$VER: Chipper V1.0.... ©Copyright Factor 1996 In 1996 Factor presents a new production... Chipper - the Opio experience Have a good time... * Instructions Use the up and down keys or the mouse to move in the menu. Enter or left mouse button to play.Push ESC button to exit. Pause with P! Stay cool - eat icecream! * Swedish message 1 Factor söker duktiga coders i södra Sverige. Skriv ett brev och skicka med något du har gjort till: Madman-FTR Lägervägen 12 262 61 Ängelholm * Swedish message 2 Factor söker sysop i 0431 eller kring liggande riktnummer områden. Skriv ett brev och berätta om din BBS: Madman/FTR Lägervägen 12 262 61 Ängelholm * F A C T O R See U at Virtual Outing! * Chip music rules! * To all members of Factor Jag hoppas 96 blir ett lika bra år, som 95. Jag hoppas också att vi får upp vår WWW-sida snart. Factor - sparkar röv 96! * The Credits Code.......Madman Grafix.....Kervin Music......Opio A Factor production 1996 * Contact us! Factor Madman Viktor Jonsson Lägervägen 12 262 61 Ängelholm E-Mail: sp93vijo@egy.engelholm.se * To support our discmagazin Buzz write to: Buzz Lägervägen 12 S-262 61 Ängelholm Sweden * Nemo interrupts with zum text: Ehh..I wish to send out a BIG hello to all people in FTR: Keep up the good work, all of you!! Vi sparkar röv '96! :) Anyway...hope to see ya all sometime! Maybe at the next big party... * Factor send ass kisses to... ------------------------------ Spoon Tronix Virtual Dreams Royal Moment22 C-Lous DCT New Age Yodel Scania Scoopex Stellar Ward Energique Wired Sublime Honey Morbid Sardonyx Nukleus Iris Nah-Kolor Noice Duplo Contrast Orient Suspiria Rebels Hackntrade ------------------------------ * Nemo says: Hejsan PB/Nova^Scania!! Juppz, hopptabellerna var helt okej! Coolt som faan..klart ös! ;) Jaja...vi c's!! * Save the planet - Recycle NOW! * Fett ös, vakna i kuvös! * Swedish message 3 Factor söker swappers! Skicka din merit/kontakt lista till: Madman/Factor Lägervägen 12 262 61 Ängelholm * Skuggan/DCT: Hi there dude!!! Yeah! PC's really suck! Yuack! Keep on living!!! * Support Buzz! Send in articles, cliparts, modules or anything else that you want to publish in Buzz. BUZZ Lägervägen 12 S-262 61 Ängelholm Sweden * The Credits Code.......Madman Grafix.....Kervin Music......Opio A Factor production 1996 * Contact Factor at: Madman/FTR Viktor Jonsson Lägervägen 12 262 61 Ängelholm Sweden or e-mail: sp93vijo@egy.engelholm.se * This chip musicdisc was released at Yodel Conference held in Varberg 8-10 March. * Yes, here is the credits: Code: Madman Grafix: Kervin Music: Opio A Factor Production 1996. * Chat with Factor members in IRC's amiga scne. Some FTR members nicknames: Madman - coder organizer Nemo - coder * Call our board Lost Soul, at 0325-77591. Sysop: Belzebub * - Have you found the hidden part yet? Try with som keys... Seek and you will find. * The credits once again Code......Madman Grafix....Kervin Music.....Opio A Factor production 1996 * The code for this music disc is for sale! Send 50 Swedish krons or equal to: Madman Lägervägen 12 S-262 61 Ängelholm Sweden * About the start music - Murmelgurg: This song contains samples from Roland U20, and all I did was to cut them really short and loop them to keep the size down. The song is a kind of popsong that really didn't take too long to finish. * - 80's Theme: This song has a kind of 80's sound don't you think? I made this one quite a long time ago (about a year or so) for no particular reason. * - Captains Log: I had just finnished watching Star Trek the next generation, when I felt in a quite mellow mood. I sat down and this just came out of my fingers. * - Chipper3: I wanted to make a song that took up little harddiskspace but still didn't sound too chippish so I made this one. This is NOT my third chiptune though, I don't know why I named it chipper3. * - Damn Gadget: This one had a kind of electric sound over it. I was feeling a bit down and I had a hangover. * - Go Figure: I wanted to make a chipper without any chordnumbers but still get the fullness of a real chipper so I made this one. * - Hall Of Chips: To make this song I sat down with my keyboard and started to play with the piano-sound. I slowly started to evolve a certain pattern and I directly transferred it to the tracker. Then I got back to the keyboard to take out another pattern and so on. * - Mellow Nights: It was one of those hot summer nights and I was just kickin' back and relaxing at home. I had nothing to do, so I made this. * - No Bananas: I had a real craving for bananas and there were none, so I made a song instead. The song took about 15 minutes to complete. * - O Chris You probably recognize this song... thats right white christmas. Guess what time of year I made this one. Nemo was making a christmas intro and wanted a little christmas song, so I made this one. It's not one of my better. * - Opio Chip: I made this one for Nemo's intro Delusion (tm) but he used another song instead. Well it took me about a total of 30 minutes to complete it. * - Stuns Bump: Hmmm....why the hell did I make this one? Well you don't always have to have a reason to compose a song. * - Where's Mario: Mario is ofcourse the little shithead you see in nintendo-games.I made all of this song in one piece, in about 15 minutes and when I was finnished I listened it through and I thought: hey, this sounds like a nice little song. And what can be nicer than a little plummer running around throwing mushrooms? * - Who Bothers: Who really gives a funk about what you call your songs anyway? I was lacking name-inspiration so a simply called it Who Bothers, since I knew that no one would bother. * 00.01 *