NOTE FOR YOU CODERIPPER!!! --- THIS IS CODED IN VERY HURRY, SO MEANS VERY BAAAD CODE, WELL... I CAN ONLY SAY THAT : DONT RIPP MY CODES FROM THIS COZ THEY ARENT VERY USEFUL... HEHEHEHEH... YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE, GO HOME!!! BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB --- equinox! --- presents in end of may -91 the fabulous fall-out collection no.02 ---------------------------------------- party-invitation intro society secret experiment demo society we need musicians intro skid row turtle-party intro equinox intro equinox farty intro decade intro agile huunous demo alpha flight ---------------------------------------- collected - procyon and orion!!! code - procyon logo - mita vittuu se sulle kuuluu? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA equinox gives you ... the latest fabulous fall-out vollection !!! we wish long live to these jolly gays ... paranoimia - oracle - unique - ooooppss... wrong scroller... agile - anarchy - angels - betrayal - brainstorm - classic - company - crusaders - cryptoburners - crystal - defjam - dial crew - ecstasy - fairlight - flash productions - legend - miracle - no limits - northstar - palace - phenomena - razor - rebels - sanity - scoopex - share and enjoy - silents - skid row - trsi - vertigo - vogue - quartex be seeing you ... live well.... guess what???? this will restart.... equinox - adore us !!! ........ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO