#$$ choo choo! #$$ and welcome to a new low budget intro from devils... this intro is a fluffysoft creation ...more text comming up... credits... code and music by redferne gfx and design by optic devils there is a soup in my fly #$$$ we are in need of graphicians for the moment. write to shade or kreator if you think you are good enough. ... contact us at... shade anders haakens 2074 eidsvoll verk norway this address is for swapping and joining! or write to... kreator chiffre 521750 7850 loerrach germany also for swapping and joining. you can also write to this address... ace bj0rn kaarstein neptunvegen 4 3942 skjelsvik norway elite mailtrade!! for gfx trading... optic hans ingar johansen 2260 kirkenaer norway #$$$$ beam me up scotty! news news news news as you might have noticed wigflipper has now changed his handle to optic ... text restarts