$VER:mEMoRIES 40k inTRO (© 1996 nEMO/fActOR) oFcOz'! sHIt hAppENS! 'zUm sHiTTy mAcHIne-cONfIG tEsTER (c) 1996 bY nEMO/fActOR pHuKKin' aGa gFx-cHiPsET.............. aWEsOME 020 cPu oR bEttEr............. eXtRA gNIlk-o'-mAnIA uNIt iNsTAlleD...sOmeTImes! uPgRADe yOUr mAcHINE! yOU cAn't rUn ThIS InTRO! Grattis på morsdag MAMMA! THIS INTRO WAS RELEASED AT THE ICING memories a production released at the icing party in ninetysix this intro was meant to be released rather long ago but due to lack of inspiration i did not release it finally i gained enough motivation to complete it and i am actually very happy with the result some kisses and hugs from nemo to all my scene friends for making the scene to a nice place grape farmor onkel for being my all time loverboys lunargirl for being a crazy source of inspiration all factor members for always being there for eachother wELcOME tO aNOThER cUTe rElEASe bY tHe fAcTOR fAmILY! cReDITs fOR tHis fILE mUSt gO tO.. Fudge/Subspace.....aUdIOs nEMO......cODe n gRapHIcs mAYo...tITlePictURE Squeeze...aDDitIONAl deSIgn whY nOt jOIn tHE fActOR fAn cLUB... nEMO/fActOR kAllE mOLin kUllAVagEN 32a 26253 eNgeLHOLm sWEdEN uSe ThIs AdDY tOO iF yOU WaNNa cOntACT tHe cODer oF tHIs iNTRo! tHEre aRE a bUnCH oF gROUps wHO mAkeS oUR scENEliFE hAppY... wE wOULd LIke tO mENtIOn tHem iN nO sPEcIfIc oRDer... nEW AGe yODEl sCAnIA sPoON dCT sPiriTUAl lUnaTICs rEBeLS cITroN. mORbID sUbSPace tBL hONey wARD CAndLE nAH kOLOr sTOP eNeRgIQUE SUbLIMe cLoUS tHanK yOU fOR exIsTINg!