_____ _________________ / /__/ _____ / \ LSD PRESENT LEGAL TOOLS DISK 07 / / \_____ \/ / \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ COMPILED BY PAZZA IN 1992 - MENU 1 \________/_________/_____mUb/ ANSICON - Ansi converter (0.93) LABELS - label database (3.0) BOOTINSTALL - Bootfilter (1.01) BOOTMASTER - Boot filing system (1.4) BRUSHANIMATOR - Brush animator (1.1) MANDANIM - Animated mandlebrots (1.1) CAT - New dir (-) CATCHGURU - Catches Gurus (1.0) CHIP_RIP - Gfx ripper (1.0) CLOUD - Fractal clouds (-) CONTOURA - 3D functions (1.0) COPPERMON - Copperlist monitor (0.048) FONTGLUE - Fonts without libs (1.0) IFFPASTE - Gfx on the CLI (1.0) ALOAD2 - Action replay loader (2.0) HAMLAB - Ham manipulation (0.91) COPPERPAINT - Draw with copper (demo) Type PPMORE, then look in the docs & sources directory, also see the README! ---> Menu 1, for menu 2 type "type menu2" <---> Pazza of LSD 0427 677463 <--- _____ _________________ / /__/ _____ / \ LSD PRESENT LEGAL TOOLS DISK 07 / / \_____ \/ / \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ COMPILED BY PAZZA IN 1992 - MENU 2 \________/_________/_____mUb/ LCDCALCULATOR - Calculator (1.02) MAKEFASTMEM - Chip to fast (1.0) NASP - Sample player (2.0) NUKE - Virus killer (1.5a) PERFTEST - Hard drive test (1.1) PICRIPPER - Gfx ripper (-) SAMPLESCANNER - Sample ripper (-) SCS - System configuration (1.08) SHAMCON - Sham ccnverter (1.0) SHOWCOPPER - Displays copperlist () SPECTROGRAM - Audio Spectrogram (2.0) TECHNOTRIPPER - Music equalisers (0.2) TERRAIN - Fractal generator (-) VIEWDIR - Dir reader (2.0) RETURN - Waits for RETURN pressed (1.0) Type PPMORE, then look in the docs & sources directory, also see the README! ---> Menu 2, for menu 1 type "type menu1" <---> Pazza of LSD 0427 677463 <---