT MET MUISJES" © [L]egend ±1991 ­ The Will Of God ­!! Coding, Legend-Sound System Graphics & Sprites by » N.S.C. « !! Picture & BigFont by » Zice « !! Music by » Damien/The Punishers « !! You can Use the Following Keys in this Magazine: CURSOR Up/Down to Choose a Subject, RETURN to Read or Stop that Subject, SPACE toggles Pause On/Off, DEL Changes Audio-Stuff, F10 Quits this Mag, HELP toggles PAL/NTSC, CURSOR Left/Right for PrintSpeed!! If you want to Send some Subjects, Jokes, Recipes, Problems, Money etc. Then send it to : Pinhead, Lodijk 94, 3079 TW, Rotterdam, Holland. Or Send some of the Above Mentioned Stuff to one of our Boards! Please write Texts with NO MORE then 73 Chars per Line, Only using Topaz Chars, Otherwise we've got to Edit all those .txt files and that's very Time Consuming. So Please Please Please Follow These Simple Rules!! If this is You're Favourite Magazine then Vote for it!! NOTICE: Because this is a 1File Magazine, it May Not Load on a 512K Amiga, Depending on the Size of this (Little) Magazine!! Untill Next Time, N.S.C.!! Well, This is the first Issue of "BESCHUIT MET MUISJES" The first release is on the Mirage Party, which is tomorrow the 7th December 1991 (it's the 6th December Now). So all you guys and gals reading this have a Fresh Issue!! So await More Issues on the Future and Read'em'nSpread!! Hello freaks! Chef cook Jean Paul du Zice at your service. If you want to impress (or kill) your cute litlle girlfriend with a good and spicey meal, follow me then in the world of good ole' homecooking! This dinner is called 'patatje nuclear wasteland' You need for this meal for 2 persons: 6 big potatoes 1 botlle of mayonais 1 botlle of curry (or ketchup) 2 medium big onions 1/4 ltr of cognac 1 botlle white wine some salt and pepper Peal the potatoes and cut them into chips,then fry them in your mother's cooker. Get them out after some minutes when they are nice and brown. Throw them on a BIG plate and spice them with the salt and pepper. Then take the 2 botlles of mayo and curry and empty them in a milkshake mixer of your mom. Mix it for about 1 minute. Then take the onion and cut it in litlle pieces and mix it then with the dip. Now take this mixture and drop it on the cold chips. Take the cognac now,and emty the botlle now on your 'meal' Light it,and the chips will get HOT again! Drink with shit the cold wine. Have a nice meal! And kids,don't eat it yourself... If you know how to make a good and exotic meal,write it READABLE on a piece of paper and send it then to: BMM - Lodijk 94 - 3079 TW - Rotterdam - Holland Hello and welcome to another subject called:'Ask mr.Ruth...' This subject contains all kinds of sexual questions of you freax outthere. Don't be shy bcoz your REAL names will not be published in this corner! So if you have any kind of problem with an girl a boy or maybe yourself, please don't hasitate to write to us! Ok, we have this issue only one problem of an boy that we named 'Ruud' (this is ofcourse not his real name) QUESTION: Dear mr.Ruth, i have an big problem! I hope that you can help me... I like my litlle sister alot,but when we are fighting for fun my tiny dick gets hard! I think think that i'am sexual frustrated due to the fact that i even want to fuck my own sister! Please mr.Ruth! Please tell me what to do... 'Ruud' ANSWER: Dear 'Ruud',your problem isn't so big as you think it is! Ok its family,but hey you are an boy and she is an girl right? So the next time your dick get's hard just say simply:'HEY BITCH! I WANNA FUCK YA!' But do not rape her! Becos then you would get into prison and then your computer activities will go right down the toilet! And that is surely the last thing we would like to happen right! But if she refuses to sleep with ya,just simply say that she then would be banned from your amiga! That should do the trick! Ok 'Ruud', i hope we solved your problems today pal! Please write for the next issue the results of my help! yours mr.Ruth For FREE help write to: mr.RUTH Lodijk 94 3079 TW Rotterdam Holland Welcome to another litlle subject here in this crazy magazine called 'KNACKEBROT WITH MICE...' I will now explain to you skaters outthere how you can get cheaply an litlle ramp for your pleassure. Rope in your local cheesy skate lamer and make him break his legs whilst trying to impress you. Then phone up the local tv station and get them do a litlle feature on how 'litlle Johnny' would not now be disabled for life if those stinge bags and the council had built you a decent ramp! Arm yourself with an onion to get really teary for the camera... Ok that's all for this time! 'Till the next issue! Zice/[L] busted or getting bust , that's the question. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello everybody around the world this is Telekinetic of T.F.A. This is a short text over the bbs's all over the world and the BUSTINGS taking place at the moment. As u all know there are a lot of BBS-BUSTS active at the moment in germany and some other countries. A lot of other boards who aren't busted yet are shut down in case of protection of there own safety. It's a shame knowing that the cops are so fixed on getting all boards down and in fact all boards are a target for being busted. There is as you already know , little to do against and there are only a few countries where bbs's are still safe (at the moment !!!) Well here are some countries where bbs's are still safe : HOLLAND ----> The government is very busy to re-write da Law against COMPUTER-CRIMINALITY (what a joke !!!) BELGIUM ----> All quiet on the west front FRANCE ----> As far as we know (Many busts at party's by da software Police) PORTUGAL ----> A quiet country (little known about !!!) SPAIN ----> Not so many amiga users i think ITALY ----> Little information about italy,so it will be quiet i Think. and now some countries where bbs's busts are taking place : GERMANY ----> A LOT OF BUSTS AT THE MOMENT DENMARK ----> ALL QUIET AT DA MOMENT (FOR HOWLONG ???) SWEDEN ----> The same as denmark AMERICA ----> A LOT OF BUSTS CAUZE OF AT&T ACTIVITIES And some smaller countries But we must not forget the activity of AT&T in busting many AT&T freaks And ofcourse the Assosiation Against Hacking in engeland !!! And last but not least da tracing in some countries for da BLUEBOXERS. It's hard these dayz to perform ya hobby , let da government take some actions against killers , bank robbers and da organized crime. Let us know when there have bbs busts taken place in your country so we Can let all people know about it in a issue of : BESCHUIT MET MUISJES Some comments from bbs which are down : ----------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS IS JOKER/C.L.A.S.S.I.C SPEAKING, I WILL CLOSE MY BBS `S A D O C I T Y` FOR A WHILE. COS OF THE ENORMOUS POLICE ACTION AT THE MOMENT. BUT DON`T WORRY IT`LL BE OPEN AS SOON AS THE TROUBLE IS OVER. SO I GIVE THE ADVICE TO EVERY SYSOP IN GERMANY ! !!!! C U T Y O U R L I N E !!!! C U ALL IN BETTER TIMES. -*-JOKER/CLASSIC-*- PS: HOPE THOSE FROGS WILL ALL DIE !!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CRASHPOINT will also be OFFLINE for some time now, but I'll be back at 24-06-91 , 11pm , so don't worry, all accounts will be saved ! call ++49(0)761-132490 !!! for more infos!) -*-DEVIL/ADDONIC-*- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AFL's MISSING LINK will also be OFFLINE for some time now, but I'll be back, so don't worry, all accounts will be saved .... -*-Black/AFL-*- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- other german boards which are down : AIRPORT FANTASY ISLAND WONDERLAND SKARA-BRAE well that's all for da moment. let me know if you have more info over some bbs which are down. thanx and all good luck in the next period. Yabbadabbadoo... Zice/Legend here again to tell ya a litlle story of what happened to me a couple of weeks ago. At one night i was playing as usual with my little computer. Suddenly the telephone rang! I thought hey! Maybe a stupid fucker who dailed the wrong number,but instead it was an dude from the P.T.T. (the dutch post) He said that i was using ilegal PORT BETAALD stamps! He asked me if that were sendings from an computer club,becos of the disx that were in it! I told him that i had some 'penpals' in some country's and that they wanted disx with public domain shit. He said ok,and told me that he could do two things. He could go to the police and the disx would be destroyed + i would get a fine of DM2000.- or i had to go to the local postoffice were i could get my disx back after a litlle chat! Ofcourse i did the last thing... So the next day i went to the p.o. to look for my sendinx. After a while the LAMER came with my packages! (40!) I payed a litlle fine of DM50,- and the nightmare was over... He told me that if i would get busted again,the fine would be huge! (DM2000 for each sending) So i have to get now every week for about DM25 worth of stamps! So i gues this computer shit is getting more expensive every day... Maybe i'am gonna get some trained pigeons who will deliver my sendinx cheaper (airmail!) I guess i was very lucky this time... Zice/[L] DE BESTE 20 MOPPEN UIT PLAYBOY uitgezocht door TYZEZ 3 augustus 1991 'Ik ben niet verantwoordelijk voor deze moppen' 'VEEL PLEZIER' 1) Een oude dame leent in de bibliotheek een tamelijk realistische roman. 'Maar mevrouw,' fluistert de bibliothecaresse verbaasd, 'u leest toch altijd historische romans? Dit boek is absoluut niet historisch hoor!'Voor mij helaas wel' antwoordt de dame. 2) Sampie zit in een vliegtuig. Hij moet nodig pissen. Hij pist uit het raam, maar het raampje valt naar beneden en hakt zijn lul af. De lul valt in een augurkenveld. Een week later leest Sampie in de krant: In augurkenpot vinger zonder nagel gevonden. 3) Toppunt van sadisme: een dove een vreselijke dreun geven en dan zeggen: 'Wie niet horen wil, moet maar voelen!'. 4) In de Telegraaf..Gevraagd, testpiloten voor het uittesten van schietstoel. 5) Kleine piet ging naar de keuken om de kachel te neuken. Ome Nelis, ook niet bang schoot een kwak tegen het behang Jan, de geilste uit de buurt had een houten kut gehuurd Opa perste een laatste druppel uit zijn eeuwenoude knuppel Opoe, dat oude lijk gaf ook nog van haar hartstocht blijk en trachtte met forse rukken een ontbijtkoek in haar kut te drukken. 6) Wat hebben ze toch tegen ambtenaren? Die mensen doen toch niets.... 7) Onder de brug bij tante Mie daar kun je neuken voor een spie. 8) Jantje zijn vader en moeder liggen te neuken. Jantje luistert aan de deur en vraagt:' Wat zijn jullie aan het doen?'. 'We zijn met de auto bezig.' Even later hoort Jantje zijn vader zeggen: 'Schuif de bumpers eens wat opzij, de slinger kan er niet in. 9) Van Dale: Pik, v.(m.)(-ken),1.soort van houweel om iets los te hakken; 2.(landb) soort van kleine zeis met korte steel, die men met de rechterhand zwaait om de korenhalm los te kappen; 3.(volkst., kindert.) mannelijk lid, pik'je, pikkie,o., (ook,volkst.) staartsteun van een vliegtuig. 10) Van Dale: Kut, v.(m.) (ten), (plat) vrouwelijk schaamdeel;(zuidn.) scheldn. voor een vrouw;-(zegsw.) dat rijmt als kut op dirk. 11) Toppunt van kracht: Met een slappe lul het raam openschuiven. toppunt van pech: als het raam weer dichtvalt. 12) Miesje, heb jij je vliesje nog? Nee Jan, dat is gevoelsbedrog... 13) Te laat, te laat, zei Winnetou Het zaad is al naar binnen. 14) Een banaan en een vibrator liggen op het nachtkastje. Zegt de banaan:'Het is voor jouw zeker de eerste keer,je ligt zo te trillen' 15) 'We hebben pannekoeken gebakken.' 'Ja dat kan ik wel zien. Het vet loopt nog langs je benen.' 16) Libierty, liberty als hij stijf staat dan bibbert ie. 17) Ik ben op Cuba geweest Daar heb ik met Anna gekeesd Ze stond voor schut Ze had geen haar meer op haar kut. 18) Tante Nel is kogelrond Ze heeft een kut van 18 pond 18 pond is wel wat zwaar 10 pond kut en 8 pond haar. 19) Ken je Kaatje de weduwevrouw Haar op haar kut als kabeltouw Tieten als een juttepeer En geil in haar broek als wagensmeer. 20) Komt een vrouw bij de dokter op spreekuur.'Dokter, ik weet niet wat het is met mijn man, maar hij lijkt wel een parkiet.' 'Ziet hij zo geel?' vraagt de arts. 'Nee hij morst zo met zijn zaad.' Lately there is an kind of music developing called TECHNO HOUSE... This music has much more bpm then the usual house, therefore it is so fucking addictive that even the biggest nerd gotta dance to this kinda noise! TECHNO is only some years old, and has the main roots in Belgium! And that's why there are alot of known groups like QUADROPHONIA,T99,808, PRAGA KHAN,CHANNEL X,MNO,THE FORCE and DILEMMA coming from this land! But also an litlle country as Holland has some famous dudes like QUASAR, THE DEADKIRKS,INCUBUS and ofcourse SEQUENCIAL!!! When some lamer is noticed about an party, then they always compare it with an drug called XTC... This drug is fucking bizarre you know! It has much more effect then just smoking an joint... It focus your mind in just only one thing... to DANCE! This drug is always taken by freax who wanna make an trip,tranz or just dudes who heard many things about it and just wanna try it for once... Well, i think they are just pettyfull! The real freax dont need to get an trip first befor they can dance! They just walk on the dancefloor and come to eaze... They just let the music take control of all their bodyfunctions! When you are really getting off ya will get into an trance... This means that the music is really taking over your mind! I once got really in this move and i can assure you, it was really an trip of a lifetime hehehe... Maybe ya noticed in da video clips all kinds of light,strobo's and lazers... Well, this is really an support to get really in this situation! And that's why i bought myself an stroboscope hehehe... Some info 4 you: an strobo is an kind of fucked up lamp who flickers all the time with an real bright light! This music is surely getting more popular under the teenagers, and ya can see it also in the music charts becos here in holland QUADROPHONIA, T99 and CHANNEL X had already an big hit in the normal charts... When ya got interested in this music, then you must go to an importstore and not to an normal record store becos these ones have only commercial stuff... When ya really wanna get into it, then ya maybe can take a look at my top10 of IMPORT records... 10 - NJOY / anthem 9 - N.R.G. / tripswitch 8 - QUADROPHONIA / wave of the future 7 - PRAGA KHAN / rave the alarm 6 - SECRET MISSION / were going down 5 - TURN TABLE TERROR / break 4 - HOLOFONIC SOUND / house of god 3 - DILEMMA / erase your mind 2 - THE FORCE / the beginning 1 - M.N.O. / god of abraham Ok, i just wanna say one thing... Either you hate it, or either you love it! Rave on my friend! -ZICE/LEGEND Here's a list of shortened-words/acronyms, all typed by BIGFOOT/LEGEND! If you got anymore, please send them to one of our adresses! ADA - American Defense Anxiety (Programming language recently found to be security risk.) ANSI - American National Standards Institute BIPS - Billions of Instructions Per Second BYTE - Bit You Thought Executed C - Commodore C Language - Commodore Speaks (as in "No comment on James Minotto's departure") CAD - A socially Repehensible programmer who does illegal and possibly immoral things to the amiga's hardware. CDROM - Can Deliver Ripped Off Machine. CDTV - Commodore Desperately Takes Valium CDXL - Compact Disk Xtra Extra Large CFTH(1) - Checkmate's 1500 CFTH(2) - Commodore's 1500 CHIP - Commodore Has It Positioned CIM - Commuter Integrated Manufacturing CITK - Coffee In The Keyboard CLI - Cryptically Laidout Interface COSI - Computer Services Institute (Chairman: Van Tutte) CPU - Customised Powerless Useless (Very technical term!) DAT - The opposite of DIS DAVID - Digital Audio Visual Interactive Device DDMS - Distributed Database Management DIL - Dual In Line (Plastic enclosed integrated circuit with chip moulded horizontally - sometimes called PEICWCMH) DIR - Demand Immediatly Refund DIS - The opposite of DAT DISK - Don't Insert: Spinning Kills DOA - Dead On Arival (as applied to computers reaching dealers or mail order buyers) DRAM - A measure of refreshment for Scottish programmers DRIVE - Disturbed ROMS Interface Violently Everytime DTP - Don't Try Printing DTPIE - Don't Try Publishing It Either EDI - Electronic Data Interchange,Also the girl who serves DRAMS FAST - Frantic About Software Thiefs FL - Fuzzy Logic GTM - Guru Trancedental Meditation IDEA - International Data Exchange Association IT (1) - In Tuition IT (2) - Computer programmers do IT on their own KATY - Kickstart this Amazing Yamaha LISP - Programming language originating in Spanish cities of Barcelona (pronounced Barthelona) and Zaragoza (pronounced Tharagotha) MATH - Mi Amiga Te Hodea MDP - Mouse Drops Pings MHz - Megahurts (Expression used when you have only 512K and the program needs at least one megabyte) MHZ - Megahertz, large car rental company MIPS - Millions of Instructions Per Second NINTENDO - No Intelligence needed to Electronicly Nip Disks Off NTSC - No Time Spend Computing NOIDEA - National Officer, International Data Exchange Association PAL - Photos Always Lie POWERUP - Paul Overaa Writes Every Arpeggio Under Protest PQFP - Plastic Quad Flat Pack PSU - Permanently Sized Up QL - Quicklime (Product into which must be plunged the first UK 16 BIT computer with a stake trough its CPU) ROM - Run Outta Memory SCUSI - Italian for Guru SEGA - Some Easy Games Activity SPERM - What Microsoft claim in their advertisement travels 147 inches in 147 minutes and Lotus say only ever gets to swim 7 inches (Who says size doesn't matter in computing?) SQL - Structured Querty Language TENTATFOR - Commodore Monitor TFLS - The Fat Lady Sings THSTPS - Tony Hotgan Stole The Power Supply TIPS - Trillions of Instructions Per Second (Also what EDI gets) TLTA - Too Long Too Abbreviate TLTLG - The Long Thin Lady Groans UAE - Unrecoverable Applications Error UKCMG - UK Computer Measurement Group (Most programmers who claim size is important) VD - Video Doaster VLSI - Very Load Sexual Interface WYSIWYG - When You Stumble Into Workbench's Yellow Guru WTPO - Workbench 2.0 WOPT - Workbench 1.2 ZIP - Zig-Zag inline Package (Increasing density of PCB's by mounting chips vertically also called IDOPBMCV) ZZZ - ZZZ - Noise made by Correctly running 3 1/2" inch drive (and by the User waiting for it to finish loading) SICK LYRICS! ~~~~~~~~~~~~ By DEM Of JETSET Hiya folks... This Is My part of 'BESCHUIT MET MUISJES' I Decided to Make Something Completely Different.. No Boring Storie About 'FRIENDSHIP RULES' Because I Just Got Sick Of Them... So I Decided to make a Dutch Sort Of Lyric, A Kind of Poet.. I Know You're thinking.. 'Why the Heck It's In Dutch And not In English.. Well The Lyric Sounds Better In Dutch.. So.... But who carez about This Crap.. Let's Start the Show..... PEDO-PAS ~~~~~~~~ Pedo-Pas Voor In De KleuterKlas Val De Leiding Aan Rant De Kleuters Aan Met Je Pedo-Pas (On The Melody Of: SesamStraat) IK HEB TOCH ZOIETS GEKS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ik Heb Toch Zoiets Geks Ik Val Op Kleuter-Sex Als Ik Zo 'n Kleine Zie Gaat Het Van 1..2..3 En Is Ie Lekker Nauw Dan Kom Ik Lekker Gauw Is Ie Nog Niet GeScheurd Dan Krijgt Ze Nog Een Beurt Sorry For Such SICK (Brain-Dead) Lyrics But I Had to Fill up Some Empty Space.... (Yeah I Know I Could Fill Up My Head Too.....) Butta AnyWay.. C I A O ! Yup... i had some troubles due to my modem! hehehe... yeah, i got my first bill from the phone company since i got my good old 2400 baud dip! It seemed that i called for about 100 dutch guilders every week! And that are alot of stamps you know! Anyway, when i think about it back of my first month i will say that it was cool, but ya still cant get the REAL friendship that the mailtrading gives you! Ya cant get chocolate bars and other stuff by modem you know! So i was forced to minimize my activities on some dutch boards... And that's real fuck! So my point is that ya shouldent buy an modem when ya cant effort the bills later on! I know that many guys got problems due to this, becos modemtrading works quit addictive! So THINK before ya get one! -ZICE/LEGEND INTERVIEW WITH STONED FROM THE PEACE BROTHERS ------------------------------------------------- -L- PLEASE INTRODUCE YASELF, NAME, AGE AND FUNCTION IN TPB. TPB - I AM 14 YEARS OLD MY REAL NAME IS ALBERT AND I AM THE LEADER, CRACKER, FOUNDER AND GFX ARTIST IN THE PEACE BROTHERS. -L- WHEN WAS THE PEACE BROTHERS FOUND ? TPB - THE PEACE BROTHERS WAS FOUND AT THE END OF JUNE 1991. -L- WHY DID YA CHOOSE A NAME LIKE T.P.B. TPB - COZ WE ARE FOR PEACE IN THE SCENE AND REMEMBER MAKE LOVE NO WAR AND WE ARE ALSO FOR FREE SEX ^ CREDITS ON THE BOARDS. -L- HOW MANY MEMBERS DOES TPB HAVE ? TPB - WE GOT AT THE MOMENT 4 MEMBERS THEY ARE STONED, HIPPIE, DR.PEACE AND OME JOOP WHO CHANGED HIS NAME TO THE LOVEMAKER. -L- ARE U PLANNING TO TAKE MORE MEMBERS ??? TPB - OFCOZ WE ARE LOOKING FOR COOL MEMBERS WHO LIKE PEACE AND WHO ALSO HAVE THE SAME ROTTEN MINDS AS US ! THE WHOLE DAY MAKING JOINTS -L- ARE U STONED EVERYDAY ?? TPB - NO OFCOZ NOT WE AREN'T TESTAMENT (JOKE RUDI) -L- HOW MANY TIMES A WEEK ARE U STONED ??? TPB - ONLY WHEN WE RELEASE SOME STUFF -L- MHH DO U LIKE HIPPIES ? TPB - OFCOZ MY DAD WAS ONE AND I AM PLANNING TO BUILD A NEW HIPPIE CAMP NEAR THE HAGUE SO WE CAN ALL LIVE IN PEACE (NO JOKE!) -L- ARE U PLANNING A COPY PARTY. TPB - OFCOZ IT WILL BE HELD IN THE MIDDLE OF 1992 WITH FREE JOINTS FOR ALL COOL GUYS. -L- WHO ARE YA BEST FRIENDS IN THE SCENE TPB - I GOT MANY FRIENDS BUT MY BEST ONE IS THE ALWAYS STONED LOOKING BABYFACE FROM LEGEND.. -L- WHAT DO U THINK ABOUT THE DUTCH SCENE ?? TPB - YEAH IT'S QUIT COOL THE LAST TIME THERE ARE NOW MANY DEVISIONS OF ALL COOL GROUPS AND THE MODEM SCENE IS VERY GOOD AND WE ALSO GOT SOME DUTCH CREWS LIKE U DUDEZ IN LEGEND - TESTAMENT - VISION - AXIS - RAF - CRASH/TFA - AND OFCOZ THE PEACE BROTHERS WHO WILL BECOME #1 VERY SOON. -L- ARE U PLANNING TO MAKE TRAINERS OR DEMO'S ?? TPB - OFCOZ NOT WE GOT LEGEND FOR THAT RIGHT ???? -L- HEHE YEAH THAT'S TRUE WHAT ARE U'R PLANS FOR THE FUTURE ?? TPB - GET STONED IN THE TOILET, AND FUCK THE DUTCH QUEEN I LOVE BEATRIX -L- JAJA WITH A RUBBER ?? TPB - NO WITH A JOINT AND A RUBBER DILDO. -L- OHH COOL ! AND WHAT ARE YA FAVORITE MUSIC AND VIDEO'S ?? TPB - I LIKE THE MUSIC FROM JIMMY HENDRIXS AND JOHN LENON AND ALL FROM WOODSTOCK, AND MY FAVORITE VIDEO'S ARE GHOST AND RUDE AWAKENINGS. -L- MHHH OK AND WHAT'S YA FAVORITE FOOD AND DRINK ?? TPB - MY FAVORITE FOOD IS JOINTS ON BREAD AND MY DRINK IS APPLEJUICE. -L- WHAT'S YA FAVORITE GROUP IN THE WORLD ?? TPB - I LIKE ALL GROUPS WHO RELEASE COOL GAMES AND TRAINERS. -L- DO U HAVE A MODEM ? TPB - ONE OF OUR MEMBERS GOT A V42 SO HE CAN SPREAD OUR COOL RELEASES. -L- ARE U PLANNING TO OPEN A B.B.S. ??? TPB - YEAH IT WILL HAVE 4 LINES AND MULTINODE CHATTING JUST LIKE THE GERMAN N.C.E. BBS. -L- OK THAT'S IT THANX FOR THE INTERVIEW DO U WANNA TELL THE READERS SOMETHING AS A LAST WORD ??? TPB - YEAH DUDEZ MAKE LOVE NO WAR AND REMEMBER FLOWER POWER RULEZ U ALL. -L- OK BYE DUDE AND STAY COOL!! TPB - WE WILL DO SEE YA ON A PARTY SOMETIME. INTERVIEW DONE BY TDB & PINHEAD OF LEGEND! -L- Hi Please Introduce Yourself, Handle And Group : BamBam of THE Quartex! -L- What country are u from ?? Holland -L- What's your ago ?? 21 -L- Are u still a virgin ?? You got me -L- Do u smoke ?? & fly? -L- Did u ever fuck a sheep ?? Cant remember it was too dark -L- What do u think about the situation in yugoslavia ?? Hmm cool as hell, fireworks every evening! Its not fair cause we have to wait till the 1st of january! -L- What do u think about all those nazi's in germany ?? Fuck 'm! Nazi's SUCK! -L- What do u think about the scene in holland ?? The scene in holland is spoiled! And everybody thinks that they are so cool because they got a modem! damn... but thats the way it is all over the globe i think! -L- U where in Oracle a long time ago then it was a ducth group now some dudez reformed oracle did they ask your permission, or where u in the old days just a member ??? Well when i started on the Amiga the 1st group that i joined was ORACLE and i always thought it would be my last group aswell untill late september of 1990 and ORACLE fall apart! Now i dont think it was a very bright idea to start up ORACLE again! I mean we left a good group behind wiht a long history and it was not right to start it up again they should have made a new group under a new name! Thats just my point of few on ORACLE! -L- What do u think about reforming old groups like Vision Factory and Oracle ??? Well i think its a good thing as long as most of the members are the original members of that group! -L- What should u think if THE WEB INC (TWI) should be reformed ?? I might consider joining them together with Mr.Kees! -L- Who do u think is the best Cracker/Demo/Trainer group ?? Cracking group (QUARTEX!), Demo group (Got no idea!) Trainer group ([L]egend!) -L- Who do u think is the lamest group in the scene ?? PARADISE! -L- What do u think about BLAZE ?? hehehe i knew you would ask me that question! well he is big KOEKEBAKKER! -L- What is your function in QUARTEX ?? SYSOP! -L- Bbs de Saen is very active in holland with with arresting people already some dudez got caught what do u think about bbs de saen ?? Pff BBS de saen suck im not worried about those PD fuckers! -L- Do u also think that TECHNO is the final solution ?? Hmm im more into HOUSE but hey we live in the 90's so HOUSE is it! -L- Do u use XTC and all that other shit ?? hmm eheheh you know me! -L- Do u think 'ORANJE' will be european champ in 1992 in sweden ?? I sure hope so! ehehh Ofcoz... OLE OLE OLE OLE OLE -L- Do u ever go to copy-party's ?? yeah 7 december again eheh! -L- Ok men hope to meet u soon and thanx for the interview men and many luck in your group and in the future !! Sure thing dude! And good luck with your magazine & trainers! -L- Hey men, please introduce your self handle and group I`m The Hunter from Polaris -L- Ok what country do u live ?? I live right now in Croatia/ Jugoslavia -L- Ok isn't it war over there, is it still posibble to modem or are the most lines cut down ??? Well, most phone lines are cut, but the ones to the foreign countries still work. -L- Ok is there a cool software scene in yugoslavia or is there the cbm-64 and the vic-20 the best thing over there ?? nope, right now the only scene exists on the amiga, but that scene isn`t so good like in other countries, cause here the guys don`t have the money to buy the good equipment. -L- Are there many groups on the amiga in yugoslavia ?? Well, there are many local groups here, but there are only few good ones, and one of them is mine, Polaris, and two or three others, which also have one modem-trader. -L- So not so cool over there ?? do u think the yugoslavian scene will develop just like the one in hungaria with some cool demo crews and people who will learn to write games to earn some money ??? Well, I hope that the scene will develelope soon, especialy when the war here is over. Then people will invest some money on new things and one of them is computers. -L- Do u think the war will stop soon ??? Everybody says that the war should be finished before chrismas, but it could last a little longer. -L- Let us pray it will be over befor christmas !!!! what do u think about servia ?? Well, they are some weird guys, cause they now they gonne lose the war, and also they are so fanatic, that nobody could bring their lame brains to work normally. -L- Yeah let's hope so is it true that there are nazi's helping servia and that there army wears signs from the 2'd world war ????? From what I`ve heard, the serbians work on their own and nobody says anything about nazi`s and of helping the serbs. -L- Ok back to the software scene do u think u guys will produce a megademo or cool demo's soon ??? -L- Well, we have brought out till now a magazine, some demo-packs and soon we will release a first slide-show painted by our great gfx-man, and after that done we will bring out a demo or a new eddition from our magazine called 'The Outer Limits'. -L- Ok we will look out for further product from u guys !!!!, is there a piracy law in u'r country ?? There is one, but it is not finished yet, so that everybody is doing what he wants and nobody is thinking about copyrights and that things. -L- So u can earn lots of money in selling software in newspapers and stuff like that without being afraid of being cought ??? Well, about one year ago the computer-magazines have decided not to print anymore any adverts for selling programs, but the guys still countinue to sell stuff, but the prices are very low so they are not earning very much on that. -L- Yeah do u have many amiga magazines or do u guys read imported magazines from let's say the u.k. ?? Before the war started, we had three magazines here, all of them for all kind of computers, so there were two from serbia and one from slovenia,. When the war started we got a croatic magazine. -L- How do u call for free from yugoslavia ??? I`m on my neighbours line... -L- Are there many b.b.s's in croatia or yugoslavia ??? Well, in croatia and also in the former yugoslavia there are many so called legal bbs working on 2400 baud, but they are also pirte-board, caus you can find there anything, and for the faster ones, there is only on board working on a Dual Standard, but that board is a very poor one, caus the sysop is interested in profit only and he sells the stuff I send him to kids and womens. -L- Is there a way to bluebox in yugoslaia? coz italy can still bluebox Well, I have tried quiet a lot things and so did some other guys, but none found any blueboxes so far, but we are sure that there is one. -L- It would be cool then maybe the yagoslavian modem scene could become much faster!! That`s sure, cause I know many guys, that have bought a HST or would buy one, but the only problem is the phone bill. -L- Can u suggest the reading people a cool place to go on holiday in yugoslavia if the war is over ?? Of coz, there is the verry nice place called Dubrovnik, and also there is the town where I live, Split, both are some nice sightseeing places. -L- Yeah ok we will come back this summer if the war is over just like many europeans did the last year ok men thanx for the interview and we which u guys many luck in the future and we will all pray that the war will be over soon. Ok thanx for the interview and see you all guys next summer here! -L- HaStA La ViStA BaBy! -+- INTERVIEW DONE BY T.D.B. -+- -+- INTERVIEW WITH CRASH FROM ZARACON -+- Please Introduce Ya self : I AM CRASH FROM ZARACON. What's Your Real Name And Age : BOEIT NIET AND MY AGE IS 20 What's Your Function In Your Group : SPREADER/CRACKER/ORIGINAL SUPPLIER. What Do U use To Crack : MY BRAINS What's The Aim Of Your Group : TO GET FAMOUS How Many Members Have Your Group : 6 What's The Fuction From The Rest Of The Members ? : THEY ARE PAINTERS MODEMTRADERS AND PROGRAMMERS. Do U Swap By Mail ? : YEAH How Many Contact Do U Have ? : ONLY 2 AT THE MOMENT Do U have A Modem ? : YEAH OFCOZ EVERYBODY NEED ONE THESE DAYS What Modem Do U Have ? : HST 14.400 US.ROBOTICS Who DO U Think Got The Coolest (ANSI!) Bbs In Holland ? : DOWNTOWN What BBS'S Do U Call ? : Network ' Techno Heaven ' Ancient Dreams ' Downtown ' Edacious Place ' Sleep City And Many More. Do U Live On A Farm ? : NOPE How Do U react When They Call u 'FARMER CRASH ?' : I HATE IT What Do U Think WIll Make A Good Group ? : Cool Cracks And Nice Demo's Who Do U Think Is The Best Cracking Group : CRYSTAL And The SKID ROW Who Do U Think Is The Best Demo Group : AXIS Who Do U Think Is The Best Trainer Group : LEGEND Who Do U Think Is The Lamest Group : R.A.F. What's Your Favorite Soccer Team ?? : I DON'T LIKE SOCCER Did U Ever Fuck A Girl ? : YEAH Did U Ever Fuck A Sheep ? : NOPE NOT YET What Do U Think About 'OLIEBOLLEN' (Dutch Food) ? : I Hate Em Coz They Stink Like Hell And Make U Fucking Fat. Did U Know Babyface Loved Em ? : Yeah I Think He Love's Em. What Do U Think Was The Best CopyParty U Ever Visited : VISION PRIME 90 What Was The Lamest Party U Ever Visited : MAXIUM PLEASURE From Supplex And Scoopex In Luxemburg. Why Did U Hate That Party : 1St - It Was Only 1 Day Instead Of 2 Day's 2'D - The Party Place Was In Another Place. Do U Have Your Own Hairdresser ? : Nope Where Do U Buy Your Clothes ? : In The Shops Mostly At THE HEMA Do U Have Water In Your Home ? : Nope What Do U Think About Feyenoord ? Who's That ? What Do U Think About 'Het Zeeuwsmeisje ? : Never Heard Of What Do U Think About Raf ? : Lame Shit What Do U Think About Rtl4? : Lame Shit What Do U Think About Techno ? : I Like It What Do U Think About Sinterklaas ? : A Fucking ShitHead What Do U Think About James Brown ? : Never Hear Of Do U Think He's Dead Or Still Alive ? : Dead What Do U Think About Sex ? : I Love It What Do U Think About Gays ? : Father Fuckers What Do U Think About Aids ? : Not Really Nice But The World Will Find A Cure For It Very Soon I Hope What Do U Think About Lamers ? : I Eat Em For Breakfast Who Do U Think Is The Biggest Gay In Holland ? : SLEAZE Who Do U Think Is The Coolest Dude In Holland ? : T.D.B. Who Do U Think Is The Best Looking Girl In Holland ? : The Girl From The Veronica Promo (The Black ^ White One!) Who Do U Think Is The Richest Men In Holland ? : Prins Claus Who Do U Think Is The Best Group In Holland ? : ZARACON Ofcoz We Rule What Do U Do In Your free Time ? : Copying/Modeming And Playing Games Do U Work ? : Nope Ofcoz Not So We Must Pay Tax For You ? : Not Neccesary Do U Think U WIll Get Presents From Santa Claus ? : No I Have Been Bad Did U Ever Fuck Santa ? : Only Miss Santa What Group Would U Join If Zaracon Died ? : Stay Independant Are U Sure ? : No But The Future Will Tell Do U Have Something To Tell To The Readers ? : Yeah Don't Forget To Call Me On My Bbs At ++31-2154-16806 For Our Latest Cracks (After 21:00) The Weekend Online 24 Hours. Ok Thanx For The Interview ! : Ok Your Welcome And Hope your Magazine Will Be The Best. Interview Done At 23-11-1991 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWS FROM THE HARDWARE FRONT ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The for november announced writable CD-player is not yet for sale, this player who is CDTV compatible will be in the shops on april 1991. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The CD-Rom drive for the Amiga 500 from Commodore will not finished before christmas. There will be some machines on sale but they will ask dubble the price as the normal price, it will be around 750 Dollar ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Hitachi has already released a CDTV-compatible drive for the Amiga 2000 and the Amiga 3000. The drive has a SCSI-2-interface and is 2 times as fast as the CDTV from commodore. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Commodore passed the 50 billion sales figures again. 1984 was the last time that commodore selled so many, after that the sales figures went down a few years ago. Now the sales figures are higher then ever. This is becouz the amiga solled 20% more and the cbm-64 sold even 30% more then last year. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This year the A500P (professional) will be on sale in europe. This amiga will have the ECS ic's Kickstart 2.0 and 1 MB Chip Memory. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Commodore except that they will sell 250.000 amiga's in 1991, then the amiga will be the best sold home-computer from 1991. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The 68040 turbo boards for the amiga 3000 are finally available. More information about the price can be get at : 081-9416117 in the U.K ----------------------------------------------------------------------- For the KCS-powerboard is now a adapter available who makes it posibble to put these pc adaptor in the amiga 2000 and amiga 3000. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- There is a new award in the uk for animations it's called the Eric Swartz Awart, Eric Swartz himself won the award with his 'DATING GAME' animation. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The final version from Kickstart 2.0 is finally finished. it is version number 2.04 - 37.175, This is the last version who is called 2.0. The kickstart is available as ROM for the amiga 500 and 2000, It is also available as harddisk-module for the amiga 3000, ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The Fred-Fish disks have been chooisen as the best PD-Serie ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Again a new 68040 board, this time with a SCSI-controller, a parallel and 2 serial ports and 16MB, 32-bit-RAM. More information can be get in the states at number : 619-566-3911, or fax : 619-566-0581. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- PACK030 is a card who makes from a 2620-interface from Commodore a 2630+ interface. More information in germany at : ++49-421-833864, or fax : ++49-421-832116. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GAME REVIEW CORNER... HELLO AND WELCOME TO THE GAME REVIEWS PAGE........ WELL THE FIRST GAME I WANNA REVIEW IS : -MOONSTONE FROM MINDSCAPE!! ........ THIS FINE AND NICE ACTION'N'ADVENTURE GAME IS IN HIS KIND A NICE GAME ... AND WORTH TO BUY THE ORIGINAL..... BUT ANYWAY HERE IS THE STORY (SO FAR I PLAYED IT!!) WELL, YOU ARE KNIGHT AND MUST FIGHT AND GAMBLE TO SURIVE TIL THE NEXT DAY!.... FIRST THE GAME STARTS WITH A REALY NICE (COOOOL!) GAME INTRO!!! WHERE YOU CAN SEE A KNIGHT WHO GET SOME POWER FROM SOME DRUIDS (OR WIZZARDS OR THE CLUCLUXCLAN!) NO... DRUIDS ARE THEY I GUES!! ANYWAY THE GAME GOES ON WITH LOADING THE MAIN MENU!!! THAN AFTER THE A VIEW SECONDS THE MENU IS READY..... UH, IN THE MENU YOU CHOISE WHAT FOR KNIGHT YOU WANNA TO BE AND YOU CAN SWITCH OFF THE GORE MODE.... THE GOREMODE IS NO BLOOD OR MUCH BLOOD IN THE GAME!!! (I ALWAYS LET THE GORE OPTION ON HEHEHHEHEH) WELL NO YOU CAN MAKE THE CHOISE TO PRACTICE&PLAY THE GAME!! WHEN YOU CHOISE PRACTICE THAN YOU CAN LEARN HOW TO FIGHT WITH YOUR SWORD!!!! AND HOW TO DESTROY YOUR ENEMY (BLOOD!!!!) BUT LET ME GO ON WITH PLAYING THE GAME..... OKE WHEN EVERYTHING IS LOADED THAN YOU SEE A MAP.... ON THIS MAP YOU SEE A WOOD AND SOME CASTLES AND VILLAGES AND A PLACE IN THE WOOD (MOONSTONE!) WHERE WHEN YOU ARE WOUNDED GET A EXTRA LIFE!! WHEN YOU GO INTO A CASTLE THAN YOU CAN DO 4 THINGS... 1 OF THE 4 THINGS I TELL YOU BECOZ THAT'S THE MOST FUNNY THING TO DO!! AND THAT IS GAMBLE!! THERE YOU CAN WIN OR LOSE ALL YOUR MONEY...... YOU GAMBLE THERE WITH DICE.... ALSO YOU CAN FIGHT THERE WITH A LORD!!!!! ALSO THERE ARE A LOT OF OHTER KNIGHTS WHO MAKE JOURNEY THROUGH THE WOODS AND THE CASTLES VERRY DIFFICULT.... THOSE MEAN MOHTERFUCKERS WILL ATTACK AND KILL YOU!! AND THEY WANNA TAKE ALL YOU WEAPONS AND MONEY THAT YOU HAVE! WHEN YOU HAVE FIGHT WIHT A KNIGHT AND HE OR YOU HIT HIME THAN 1 OF YOU LOST BLOOD!! (HEHEHEHEHEHE) AND WHEN YOU WIN THAN YOU CAN TAKE HIS WEAPON OR MONEY ..... WELL THAT'S ALL FOR NOW WHEN YOU WANNA KNOW MORE THAN... READ THE DOCS OR PLAY MOONSTONE BY YOURSELF!!! HEHEHEHHE.... ANYWAY HERE ARE THE POINTS.... GRAPHICS: 75% SOUND: 30% VALUE: 85% PLAYABILITY: 90% ...REVIEW 2... WELL.. YOU KNOW ALL THE FANTASTIC GAME LEMMINGS ONE FROM PSYGNOSIS.... YIP BUT PSYGNOSIS HAS NOW RELEASED A DATA DISK FOR THIS COOL GAME.. CALLED OH,NO MORE LEMMINGS.... AND OFCOURSE YOU MUST SET AGAIN BOMBS ,DIGGERS,CLIMBERS, BUILDERS,WAITERS,BASHERS,FLOATERS TO FIND YOUR WAY HOME! BUT THIS TIME IS LEMMINGS NOT SO FUNNY AS LEMMINGS ONE IT'S SO FUCKING EASY TO PLAY... EVEN WHEN YOU SET THE GAME IN THE CRAZY MODE!!! EVEN THAN IT'S TOOOOOOO EASY FOR ME.... BUT ANYWAY YOU MUST TRY TO GET OR BUY THIS WHEN YOU ARE A LEMMING FAN!!! NO I WAIT FOR LEMMINGS TWO!!!! THE POINTS.... GRAPHICS: 85% SOUND: 90% VALUE: 70% PLAYABILITY: 70% ...REVIEW 3... THE THIRD GAME I REVIEWED IS GRAEME SOUNESS VECTOR SOCCER.. FROM THE SOFTWARE COMPANY IMPULZE.... WELL UH,ARE WE HAPPY TO HAVE ANOHTER SOCCER GAME.... I DON'T KNOW.... FIRST WHEN REACHED THE MENU YOU CAN CHOISE IF YOU WANNA PLAY A ONE OR TWO PLAYER GAME OR PRACTICE A GAME OR PLAY A TOURNAMENT WITH THE TEAM OF YOUR CHOISE.... I PLAYED THE TOURNAMENT MODE FIRST.... BUT HELLO.. WHERE I AM?? WICH PLAYER I AM???? ARE I AM THE ONE IN THE RED SHIRT OR THE BLEU DUDE OR THE BLACK ONE??? I MOVED MINE FUNSTICK TO THE RIGHT,LEFT,ABOVE... AND SO ON.... MEABY I MUST PRACTICE THE GAME FIRST.... WELL I DID THAT TOO BUT... THE SAME PROBLEM... I DON'T KNOW WHO I AM.... DID I PLAY THE DEMO VERSION OR WHAT????? NO.. PLEASE WHEN YOU WANNA PLAY A GOOD SOCCER GAME THAN TRY KICK OFF 2 OR MANCHESTER UNITED EUROPE!!!! AND UH... FORGET THIS.... PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU HAVE SOME TIPS HOW TO PLAY THIS VECTOR SOCCER GAME..... ANYWAY HERE ARE THE POINTS...... GRAPHICS: 50% (NOT SO BAD!) SOUND: 30% VALUE: 35% PLAYABILITY: THAT'S A HARD ONE! WELL, THIS WAS IT FOR THIS ISSUE!!! SOFTWARE RELEASE GAME LIST 4 MADE BY CRASH/ZARACON =========================================================== = NAME OF THE GAME = SOFTWARE HOUSE = RELEASE = = ------------------ = ---------------- = --------- = = MEGA TWINS = U.S GOLD = DECEMBER = = BONANZA BROS = U.S GOLD = DECEMBER = = G-LOC = U.S GOLD = DECEMBER = = EYE OF THE BEHOLDER II = U.S GOLD = JANUARY = = THE GODFATHER = U.S GOLD = DECEMBER = = PAPERBOY II = MINDSCAPE = DECEMBER = = VIDEO KID = GREMLIN = DECEMBER = = SPACE CRUSADE = GREMLIN = DECEMBER = = DAEMONSGATE = GREMLIN = JANUARI = = NIGEL MANSEL G.P = GREMLIN = MARCH = = ELVIRA 2 = ACCOLADE = DECEMBER = = NEIGHBOURS = IMPULZE = JANUARI = = WORLD CRICKET = IMPULZE = JANUARI = = TORNADO = DIGITAL INT. = APRIL = = FIRE FORCE = ELECTRONIC ZOO = DECEMBER = = CARDIAXX = ELECTRONIC ZOO = DECEMBER = = ABANDONED PLACES = ELECTRONIC ZOO = DECEMBER = = CONAN THE CIMMERIAN = VIRGIN GAMES = DECEMBER = = VENGEANCE OF EXCALIBUR = VIRGIN GAMES = DECEMBER = = DUNE = VIRGIN GAMES = JUNE = = B.A.T II = UBISOFT = MARCH = = VROOM = UBISOFT = DECEMBER = = FUZZBALL = SYSTEM 3 = DECEMBER = = MYTH = SYSTEM 3 = MARCH = = TURBO CRARGE = SYSTEM 3 = JANUARI = = WWF WRESTLEMANIA = OCEAN = DECEMBER = = RAINBOW ISLANDS II = OCEAN = FEBRUARI = = ROBOCOP III = OCEAN = DECEMBER = = EPIC = OCEAN = JANUARI = = SIM EARTH = OCEAN = DECEMBER = = SIM ANT = OCEAN = AUGUST = = TERMINATOR II 'COIN OP'= OCEAN = JULY = = THE SIMPSONS 'COIN OP' = OCEAN = AUGUST = = FORMULA ONE GRAND PRIX = MICROPROSE = JANUARI = = CIVILIZATION = MICROPROSE = JULY = = WILLY BEAMISH = SIERRA = MARCH = = SPACE QUEST 4 = SIERRA = FEBRUARI = = POLICE QUEST 3 = SIERRA = FEBRUARI = = CONQUEST OF THE LONGBOW= SIERRA = APRIL = = A320 AIRBUS = THALION = DECEMBER = = SUZERAIN = MIRROR SOFT = FEBRUARI = = LURE OF THE TEMPRESS = MIRROR SOFT = FEBRUARI = = APOCALYPSE = IMAGE WORKS = JANUARI = = RIDERS OF ROHAN = MIRROR SOFT = MARCH = = KNIGHTMARE = MIRROR SOFT = DECEMBER = = ANOTHER WORLD = DELPHINE = DECEMBER = = TOP BANANA = STORM = DECMEBER = = BIG RUN = STORM = DECEMBER = = INDY HEAT = STORM = JANUARI = = THE CHAOS ENGINE = BITMAP BROTHERS = APRIL = = EYE OF THE STORM = BITMAP BROTHERS = MAY = = HIRED GUNS = PSYGNOSIS = AUGUST = = SHADOW OF THE BEAST 3 = PSYGNOSIS = FEBRUARI = = ORK = PSYGNOSIS = DECEMBER = = AGONY = PSYGNOSIS = DECEMBER = = LEMMINGS II = PSYGNOSIS = MARCH = = LEMMINGS CONST.SET = PSYGNOSIS = JULY = = MAD DOG WILLIAMS = GAME CRAFTERS = DECEMBER = = OOPS UP II = DEMONWARE = DECEMBER = = STARLIGHT VOYAGE = DEMONWARE = DECEMBER = = MARTIAN MEMORANDIUM = ACCES = AUGUST = = WOLF CHILD = CORE DESIGN = FEBRUARI = = CORPORATION II = CORE DESIGN = MARCH = = SON OF CHUCK ROCK (II) = CORE DESIGN = APRIL = = TEAM YANKIE II = EMPIRE SOFT = DECEMBER = = THE COOL CRAK TWINS = EMPIRE SOFT = JANUARI = = CUTESY = EMPIRE SOFT = FEBRUARI = = BRAINIES = TITUS = DECEMBER = = RUBICON = HEWSON = DECEMBER = = BARBARIAN 3 = PALACE = JANUARI = = BEATY AND BEAST KIT = DISNEY SOFTWARE = JANUARI = = KICK OFF 3 = ANCO = MAY = = PLAYER MANAGER 2 = ANCO = MARCH = = SHADOWS LANDS = DOMARK = APRIL = =========================================================== =======================THATS ALL FOLKS===================== =========================================================== .. HELLO AND WELCOME TO THE SOCCER CHARTS... HERE CAN YOU READ ABOUT THE 10 BEST SOCCER FROM SOME COUNTRY'S OVER HOW MANY GAMES THEY PLAYED OR HOW MANY GOALS THEY SCORED! AND SO ON... NOTE: IN THE MOST SOCCER DIVISONS ARE THRE MORE THAN 10 TEAMS BUT I ONLY GIVE YOU THE TEN BEST...... SOME INFO NOW.. GP = GAMES PLAYED .. GW = GAMES WON .. GM = HOW MANY GOALS YOUR TEAM SCORED GA = HOW MANY GOALS THE OHTER TEAMS SCORED AGAINST YOUR TEAM.. ---- HOLLAND (BEST 10) ---- --- BELGIUM (BEST 10) --- GP GW GM GA GP GW GM GA 1. PSV 16 11 (38-17) 1. ANDERLECHT 14 22 (24-07) 2. FEYENOORD 17 10 (24-09) 2. CLUB BRUGGE 14 21 (32-13) 3. AJAX 16 10 (36-10) 3. STANDARD LUIK 14 21 (24-10) 4. FC TWENTE 17 8 (32-20) 4. KV MECHELEN 14 20 (23-10) 5. VITESSE 17 7 (24-15) 5. LIERSE SK 14 16 (21-20) 6. SPARTA 16 6 (27-26) 6. AA GENT 14 16 (22-21) 7. RODA JC 17 7 (23-21) 7. ANTWERP FC 14 15 (17-16) 8. FC UTRECHT 16 5 (19-15) 8. CERCLE BRUGGE 14 15 (24-26) 9. FC GRONINGEN 15 5 (22-17) 9. FC LUIK 14 14 (14-14) 10. RKC 17 5 (31-29) 10. GERM. EKEREN 14 14 (14-18) ---- GERMANY (BEST 10) ---- --- ENGLAND (BEST 10) --- GP GW GM GA GP GW GM GA 1. EINTR. FRANKFURT 19 25 (43-22) 1. LEEDS UNITED 17 36 (31-13) 2. VFB STUTTGART 19 24 (34-18) 2. MAN. UNITED 16 36 (25-08) 3. BOR. DORTMUND 19 24 (34-30) 3. MANCHESTER C.17 30 (24-19) 4. FC KAISERLAUTER. 19 23 (31-19) 4. CRYSTAL PAL. 16 27 (26-30) 5. FC NURENBERG 19 21 (29-24) 5. ASTON VILLA 17 27 (23-19) 6. SCHALKE'04 19 20 (29-23) 6. ARSENAL 16 26 (31-21) 7. MSV DUISBURG 19 20 (25-24) 7. SHEFFIELD W. 17 26 (27-21) 8. BAYER LEVERKUSEN 19 20 (19-18) 8. NORWICH C. 17 26 (22-19) 9. WERDER BREMEN 19 19 (23-22) 9. EVERTON 17 25 (24-21) 10. BAYERN MUNCHEN 19 19 (24-26) 10. NOTTINGHAM F.16 23 (30-25) --- FRANCE (BEST 10) --- --- ITALIA (BEST 10) --- GP GW GM GA 1. MARSEILLE 19 28 (33-13) 1. AC MILAN 11 19 (19-05) 2. AS MONACO 19 24 (26-17) 2. JUVENTES 11 17 (13-04) 3. CAEN 19 24 (26-18) 3. NAPOLI 11 15 (14-07) 4. PARIS SG. 19 24 (20-12) 4. LAZIO ROMA 11 14 (15-09) 5. LE HAVRE 19 23 (16-13) 5. INTERNAZIONALE 11 14 (10-09) 6. METZ 19 22 (32-23) 6. FOGGIA 11 13 (18-13) 7. NANTES 19 21 (18-17) 7. ATALANTA BER. 11 13 (12-09) 8. ST.ETIENNE 19 19 (21-14) 8. AS ROMA 11 13 (10-09) 9. AUXERRE 19 19 (21-16) 9. TORINO 11 12 (08-05) 10. MONTPELLIER 19 19 (19-20) 10. PARMA 11 12 (10-10) --- AUSTRIA (10 BEST) --- --- LUXEMBOURG (10 BEST) --- GP GW GM GA 1. AUSTRIA SALZBURG 21 32 (40-17) 1. AV.BEGGEN 11 18 (27-09) 2. AUSTRIA WIEN 21 31 (50-21) 2. JEUNESSE D.E.11 16 (26-07) 3. FC TIROL 21 27 (46-33) 3. SPORA. LUX. 11 15 (19-10) 4. STAHL LINZ 21 26 (33-23) 4. UNION LUX. 11 12 (23-15) 5. RAPID WIEN 21 24 (36-24) 5. SWIFT. H. 11 12 (17-19) 6. ADMIRA WACKER W. 21 25 (30-21) 6. RED BOYS DIF.11 10 (21-23) 7. ST.POLTEN 21 18 (25-33) 7. ARIS BONW. 11 09 (12-18) 8. VORWARTS STEYR 21 17 (27-26) 8. GREVENMACHER 11 08 (12-21) 9. STURM GRAZ 21 15 (20-34) 9. WORMELDANGE 11 06 (08-23) 10. KREMSER SC 21 14 (23-24) 10. FC. WILTZ'74 11 04 (12-32) --- TURKEY (10 BEST) --- --- SWISS (10 BEST) --- GP GW GM GA 1. BESIKTAS 11 27 (25-10) 1. LAUSANNE SP. 20 29 (41-15) 2. FENERBACHE 11 25 (26-14) 2. GRASSHOPPERS 20 25 (34-23) 3. GALATASARAY 11 24 (13-07) 3. SION 20 25 (31-20) 4. TRABZONSPOR 11 20 (22 11) 4. SERVETTE 20 24 (35-28) 5. GENCLERBIRLIGI 11 17 (19-17) 5. ST.GALLEN 20 21 (25-29) 6. SARIYER 11 16 (15-14) 6. N. XAMAX 20 20 (25-21) 7. AYDINSPOR 11 16 (16-13) 7. YOUNG BOYS 20 20 (30-27) 8. ANKARAGUCU 11 14 (15-14) 8. LUGANO 20 19 (21-26) 9. GAZIANTSPOR 11 13 (13-14) 9. FC. ZURICH 20 18 (21-26) 10. BURSASPOR 11 12 (15-18) 10. FC. LUZERN 20 18 (21-26) DUTCH SCENE REPORT BY T.D.B. OF LEGEND! The dutch scene is one of the oldest from europe it was very active on 64 and also on amiga it is pretty cool on the beginning we got some cool dutch crews like Hotline, Digital Force, The Web Inc, The Powerslaves and also devisions from belgium crews like Bamiga Sector One, The Kent Team and the Band where formed to rule europe, and soon other crews like H.Q.C., The Champs, Quartex and Ackerlight had devisions In holland coz it was a central point in europe to spread the warez, a few years later (1988) the first bbs came Like Crystal Palace, Unity Fields and Network the sysops and other traders from these boards became very fast and ruled whole europe who doesn't remember the spreads from guys like papillon, adj, chris, bambam and the destroyer in the U.S.A. These guys had a tough competition from who was the fastest and where awake 24 hours a day. Later there came more crews in holland and many died we got crews like Vision, The Power Connection, Switch and many small crews. In 1989 The only active crews in holland where The Web Inc and The Power Slaves and some small demo crews who went every month to a big meeting in Venlo to show each other there latest stuff. End 1989 Many board came And many died the only who survived from 1989 are now The Turk 51 Zone, Edacious Place and Downtown, many more crews died and the dutch scene became pretty lame, we where at that time only famous coz of the cool spreaders we got we saw many more dutch guys in the states like Jetaza, Jarre, Tdb and Babyface. In 1990 things became much better but every lamer who bought a hst begon his own bbs, and this costed the old bbs's many users, but also the cards became to die and only the real elite survived in 1990 we got only one cool dutch crew who released many demo's and crack's there name was VISION (Born 2b Cool) and the crew established itself all around the world as a respected crew in holland everyone knows the Potje Jam song which they released and the song is still a mojor hit. End of 1990 many more crews where formed like Legend, Pussy, Testament, Alfa crew and many many more, we saw also some cool copy party's that year from vision - mirage and raf. In 1991 the dutch scene looked totaly dead we only had the cool spreaders and some demo crews and only legend released some stuff but after some cracks like f19 they also got some problems with getting originals, so the best members from Legend, Testament and Alfa Crew Joined in 1991 to one crew called Legend, and thing started to clear a little bit they released some stuff from dutch software firms and also some italian cracks from there italian member. Now the end of 1991 holland's nr.1 is Legend, coz they release many trainers and also sometimes cracks, and the dutch demo scene is also pretty cool at the moment with crews like Vision, Axis, Senctuary, Mirage, Jetset and some smaller groups. Many of the old spreaders stopped but we still got many good boards and users in holland, and also some cool spreaders in the states like Papillon, T.D.B., Jarre, Alaska, Blaze and Jaf but also in holland we have the card problems, but the REAL ELITE survives. That's It For Now Ciao ! CD-TV AND IT'S SOFTWARE +-----------------------+ THE CDTV IS A NEW DYNAMIC COMPUTER FROM COMMODORE IT'S THE FIRST COMPUTER IN THE WORLD WHO HAVE A CD DRIVE TO LOAD SOFTWARE. THERE WHERE ALREADY CD ROM DRIVES BUT THEY WHERE VERY EXPENSIVE AND NONE OF THE LEADING SOFTWARE HOUSES WANTED TO SUPPORT THIS MACHINE. COMMODORE CHOOISED FOR A CHEAP BUT ALSO VERY SLOW CD DRIVE IN THE CDTV THIS DRIVE IS AS FAST AS A A590 HARDDISK, SO NOT REAL FAST. THE MACHINE HAS 1 MEG OF CHIP MEMORY AND U CAN PLUG A KEYBOARD OR EXTRA DISK DRIVE'S IN IT. ALSO THE SOFTWARE SUPPORT IS NOW VERY NICE, THERE ARE ALREADY LIKE 25 TITLES AVAILABLE, MANY SOFTWARE CAN BE (CRACKED) FROM CDTV TO HARDDISK COZ U CAN PLUG A HARDDISK IN THE CDTV U CAN TRANSFER ALL FILES FROM THE CD TO THE HARDDISK, WITH THE FIRST GAMES THIS WORKED BUT THE SOFTWARE HOUSES SAW LOSTS OF SALES AND PUT NOW THE MUSIC FROM THE GAMES ON TRACKS SO THAT IT IS VERY HARD TO (CRACK) THE SOFTWARE!, THE GAMES FROM CDTV IF THEY CAN BE (CRACKED) ONLY WORK ON A HARDDISK AND U MUST HAVE 1 MEM OF CHIP MEMORY COZ THE CDTV GOT THIZ. THERE CAN BE UP TO 660 MEGABYTE OF SOFTWARE ON A CD BUT NONE OF THE EXCISTING SOFTWARE IS SO BIG ONLY THE FRED FISH COLLECTION IS 400 MB AND CONTAINS ONLY SOME PUBLIC DOMAIN GAMES AND PROGRAMS. THE MOST SOFTWARE AVAILABLE FOR THE CDTV IS FROM VERY GOOD QUALITY COZ COMMODORE SAW THAT ON THE AMIGA THERE GET LOT'S OF RUBBISH RELEASED, SO COMMODORE DON'T WANNA DISSAPOINT THE GAMES BUYING PUBLIC WITH SHIT GAMES, SO THEY WANNA SEE ALL GAMES AND PROGRAMMS WHICH WILL BE RELEASED AND THEY DECIDE IF THE GAME IS GOOD ENOUGH TO BE RELEASED OR NOT IF THE GAME DOENS'T GET THE GOLD QUALITY SEAL COMMODORE THE SOFTWARE WRITERS CAN REWRITE THE GAME, AFTER 2 TIMES BEING REJECTED THE SOFTWARE HOUSE CAN FORGET IT TO GET THERE GAME PUBLISHED FOR THE CDTV. THE GAMES WHICH GET (CRACKED) ALREADY TO HARDDISK ARE : LEMMINGS CDTV -1.5 MB- (ONLY SOME NEW LEVELS) CLASSIC BOARD GAMES -16 MB- (VERY NICE WITH LOT'S OF SPEECH) DRAGON'S LAIR 4 -8 MB- (FASTER THEN THE FLOPPY VERSION) MY PAINT -2.5 MB- (JUST AN KIDDY PAINT PROGRAMM) FUN SCHOOL 3 AND 4 -8 MB- (ONLY SOME MORE SPEECH) SNOOPY CDTV -1.5 MB- (ONLY SOME NEW SPEECH) THAI BOXING -5 MB- (BETTER GRAPHICS) MISSING VICTOR -21 MB- (VERY NICE ADVENTURE GAME) THERE ARE ALSO GAMES WHICH USE THE NEW SYSTEM TO LOAD FROM TRACKS THE MUSIC ONE OF THESE GAMES IS 'DEFENDER OF THE CROWN' THIS VERSION IS ENCHANCED AND LOOKS PRETTY COOL. PSYGNOSIS IS ALSO DEVELOPPING MANY GAMES FOR THE CDTV THE FORTCOMING AGONY SHOULD ALSO BE RELEASED ON CDTV AND THEY ARE WORKING ON A REAL COOL FLIGHTSIMULATOR WE ALREADY SAW AN ANIMATION PREVIEW FROM IT AND IT LOOKED AMAZING. ORIGIN IS ALSO PLANNING TO MAKE A CDTV VERSION FROM WINGCOMMANDER II THIS GAME IS 14 MB ON THE PC SO WE THINK THIS COULD BE A GOOD CHOOISE. ALSO OCEAN HAS PLANS TO RELEASE GAMES FOR CDTV BUT THEY WANNA SEE 500.000 UNITS SOLD AND WILL THEN DEVELOP FOR THE MACHINE COMMODORE ALREADY SOLD 75.000 MACHINES AND HOPES TO SELL OVER 500.000 PIECES THIS CHRISTMAS. WE WILL SEE HOW MANY MACHINES COMMODORE WILL SELL IT'S A NICE MACHINE AND WELL WORTH THE MONEY (700 US.DOLLARS) AND THE SOFTWARE FOR THE MACHINE IS FROM VERY HIGH QUALITY AND IT WILL BE EVEN BETTER. THERE ARE ALSO FIRMS RELEASING CDROM DRIVES WHICH ARE CDTV COMPATIBLE AND ARE MUCH FASTER (AND CHEAPER) THEN COMMODORE'S LATEST WONDER BUT NONE OF THE FIRMS WHO SHOWED THE MACHINES COULD SELL IT AT THE MOMENT BUT IN MARCH THE FIRST MACHINES WILL COME, THE PIOCE FOR THE CLONES WIL BE MUCH LOWER THEN THE ORIGINAL CDTV AND WILL BE EVEN CHEAPER THEN A NORMAL AMIGA.PAPILLON JOINED SKID ROW 'NETWORK' IS NOW THE DUTCH H.Q. FROM SKID ROW +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ LOVERBOY JOINED VISION FACTORY 'INVOLUTIONARY DEATH' IS NOW A U.S.A. HEADQUARTER FROM VISION FACTORY. +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ MOTHERBOARD 1 LEFT SKID ROW AND JOINED VISION FACTORY. +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ R/\D/\R LEFT SKID ROW AND JOINED VISION FACTORY. +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ IMMORTAL IS NOW A SUB DEVISION FROM R.A.F. +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ A NEW GROUP IS FORMED CALLED NEMESIS THEY GOT SOME COOL MEMBERS LIKE ACTION MAN - MEGADRIVE - THE SURGE - ZELNIK - TIC - XTC - ZIPPY - N.O.M.A.D - PIONEER AND MORE THEY ALREADY CRACKED A GAME CALLED : CISCO HEAT FINAL VERSION! +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ QUARTEX SEEMS TO BE DEAD MOST MEMBERS JOINED NEMESIS, BUT THEY STILL RELEASE CRACKS AND SPREAD IT UNDER 'THE REAL QUARTEX!' HANDLE +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ IN WORLDCHARTS 6 THE BBS INVOLUTIONARY DEATH WAS CHOOISEN AS MOST FREE -AND- MOST BUSY BBS ????? HOW CAN THIS HAPPEN ???? +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ ZARACON OPENED A B.B.S. IN HOLLAND CALLED 'CRASH CORNER' THE SYSOP IS CRASH AND THE B.B.S. IS ONLINE FROM 21:00 TO 09:00 IN THE WEEKEND 24 HOURS ONLINE. +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ TENSION IS DEAD ALL MEMBERS JOINED L.S.D. GERMANY. +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ CRACK ISSUE #4 WAS THE LATEST ISSUE MADE BY TENSION IT WILL NOW BE PUBLISHED THROUGH L.S.D. +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ BAMBAM LEFT AGILE TO JOIN QUARTEX DOWNTOWN B.B.S. IS NOW THE DUTCH HEADQUARTERS FROM QUARTEX. +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ CHERNOBYL BBS AND ENTERPRISE BBS (AUSTRALIA) ARE DOWN PERMANENTLY DUE TO THE FEDERAL POLICE GAINING INFORMATION FROM JAG/AFL OR MEGABLASTER (HIS NEW HANDLE) ALL USERS WHO CALLED THESE BBS'S CAN JOIN THE NEW TEAM ON THE NEWEST AND BEST BOARD IN THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE HIGH TIMES BBS. +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ The Cops striked Again ! .. And in which country ? France of Course. They have busted one of the latest french supplier : FLEX / Ex- QUARTEX He has many account on USA and EURO BBS .. and he used many handles .. Here they are : VOYCE of DELIGHT, FLEX of QUARTEX (Or other location) And GHOST of MODEL So if he have an account on your BBS , D E L E T E HIM ! ... It's an INFO for sure at 100% .... +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ THE COOP ON THE P.C. FROM THE DREAM TEAM/TRSI IS OVER NOW IT'S TDT/SR +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ CLASSIC IS DEAD MOST MEMBERS QUIT THE SCENE. +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ CRYSTAL ^ SILENTS ^ ANARCHY ORGANISE A CLASSIC IS DEAD PARTY IN DENMARK +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ ZICE FROM LEGEND STOPPED ALL MAIL TRADING HE WILL NOW ONLY SWAP BY MODEM PINHEAD IS NOW THE NEW MAIL HQ FROM LEGEND WRITE TO : PINHEAD LODIJK 94 3079 TW ROTTERDAM HOLLAND +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ THERE ARE MANY LAMERS CLAIMING TO BE FROM LEGEND IN GERMANY THE ONLY LEGEND -AMIGA- MEMBERS IN GERMANY ARE : STUERMER - OZZY AND FLASHLIGHT. ALL 64 LEGEND MEMVERS ARE NO MEMBER FROM LEGEND AMIGA! +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ SLEDGEHAMMER JOINED FAIRLIGHT! +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ STRYKER JOINED PARADISE +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ F.I.C.A. (SPAIN) IS DEAD ALL MEMBERS JOINED RAMJAM +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ SCSC EX BETRAYAL JOINED C.A.B.A.L. +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ A NEW DEMO GROUP IS BORN IN FINLAND THERE NAME IS CRITIC +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ REEBOK LEFT REBELS TO JOIN TRSI +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ MANTRONIX + JAS LEFT RAZOR 1911 AND JOINED THE DEMO GROUP PHENOMIA +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ ANIBODY LEFT AXIS +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ MARTY JOINED GOLDFIRE +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ MATRIX JOINED PHANTASY +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ KNIEGES LEFT PROLOGIC TO JOIN AWESOME +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ REBELS AUSTRIA IS DEAD SOME MEMBERS JOINED SCOOPEX AND SOME OTHERS TRSI +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ ANDRE OF V.A.T'88 HAS GOT A WARNING FROM THE DUTCH SOFTWARE HOUSE B.B.S. DE SAEN BECOZ HE SOLD SOFTWARE +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ A NEW DISEASE IS FOUND CALLED THE SLEEZERITUS, YIP SOME LAMERS ARE ALREADY INFECTED WITH THIS WORST DISEASE GOD IS WITH THEM, I HOPE!! +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ M.W.B. CLAIMS TO BE THE PRETTIEST MAN FROM THE HAGUE ???? HOW RUDE +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ MOST DUDEZ IN HOLLAND DECLARED /\LASKA AND BLAZE FROM INFOCORNER WAR BECOZ SOME RUDE TEXT FROM A SOFTWARE FIRM. +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ A NEW GROUP IS FORMED CALLED : INFINITE PERFECTION (IP) MOST OLD MEMBERS FROM ENDLESS PIRACY (EP) LIKE SHUT BERLIN JOINED THIS NEW GROUP. +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ AUTOPSY LEFT JUMP AND JOINED MODEL THE WORLD CHARTS IS NOW PUBLISHED ISSUE NUMBER 4 WAS NOW PUBLISHED BY MODEL. +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ SKID ROW IS VOTED AS GROUP OF THE YEAR 1991 IN WORLD CHARTS NUMBER 4 +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ LEGEND IS VOTED FOR THE FOURTH TIME IN A ROW AS THE OFFICIAL WORLD'S TRAINER LEADER, THANX TO ALL VOTERS WE APPRICIATE IT +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ /\/.S.C. FROM LEGEND DID AN INTERVIEW FOR HACK-MAG IT WILL BE IN ISSUE NUMBER 8 FROM THIS MAGAZINE PUBLISHED BY D-TECT. +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ RADAR LEFT THE SCENE HE LEFT THIS WARNING MESSAGE ON THE BOARDS : This is to let everone know that i am leaving the scene!!! I told my- self that when this was no longer fun that i would be gone... well the time has come!!! i am sick of the false rumors.... i have done nothing to anyone!!! i may have ragged on people, and i may have a hatred towards certain people, but i wont fuck someone that doesnt have it coming!!! BUT i have heard of people talking shit!!! and i do have names and numbers.. and if i get busted for some reason!!! i will drop dime in a second.... so everyone pray for my well being... u never know when the rhinestone cowboy will visit!!! ----> R/\D/\R +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ SKYWALKER LEFT SKID ROW TO JOIN NEMESIS +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ ARAGORN, MORGOTN, SMEAGOL AND GOREFINDAL JOINED EUREKA +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ ORIGIN IS A NEW DEMO CREW IN HOLLAND SOME MEMBERS FROM R.A.F. JOINED +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ PIRATES IS DEAD MOST MEMBERS JOINED INFINITIVE PERFECTION +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ FLASHLIGHT/PIRATES LEFT THE SINKING SHIP AND JOINED EARLIER LEGEND! +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ ELITE TOWER IS NOW THE GERMAN HEADQUARTERS FROM LEGEND! +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ NEW CENTRAL EUROPE (GERMAN'S BIGGEST AND BEST BBS EVER) STOPPED THIS BBS FROM PHIL THRUST WAS VOTED IN MANY MAGAZINES AS THE BEST AND FASTEST B.B.S EVER IT'S TOO BAD WE HAVE TO MISS HIM NOW!! +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ RUMOURS SAY THAT MOTHERBOARD ONE STOPPED COZ OF RADAR STOPPED 1 THING IS SURE THE BBS IS ALREADY A FEW DAYS OFLINE. +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ MAGIC AND MASTER CRIME JOINED SKID ROW +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ SOME OLD PIRATE MMEBERS WHO DIDN'T JOIN I.P FORMED CYANIDE. +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ HORIZON IS DEAD BUT STILL RELEASE SOME STUFF HOW THE HELL CAN THIS HAPPEN ??? IF U KNOW THE ANSWER PLEASE SEND IT TO UR. +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ PUNISHERS ARE DEAD THEY CHANGED THERE NAME TO POWER +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ ... THE CHARTS ... .. BEST CRACKERS.. ..BEST SINGLE CRACKER.. 1.. SKID ROW 1.. GASTON OF FAIRLIGHT 2.. CRYSTAL 2.. EUROSOFT OF SKIDROW 3.. THE COMPANY 3.. FFC OF SKIDROW 4.. FAIRLIGHT 4.. SURGE OF QUARTEX 5.. VISION FACTORY 5.. P.DOUGLAS OF CRYSTAL 6..INFINITIVE PERFECTION 6.. MARCO POLO OF VF .. BEST DEMO GROUPS.. 1.. PHENOMENA 2.. ANARCHY 3.. KEFRENS 4.. REBELS 5.. SILENTS,VISION 6.. AXIS ..BEST MAGAZINES.. ..BEST U.S.A. BOARDS.. 1.. I.C.E FROM CYTAX 1.. INVOLUTIONARY DEAD / VF 2.. EUROCHARTS FROM CRUSADERS 2.. THE CENTRUM /INDEPENDENT 3.. CRACKER J. FROM AFL 3.. PRIMITIVE FUTURE/CRYSTAL 4.. WORLDCHARTS FROM MODEL 4.. NECROPOLIS /INDEPENDENT 5.. HACKMAG FROM D-TECT 5.. THE GHETTO /INDEPENDENT 6.. ILLEGAL COPY! FROM VISION 6.. DEAD ZONE /AGILE. ..BEST GAMES EVER.. .. WORST GAMES EVER! .. 1.. RAINBOW ISLANDS 1.. AMINOS (BAH!) 2.. KICK OFF2+FINAL WHISTLE 2.. DRAGON FIGHTER 3.. LEMMINGS 3.. SHADOW SOURCERS 4.. ROBOCOD (JAMES POND2) 4.. FINAL FIGHT 5.. LOTUS 2 5.. INTACT 6.. ALIENBREED,RBI BASEBALL2 6.. TIME HORN ..BEST SOFTWARE COMPANY'S.. ..WORST SOFTWARE COMPANY'S.. 1.. PSYGNOSIS 1.. S.S.I 2.. CORE DESIGN 2.. C.C.S 3.. GREMLIN 3.. GRANDSLAM 4.. LUCASFILM 4.. ACCOLADE 5.. TEAM 17 5.. DOMARK 6.. OCEAN 6.. U.S. GOLD .. BEST MOVIE .. ..WORST MOVIE.. 1.. TERMINATOR 2 1.. RUSSIA HOUSE 2.. THE NAKED GUN 2 2.. THE GRIFFTERS 3.. MISERY 3.. EXORCIST 3 4.. KING RALPH 4.. WORKING GIRL 5.. HUDSON HAWK 5.. RUN 6.. DANCES WITH WOLVES 6.. HIGHLANDER 2 - BLACK BOOKS, WORLD BBS LIST ETC. ETC. Yeah you all know these TEXT files going around the boards with all pirate bbs numbers in it! Well i dont think its a good idea to have these pirate bbs lists going around cause they are simply DANGEROUS i mean they are handy to all you pirates out there but they are also damn handy for the FEDS,POLICE,SOFTWARE COMPANY's etc. etc. Im sure im not only speaking for myself but also for alot of other sysops around the globe! I think that the makers of these so called BBS LISTS should ask the sysop first if they want to have the bbs number in the BBS LIST! Well to all you BBS LIST creators out there STOP PUTTING MY BBS NUMBER IN YOUR LIST! -> DownTown! If people want to call my bbs they will get the number anyway! -BamBam/Quartex! ZING MET ONS MEE: (ROODKAPJE) HIJ: WIE IS DE BANG VOOR DE BOZE WOLF (4X) ZIJ: / HIJ: ROODKAPJE (2X) ZIJ: JA (1X) HIJ: ROODKAPJE (2X) ZIJ: JA? (1X) HIJ: WAAR GA JE HEEN? ZIJ: NAAR OMA (2X) HIJ: PAS JE GOED OP WAT IN DE STAD ZIT HET VOL GEVAREN!!! ZIJ: / HIJ: ROODKAPJE ZIJ: JA!! Hij: ROODKAPJE! (2X) ZIJ: JA.JA.... HIJ: ROODKAPJE! ZIJ: JAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! EN NU ALLEMAAL: WIE IS DE BANG VOOR DE BOZE WOLF! HERHAAL NU HET LIED ROODKAPJE (HORNY VERSION!) HIJ: WIE IS DE BANG VOOR DE BOZE DILDO! (4X) ZIJ:/ HIJ: GEILKAPJE (2X) ZIJ: JA (1X) HIJ: GEILKAPJE (2X) ZIJ: JA? (1X) HIJ: WAAR GA JE HEEN?? ZIJ: NAAR DE PINUP CLUB (2X) HIJ: PAS JE GOED OP IN DE STAD ZIT HET VOL VERKRACHTERS DUS KIJK GOED UIT! ZIJ: HIJ: GEILEKAPJE (2X) ZIJ: JA.. JA.. HIJ: GEILKAPJE! ZIJ: JAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! EN NU ALLEMAAL: WIE IS DE BANG VOOR DE BOZE DILDO!!! HERHAAL NU HET LIED ROODKAPJE FEYENOORD VERSIE (REMIX) HIJ: WIE IS ER BANG VOOR JOHN DE WOLF! (3X) JOHN: KIEFT HIJ: JOHNKAPJE JOHN: JA HIJ: WIE GA JE SCHOPPEN ?? JOHN: ALLES WAT GEEN FEYENOORD IS HIJ: WAAR GA JE HEEN ? JOHN: IK GA NAAR DE KUIPPPPPPPP HIJ: PAS JE GOED OP ER ZIT ZO STRONT OP JE KOP JOHN: JAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! EN NU ALLEMAAL: KIEFT IS BANG VOOR JOHN DE WOLF!!! HERHAAL HET LIED Keek op de Week... ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hallo lieve reageerbuiskindertjes en andere mensen. Wat is er deze week ook al weer gebeurd. Oja De HEMA daar steek je wat van op,kies ook voor een baan waar (uit?)vaart in zit. De sint moest weer lange zware ritten over de daken maken. Die vuile gierigaard moest weer zo nodig bezuinigen op postzegels. LEGEND kreeg de A-status voor de allerbeste trainer-groep en gaf wat lang vastgehouden software vrij door bemiddeling van T.D.B.. Over twee weken komt de kerstman in nederland weer aan. De spanning is te snijden,wat zal de goedheilig man nou weer aan hebben? Wat zal er nu weer onder de kerstboom liggen behalve dennenaalden? Misschien wat legend trainer files,maar wij zijn de kerstman niet! Deze keer moet ie er zelf maar voor zorgen. Pffff wij hard werken zeker en hij zeker de eer opstrijken. Nee hoor tijdens de kerst deze keer geen trainer files.Wij leggen een embargo vast tot dat de kerstman weer terug thuis is...Laten we hopen dat hij die zak met marsepein die de andere rode modebewuste gekleede man vergeten is ook meeneemt..Nou de pyromanen onder ons . Wij weten wat het beste vuurwerk is om het nieuwe jaar in te luiden hehehehe.... En nou tegen de rest, oliebollen ....oliebollen....oliebollen als je er meer dan 1 lust. Gelukkig kerstfeest en een prettige stof(Jaar?) wisseling. Benelux Computer 91 REPORT BY T.D.B. OF LEGEND! We Tdb,Zice,Ome Joop and ome joop's dad should go to the show in eindhoven at 11:30, but at 11:30 zice still didn't arrive so i (tdb) called him up to see what's wrong, he was still tired from the disco he went to the day before, after waking him up he went to tdb's place. From there we went to eindhoven we drove pretty fast and arrived at around 12:30 at the show, at first sight it was very big. After we past the desk where we had to pay the entrance fee we went straight away to the toilet to piss a little bit. When we entered the place it was pretty big with lot's of stands and there where many people present. There where some big hardware companies like Marco System, Us Action, Laser, Musitapes, Commodore and lot's of more. There where also enough Software companies like Sierra, Bbs De Saen, Courbois Software, U.G.A. and lot's of more we saw enough new stuff there like the exclusive release from larry 5 on p.c, on amiga there was Topografie from uga, we saw some new games from courbois and bbs de saen showed the world CASINO GAMES for CD-TV it was very cool and will be released begin december they are holland's first devolopers for Cd-Tv games, there where also some firms from germany and the uk who showed there latest stuff, Trojan Software released 4 new games there Called ALIEX, FIRESTAR, SKEET SHOOT and ORBITAL DESTROYER, There where all for their trojan light gun, and where very nice to look at. There where also some cool dudez from the dutch scene present, ofcoz all LEGEND members where there like T.D.B., /\/.S.C., BABYFACE, PLAYER ONE, BIGFOOT and SYNTAG, there where also some guys from VISION like Timelord and stingray, And from Infocorner There was Alaska, Ome Cor and some programmers, there where also other guys like Night Games, Active, Al Bundy, Pinox, Rudi/Testament and many many more guys. The prices from hard and software on the show where very cheap u could buy some original software from 10 Gulden (5 Dollar) and the newest sodtware costed around 50 gulden (25 Dollar) also the prices from hardware where very cheap u had to pay for 3'5 disks 6,50 (3.25 $) and for drive's 150 (75 $) and also the amiga;s and turbo boards where very cheap the later the day the cheaper the stuff and that was very cool to see. The show closed ar 17:00 but we didn't like to go at all so we stayed just like many guys, the guys from the organisation didn't like that at all but who carez about them. At 17:30 we went home so we could see Studio Sport on time which started at 18:30, we just made it but it was 125 km. All in all it was a very nice day and the prices where very cheap, we look out for the next show which willk be around february. OK That's It Till Next Time Signed : -=(TdB)=- ESSEX GIRL JOKES ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- What's the difference between a supermarket trolley and an Essex girl? A supermarket trolley has a mind of its own. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- An Essex girl is driving along, and asks her boyfriend to kiss her somewhere warm, wet and smelly. He tells her it's too late to drive to Canvey Island. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- What's the difference between an Essex girl and the Titanic? Only 1500 men went down on the Titanic. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Why is an Essex girl like an old washing machine? They both drip when they're fucked. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Why does an Essex girl wear knickers? To keep her ankles warm. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- How does an Essex girl turn off the light after sex? She closes the car door. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- What does an Essex girl say after sex? Do you really all play for the same football team? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- What makes an Essex girl's eyes light up? A torch shone in her ear. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- How do you know when an Essex girl has an orgasm? She drops her bag of chips. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- What's the difference between an Essex girl and an ironing board? An ironing board's legs are difficult to get apart. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- What's the difference between an Essex girl and a washing machine? You can dump your load in a washing machine and it won't follow you around for a week. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- What's the difference between an Essex girl and an Essex boy? An Essex girl has a higher sperm count. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- What does an Essex girl do with her arsehole after sex? She takes him down the pub. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- What does an Essex girl put behind her ears to make herself more attractive to men? Her feet. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- What's the difference between an Essex girl and a plate of spaghetti? Spaghetti moves when you eat it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- What does an Essex girl and President Gorbachev have in common? They both get fucked by eight men on holiday. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- What's the difference between an Essex girl and President Gorbachev? He knows who they were. ----------------------------------------------------------------------