code by SPIRIT/DVS!. Devious_Tools_Issue_87: Use_the_Menu Issue_87_Data _____ | | _____ ___| | __ / /_______ __/\__ / |/ \/ / \_ \ oO / _/ | | \ /\____l____/ /_--_\ \ | |\ /_/ | \ \/ \________| \____/ \__________/ [dEZiGNS] *-======================================-* * Welcome to Devious Tools Pack Issue 87 * *-======================================-* Amiga Main Internet List 1435 Am Talk v0.41ß Audio Thunder v1.1 Bin Hex v1.12 Blobz +3 Close WB Patch v1.1 Datatypes Lookup v1.2 Exe.Datatype v40.1 FW Macros (Insert Several) v1.0 Get Size v40.4 Lib Guide v1218.050.121 Magic Web maker v2.02reg Mem Plus v1 Multi Reset v4.0 Password Utility v1.0 Quick Login v0.2 Show PSX v0.0000001 Sniffer v0.97 Stringer v2.1 System Prefs v3.8 Yet Another Icon Tool v2. See File_Id.diz Extract File About Selected See File List Quit Help Path: Parent Volumes OK Cancel Greets See Pack Index Install To HD Extract Path: Select Utility Functions: Please Note:- ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ * I am not responsible if any of these Utilities are copyrighted, or registered, or cracked as I assume that the stuff is freely-distributable Public Domain Programs. * Utilities with Non-Foreign Docs have had all the docs nuked EXCEPT for the English ones. Opening Error Devious Tools Music Replayer Can't allocate interrupt server! Program exited OK... Can't open the screen FaTaL ErRoR!!!! EXIT PROGRAM Sorry: can't find the Amigaguide-13 font Sorry: can't find the p0t-noodle-8 font Can't open screen 1 DVS Can't open screen 2 Can't open the menu window Can't open the Logo window Can't allocate the node for the names list Can't allocate the memory for the Node Were is my data file? User Exited unlzx x unlzx >nil: x ram:lzx_file.lzx ram:lzx_file.lzx unlzx >NIL: x ram:lzx_file.lzx file_id.diz ram: ram:lzx_file.lzx ram:file_id.diz Ram:file_id.diz Sorry: no file_id.diz is available in archive ram:file_id.diz ram:file_id.diz Devious Tools Pack Credits:- ======================================== Coded By The Heavyweight/Devious Dezigns Text Reader By Spirit/Devious Dezigns Compiled by Heavyweight/Devious Dezigns Music Replayer by :- Spirit/Devious Dezigns and The Heavyweight/Devious Dezigns Music By ??????? Graphics by Psyche/Devious Dezigns ======================================== Released in the Year 1996 If you want to get previous and future packs, write to: The Heavyweight/DVS Tony 96 Robinson Road Morley WA 6062 Australia --------------------------- Code Version:- v2.35 --------------------------- unlzx >ram:filelist v ram:lzx_file.lzx ram:lzx_file.lzx ram:filelist Are You sure that you want to Quit?? See you in the next Devious Tools Welcome to the help for Devious Tools.. ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ On the following pages, it should explain all the different facets of this program File_Id.diz Help ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ The purpose of this button is so that you can see a brief description of what the archive is. This will display the file_id.diz in the file. USAGE:- 1) Select the file you want to see the file_id.diz from the list on the left-hand side. (The name of the file will appear on the bottom of the list.) 2) Click on the `See file_id.diz' button. 3) Wait a bit whilst the program is getting the id. and then the file_id.diz will be displayed File List Help ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ The purpose of this button is so that you can see a file listing of all the files that are in a particular archive. USAGE:- 1) Select the file you want to see the file list from the list on the left-hand side. (The name of the file will appear on the bottom of the list.) 2) Click on the `See File List' button. 3) Wait a bit whilst the program is getting the file list. Then the filelist will be displayed Extract Help ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ The purpose of this button is so that the archive will be decompressed to any directory that you have specified. USAGE:- 1) Select the file you want to extract from the list on the left-hand side. (The name of the file will appear on the bottom of the list.) 2) Click on the `Extract' button. 3) A directory requester will appear. Select the dir- extory where you want the archive to be extracted to 4) The program then will extract the file to that chosen Directory. Can't allocate memory for Listview Can't allocate memory for filenames Can't allocate memory for Listview Sorry: Invalid path Specified Can't allocate memory for Listview Can't allocate memory for Listview Initilisating Program Extracting Selected File Getting the File_Id.Diz Getting the File List Getting the Pack Index Installing to the HD Saving the Pack Index Unknown Identifier Can't open init Window Cant allocate requester buffer mem CoNtInUe MoRe oK SeE FiLe_iD.DiZ HeLp SeE FiLe lIsT HeLp SeE ExTrAcT HeLp eXiT HeLp Save To Disk View The Index YeS No NeXt pAgE eNuFf OuTtA Of hErE! yEs sIr! BaCk tO MaIn ScReEn yEs sIr! RiGhTy oH! Can't open a Requester Now Please choose a directory to put it S404 Devious_Tools_Index Reader can't find file to open Devious Tools Greetings & Messages...... ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ FiRsT OfF AlL... I WeLcOmE YoU AlL To tHiS GrEaT UtIlItY PaCk sErIeS !! nOw sOmE GrEeTiNgS (nO OrDeR) :- - AlL Of dEvIoUs dEsIgNs.. - bRuCe eSliCk - aNaLyZe - CoYoTe - BoLt/aPd - AlHaZaRd/ SpAsM - tUrRiCaN - dArKmAn/rAm jAm - DaRkSiDe - DaMiAn/ pHuTuRe 303 - ShInE - dEcOy/pAsSiOn - DoMaIn/sAiNtS - GrEeTs (CoNt)..... ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ - CuRt cOoL/DePtH - fUgAzI - pOkEy - vC - gOp - HaWk/ eFfEcT - hElLrAiSeR/FuN - iAn - MiChEaL PaTrOn - KiMbA/ SeCt - KiD - KeStReL/ApEx - CoBrA - mUsE/ElTeCh - nOoDdLe/fAcEt's pUsSy/dEsIrE - mIkO 63/iRiS - Mr. KeEl/ NoVa - mR. sChUbElGrUbEr/aCcEsS - sAgE - rAsTa - T1000 - sPeEr/sUpErNoVa - SlAsH - tGm - TeRmInAtOr/dUsK - WiZaRd/dEfIaNcE - bYtE ReVeNgEr/mEgAfOrCe - KeViN UrEn dR G./RaM JaM - ThE RiPpEr/rOm tEaM - IcEmAn/sEcToR 5 .................pLuS ThE OnEs i fOrGot................ S404 What Do you want to do with the Index? PROGDIR: ram:list ram:list ram:list LZX PROGDIR: Sorry: Can't find the resources file Sorry: Can't find the resources file Ram:LZX_File.lzx Sorry: Can't create the temperary file Welcome to the Hard Drive Installer Routine =========================================== You have to boot from Workbench to get this routine to install the necassary files.. Welcome to the Hard Drive Installer Routine =========================================== I will prompt you to now choose a directory to install this Utility Pack to. I am sorry to inform you, that an error has occured when trying to install to the harddrive!!! The Utility Pack has been successfully Installed to your Harddrive. Reboot to use the Harddrive version. c/unlzx sys:c/unlzx fonts/Amigaguide/13 sys:fonts/Amigaguide/13 fonts/amigaguide.font sys:fonts/amigaguide.font fonts/p0t-noodle/8 sys:fonts/p0t-noodle/8 fonts/p0t-noodle.font sys:fonts/p0t-noodle.font pack .info