* G R A S S H O P P E R D * PRESENTS -- TOO-HOT 13! -- * MAY THE MAGPART BE WITH YOU * PACKED BY COOLIO OF GHD HENK WIJNHOLDS MARKTKADE 110 9581 AW MUSSELKANAAL THE NETHERLANDS FOR MAILSWAP, TOO HOT SUPPORT OR ASCII REQUESTS.. SNAIL OR LEAVE A MESSAGE AT: THE OASE, ONE-EIGHT-SEVEN, WILD PALMS OR BOONDOCKS.. HAVE YOU FILLED THE VOTESHEET ALREADY?.. ALSO MAKE SURE YOU SENT YOUR ARTICLES TO THE 'HOKUS POKUS' STAFF.. ..MAGPART IS READY!.. ..MAKE SURE YOU SUPPORTED IT. ..OFFICIAL SPREADERS NEEDED.. .CONTACT COOLIO. hopper/1 hopper/2 hopper/3 hopper/4 hopper/5 hopper/6 hopper/7 hopper/8 hopper/9 hopper/10 hopper/11 hopper/12 hopper/13 hopper/14 hopper/15 hopper/16 hopper/17 hopper/18 hopper/19 hopper/20 hopper/21 hopper/22 Psychol 6 - Erotic Northro - Looker House Kindergdn 40k - X-Factor (kg6) Kinderegg 40k - Apathy (kg6) Record 40k - Ephadrine (kg6) hazmix 4k - amnesty (g'96) bishop 4k - turnips (g'96) chunkyblitter 4k - joker(g'96) 4k - mystic (g'96) paranoya 4k - sector 5 (g'96) o t k 4k - venus arts (g'96) virtual 4k - illusion (g'96) years 4k - genetic (g'96) 4k - zomo (g'96) 4k - chaplin (g'96) 4k - massive (g'96) 4k - dinx projects (g'96) -Back to the main menu- ALREADY THE 13TH ISSUE OF 'TOO HOT' AND STILL WE AIN'T BORED HUH?.. THIS TIME'S MUSIC PROVIDED BY MARC OF SYNDROME AND FLAPJACK OF EROTIC.. CODE BY KANEDA AND TITLE PICTURE BY ANT OF THREE LITTLE ELKS.. I NEED MORE SUPPORT AND SUPPORTERS!.. SO EVERYBODY FILL THE VOTESHEET AND SEND IT TO ME OR ONE OF THE SPREADERS.. IF YOU BECOME A SPREADER, THEN YOU WILL GET 3 INSTEAD OF 1 ADVERT IN THE ADVERT SECTION.. SEE YOU IN THE NEXT ISSUE OF 'TOO HOT'.. RAPPING THE TEXT Sorry, you'll need an AGA machine to run this production! Isn't it time you upgraded anyway??! ram:nak donkeys mag!